Shattered Violets~45

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“Good evening Mrs. Hannon.” Rogers said, as we reached the car door.

“Good evening Rogers.” I retorted, not too excited to see the bastard.  

Sliding into the rear seat, I sat back and decided to enjoy tonight, because shit was going to hit the fan in the morning. It was a weird feeling, finally knowing something neither my father nor Damon knew.  I began to smile as I listen to the car drive over the crushed quarts of the driveway. Deep down, I prayed that soon I’d never have to hear that sound again.

“Vivian darling, I love seeing this side of you. Are you truly that excited to go get out of the house tonight or are you planning something.” Damon inquired.

“Yes, I’m ecstatic about getting out tonight and no I’ve got nothing planned but to enjoy myself.  It’s just nice to get out and breathe some fresh air.” I told him.

“I’m sure it would be.” He agreed. “I have to admit, I’m surprised how well you’ve settled into your new role in life. I figured you’d be fighting me tooth and nail, but instead you’ve surprised me at every turn.”

“Oh… really. I guess I figured it was a waste of time to fight. Still, I feel we both know our boundaries.” I retorted, hoping he realized what boundaries I was referring too.

“Yes, I do understand what you mean. All relationships have boundaries; it will take just a little time for us to figure out ours my darling. Still, I feel that good behavior needs to be rewarded. Just remember your rules and we’ll have a splendid evening.” Damon beamed with cockiness, as if he was doing me a huge favor.  Taking his phone from his breast pocket, he sat back, answering messages as we made our way into the city.

“I agree. Let’s have a nice evening.” I replied simply, knowing that it would not be worth getting into a discussion with him. Especially, since he took out his phone, which always signaled the end of our conversations.

So instead, I watched the evening sky turn from fiery pink to nighttime purple as the stars began to pop out, one by one. While gazing out the window, I noticed a black beat-up old farm truck sitting off the side of the road. We could be more than a mile or two away from the farthest walls of the compound. As we drove past, I could see the two occupants sitting in the front seat of the truck. Even in the evening dusk, I could tell the passenger was Angel, her blonde hair ablaze in the twilight. Dammit. They had better keep their distance. I can’t afford any screw-ups. I’ll be locked away for life otherwise.

“Vivian is something wrong. You just got all tense and what’s with the sour look on your face?” Damon reached out to stroke my cheek.

Swallowing hard, I thought of a quick lie. “What? Oh… it’s nothing really.”

“It must be something to change your demeanor so fast.”

Talking a deep breath, “I was just remembering how my mother loved dusk. She always told me that right before the sun set into night, was when the desert turned magical and came alive.” I said. Not fully a lie, for she did tell me this as a child.

“Oh baby girl. I know you miss her. I wish I had the power to bring her back to you.” He told me, as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into him.

Counting my blessings, I was grateful he believed me, so I decided not to struggle against his touch.  Resting against him, I tried to ignore the truck that was now following behind us; hoping to keep Damon and his goons off Tone and Angel’s scent. “Thank you, I do miss her and being there in her house is hard, especially knowing what that bastard did to her.”

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