Shattered Violets~22

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The second the door shut behind Damon; we were in each other’s arms.  Feeling Angel’s warmth wrap around me as her soft lips collided with mine, took my breath away. It wasn’t until she pulled away, that reality once again flooded back to me. How in the hell are we going to get the fuck out of here.  

As Angel withdrew from my arms and turned away, her voice became shaky and low. “What the fuck; are you going to really marry that prick?” She asked.

I could hear the hurt in her voice as her body shook. I knew at that moment that Angel did love me, as she held back the tears fighting to escape her big blue eyes.

“Damn it Angel, not if I can help it! You tell me; how do I get out of this? How do I get away from armed guards and the fact that he now has you as a prisoner as well? My father has sold me to him Angel. Can’t you see that both Damon and my father are off their fucking rockers? Can’t you see the simple fact that if I don’t marry him, he’s going to kill you? So you tell me, Angel, tell me how I can’t go through with it? Please! The cards are stacked against me. He’s made it so I have no choice in the matter.” I could hear the underlining hysteria in my voice.

“Violet, do you love me?”

“Angel, are you fucking daft? You have to be kidding me right? For Christ sakes, yes. Yes I fucking love you! But right now we need to figure out how to get out of here.”

I couldn’t believe her; did I love her? I didn’t mean to be a bitch, but right now love has nothing to do with us making it out of here in one piece. I couldn’t believe the she didn’t see the danger standing right in front of her. Didn’t I just explain yesterday that my father was a fucking monster and that Damon was crazy?  Did I love her? Of course I love her.

I watched as a smile spread across Angel’s face. Stepping towards me, she had the old glint in those lovely eyes. “Tone is out there. He followed us.”

“What? What do you mean Tone is out there?”

“Okay, it’s like this.”  Angel led me to the edge of the bed and we sat down, her hands in mine. “You see, we saw you leave with Damon and his creeps. Tone sensed that Damon was up to no good from the start. So after you had him run those errands for you, he began hatching a plan. We really didn’t know how we were going to find you, until one of Damon’s goons came over to me and told me to come with him if I wanted to see you alive. Right before he came over, Tone had a feeling that something was going to down. So I gave Tone the keys to your car, and he slipped out and followed us here. I know he’s here, waiting for the moment to save us.” I could feel the hope and optimism in her voice.  

“What can Tone do?  I mean come on, I adore Tone but how can he save us?”

Angel shook her head at me, as I read the disappointment in her eyes. “Violet, you really didn’t get to know Tone did you? I mean really get to know him and about his past at all? You were so wrapped up in hiding your past; you didn’t get to know anyone else’s did you?” She questioned me.

I had to admit I didn’t. I really didn’t know anything unless someone told me. I was afraid to ask too many questions in fear they would pry into mine.  I just looked at Angel, shaking my head no.

“Well my little Violet, Tone is the best chance we have. Before you started working at the club we had long talks about our past lives. We talked about why we both decided to hide in the shadows of perversion, just like you. If you would have taken the time to really get to know Tone, you would have known he was in the military. He told me something about being in some special ops or something like that. He was trained as a sniper; specialized in guns and stuff.” Angel stopped, looking at the door.  “So, hopefully he’s using his training to help us get out of here.” I listened to her sigh.

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