Shattered Violets~11

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I sat there looking at Damon lounging across from me, loathing every single thing about him at that moment. God how I hated him for making me feel trapped, knowing the only way to get away from him would hurt everyone I cared about.

“Well get on with your questions.” Damon stated, breaking the silence. “I don’t know when or if I’ll ever be as accommodating as I am at this moment.”

Clearing my throat, I opened my mouth, only to close it again. Repeating the process a few times, Damon just sat there smirking at me. Clearly, he found my struggle amusing.

Finally I found my voice. “Why me?” I blurted.

“Why not?”

“Don’t pull this crap with me Damon,” I spat back at him; my anger coming through to the surface.

“Listen Violet, this is how it will go. I’ll let you ask three questions, and only three questions? I’ll answer them honestly, so be careful what you ask.” Pissed he took control away from me once again, I decided to use it to my advantage.

“OK Damon I’m game, but I want something from you.”

“Hmmm, I’m already answering your questions baby girl. It looks like I’m already giving you what you asked for.”

God, I hated it when he called me baby girl. Plastering a sweet smile on my face, I leaned forward not losing eye contact with him. Thrusting my chest out, in hopes of distracting him just a little; I began to lay out my plan.

“Well darlin' this is how I see it. Your overall plan seems to be that I fall at your feet. Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter if you lock me in a room and force feed fruit and Champagne. I refuse to fall until I know what I am getting myself into.” I paused for a moment. Only to see if would take the bait.

“Go on, I’d like to see where you’re going with this.” Damon gestured for me to continue.

Taking his cue, I did so. “What I want from you for the remaining nights that you’re forcing me to be with you, is that you answer three questions of my choice each night. If not, I will sit in this chair and refuse to interact with you at all, causing you to waste your precious money and time.”

Hearing him laugh caught me off guard. It wasn’t at all what I expected. I don’t know what I expected, but that wasn’t it.

Sitting on the edge of my seat, I waited for his answer. He was silent way too long for my liking. Finally, I heard him clear his throat.

“Violet, do you think I actually care about the money. You of all people should know that money to people of our stature means nothing.”

“Money to people of our stature? Damon you realize I’m a stripper. I don’t do this for fun, it’s all about the money.”

Damon looked at me as his eyes widened, and he jumped back into the conversation. “So you asked me, why you? Do you really want to know why?”

“No shit I want to know.” I blurted out.

“Violet.” His tone sharp

“Damon.” I retorted.

Laughing, he started, “you don’t remember me do you? No of course not. I was small and wimpy back then.” He leaned back, deep in thought before he spoke again. “I watched you all those years as I worked for your father. Saw you grow from a sweet little girl into the most gorgeous woman I had ever seen. I've wanted you from the first day I saw you walk into your father's office Vivian.”

I felt myself go pale. I couldn’t get in a full breath. Nobody knew who I was or where I came from, and nobody knew my birth name. I left years ago, moving thousands of miles away, changing everything about me in the hope I'd never run into anyone from my past. I sat there trying to place Damon, but nothing rang a bell. The only person I remember working from my father was that might fit that description was Kurt Stone. Kurt was the kindest man that had ever worked for my father. Always so eager to help and please everyone around him, nothing at all like this arrogant ass in front of me.

“Kurt Stone?” I questioned him. Watching Damon’s eyes brighten as he nodded his head in response. My whole body reacted in panic.

“How did you find me? Did he send you to bring me back home?”

“Vivian, calm yourself.” Damon stood up, walking towards me. “Just like you I changed my name and reinvented myself. As you can see I hit the gym, turning myself into this physical God standing before you, along with taking all the knowledge and know-how your father gave me; turning it into a fortune.”

I sat there just looking at him, really looking at him. Trying to find a trace of the Kurt I used to know.

Standing up, I began to back away from Damon, or Kurt… I had no clue. I felt myself unable to process the information. I needed to get out of there. Quickly.

“Damon, I can’t be here. I need to go.”

“Our time isn’t up?”

“Damon please.” I began speaking a hundred miles a minute, unable to keep up with my own thought process. “You can’t drop a bombshell like that on me and expect me to just sit here and do nothing… You… you just took all my sense of security way from me… Fuck I can’t breathe… Damon, Kurt, whoever the fuck you are, you need to let me get out of here. Now!”

I stopped standing my ground in front of Damon. I allowed him to walk towards me without moving away. Gently placing his hands on my shoulders he brought his face close to mine. Looking me in the eyes, as if he was trying to read my thoughts.

“If I let you go right now; you better consider one thing as you walk out those doors. If you run my sweet Vivian, I will destroy anything and everything you hold dear.” A cold smile breaking across his face made me swallow back the bile filling my throat.

Maybe due to my lack of response or maybe to just get his point across, Damon snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to his him as he roughly kissed me. I had no strength to fight. Going limp in his arms, I began to cry.

Letting go, I quickly regained my balance. I turned to walk out the VIP doors.

“Remember what I said, I will keep my promise.”

I couldn’t believe this. My world was shattering down around me. Everything I had come to love was going to be taken away.

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