Shattered Violets~24

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There I stood at the beginning of the aisle, looking at what should be my dream wedding, marrying the person I love and want to spend the rest of my life with; instead I stand her ready to be fed to the devil himself. I took in the room before me as I stood in awe over the splendor. The room dripped from roof to floor in white and lavender.  At the end of the aisle stood Damon; smiling from ear to ear. He waited for me under an archway of taffeta and glittering crystals of purple and white that dance in the candle light surrounded the alter. The room was full of people; some I recognized many I did not.  All sat upon chairs coordinating with the wedding theme of white and purple. Holding my breath, I searched for Angel. Seeing her standing there, solemn for we both knew we were attending my funeral, not a celebration.

My father took my hands and placed a large bouquet of Gardenias sprinkled with lavender crystals within them. Holding onto the flowers I couldn’t help but bring the bouquet to my nose to let the floral smell engulf me. Feeling his hand rest on my arm, I turned to look into my father’s eyes. I couldn’t help it, but tears began to stream down my face. How could my father, the man that was to protect me, sell me off as if I meant nothing.

“Vivian my dear, you do look stunning. A picture of perfection,” He whispered in my ear.  “Girl you should be happy that Damon is so willing to marry you and return you back to where you belong, instead of being among that trash.”

I didn’t say a word. I knew it would take everything I had to take those steps down the plush white carpet.

The music died into an eerie quiet before the wedding march filled the room. Hearing “dum dum da dum” echo off the walls made my knees go weak and a wave of nausea sweep over me. Everyone rose, as I started my decent down the aisle. Keeping my head held high, as I took in my surroundings. At every door stood two goons in tuxedos, guarding the exits; the only way in or out for me was with Damon. If there was any way for Tone to sneak in, I prayed he was near.   

With every step I took, the more defeated I felt. At last we stood in front of Damon and the altar.  He stepped down and shook my father’s hand, and patted him on the back. The smile on both their faces was sickening.

Damon gestured for me to hand the bouquet of Gardenias off to Angel. Glimpsing at her beautiful face, I saw the tears behind those sapphire eyes. I knew we felt the same: scared, trapped, defeated, and lost. We were being torn apart by me not being truthful. If I had told her about my past sooner, maybe we wouldn’t be here right now; being ripped out of each other’s arms.

Damon took my hand into his and led me to rest of the way to the altar. Standing before the minister, I no longer could hold back the tears. I knew to most, it looked as if I was crying tears of happiness and joy. In truth, I was crying tears of defeat.

I was startled when the minster began to speak; I swallowed hard, as I listened to his words.

“We are gathered here today in the presence of God and his company, to join together Damon Hannon and Vivian Hastings in holy matrimony; which is an honorable and solemn estate and should not be entered into lightly. These two souls come now before you and God to be joined as one. If anyone can show just cause why these two many not be lawfully jointed together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”

The room was silent and I prayed someone, anyone would speak up and end this shame. Unfortunately, the silence was deafening. Nobody would dare stand against my father and Damon.  Finally the moment of deafening silence ended, and the minster began to speak once more.  

“Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”

“I do.” My father answered without hesitation.

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