Six - Besties Only Day, Really?

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//Becky's POV//

"Becky!" I hear my sister calling for me downstairs. What does she want? Isn't it obvious that I'm asleep? Well trying to sleep because her annoying screech which some might say is her voice just won't let me fall back into my peaceful slumber. I ignore her by shouting at her to shut up and to leave me alone, then throwing the pillow over my head and trying to get back to la-la land.

Its quiet for a few seconds and I start relaxing and am just about to fall asleep when I am jolted awake by the sound of my sister's voice.

"Becky! Someone's at the door for you!" My sister shouts once again. Uggh, just leave me alone! Bloody hell! I scream into my pillow for a good five seconds before replying.

"I don't care, tell them to go away!" I shout back. I really don't care who's at the door. It's probably just Hunter trying to apologise to me for the hundredth time for being a douche two weeks ago. I lay on my bed shutting my eyes as hard as I can, forcing myself to fall asleep when I hear footsteps in my room. Can my sister be any more annoying? Gosh she doesn't have to come into my room.

"I told you to tell them t-" I quickly shut my mouth seeing as it's not my sister but Austin. Why is he here?

"Uh hey Becky." Austin greets me sheepishly.

"Hey." I reply, unsure of what to say. I haven't seem him for almost a month now because he's always been too busy hanging out with Camila. Ugh, she's ruined everything. Ever since she came into our lives, Austin hasn't hung out with me at all. He barely sends me texts or calls me anymore and I don't like it one bit. I don't like Camila one bit for that matter.

It's awkward for a few seconds before I speak up again seeing as Austin isn't going to make the first move. As per usual.

"So what are you doing here again? Shouldn't you be with your new girlfriend Camila?" My question is tinged with venom as it comes out of my mouth. I was not expecting that so I cough to try and play it off.

"Well... uhh. I was wondering um if you're not busy... Do you want to go out with me?" My breathe hitches in my throat and my eyes widen. Oh my gosh. Did Austin just say what I think he did? Did he really just ask me out? He knows I like him? And he likes me back? My happiness levels are going through the ro- Austin interrupts my thoughts.

"Not like a date but like out to the mall or the movies or something. Oh gosh that came out so wrong. It went better in my head."Austin laughs awkwardly while rubbing the back of his neck. Wow it's as if he read my thoughts.

As soon as my hopes and happiness appeared, they are crushed just as instantly. Oh, he doesn't want to go out with me and he probably doesn't even like me... In that way. The way I like him. What was I even thinking? He has a girlfriend and they've been together for a month. Of course he wouldn't be asking me out. Uggh! I'm so stupid!

"Becky?" Austin inquires, peering at me weirdly.

"Yeah Austin?" I look up and wait for his answer.

"So um do you want to come?" He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, a habit I know he does when he's nervous or anxious. I find it absolutely adorable.

"What about Camila?" Just the thought of her name boils my blood and the way her name comes out of my mouth leaves a gross aftertaste.

"Well I've been hanging out with her all the time and I haven't seen you in a while and I miss you. Besides I want Fridays to be our day. Like a Besties Only Day." He beams a large grin at me and I try not to smile back. His childishness is one of the things I love about him. Even though he's growing older, he'll always stay young at heart.

"Besties Only Day? Really?" I ask sarcastically but let a small smile form. I can never stay mad at Austin for long. It's both a blessing and a curse.

"I know, I know. It sounds really girly but I don't care. Fridays are our days Becky. Just you and me. So you in?" I ponder for a few seconds even though I know I can't resist him anyway before quickly replying with a big, fat "Yes."

"Cool! Okay um we'll figure out where we wanna go after you get ready." Austin says.

"Okay Austin. I'll be ready in a few." I get up and walk to the closet waiting to hear Austin's footsteps leaving my room but nothing comes. Did he already leave? I turn around to see Austin still perched on the edge of my bed staring around my room aimlessley. "Ahem..." I grab Austin's attention. His eyes flicker toward me and I give him 'The Look', silently telling him to get out so I can get changed.

"Oh right! Sorry, I was just lost in my thoughts." He laughs awkwardly and walks out quickly. I giggle as he shuts the door behind him. Well that was a nice way to start my Friday morning. I'm really excited for what Austin has in store for us today. With that, I grab my outfit and get ready.

+ + +

Author's Note

So much for work on the short chapters xD sorry lovelies

But yah besties day :) It's gonna be cute, I can feel itttt xD

Well I should know, I'm the one writing lol


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