Shattered Violets~27

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Angel and I sat in silence in the back of the police cruiser; fingers intertwined. We listened to the idle chit chat of Officers Stewart and Cooper, along with the static over the radio. Once we pulled into our parking spot, both officers walked us to our door.

Standing there, Angel and I realized that neither of us had our keys or belongings, since everything was left at the club just the night before. Had it only been just 24 hours since this all began?

Turning to Officer Cooper, Angel spoke first. “It seems like we don’t have our keys officer.” She sounded so sweet and innocent. I couldn’t help but smile.

“Is your purse at the club like mine?” I asked Angel.

“Yes. It is. Everything is in my locker; I don’t even have my locker key. Dammit, I’m sure you don’t as well.”

“No, Damon took my bag and I have no clue where it is.” I replied.

Angel turned to both officers, turning on her charm. “Can you nice officers take us to Club Cherry Picker, so we can gather are things. It’s not too far from here.” Angel asked sweetly.

Stewart was the first to answer; surprise in his voice. “I thought you both looked familiar,” With a stupid grin on his face.

“Clint, mind your manners.” Officer Cooper reprimanded his partner. “Yes ma’am, we can take you to the club.”

“We happen to know exactly where it is.” Officer Steward interjected.

“Thank you,” I replied looking at his eyes light up.

Officer Cooper smiled, while tipping his hat. “No worries ma’am.”

There was something sweet about Officer Cooper, but when I looked into Officer Stewart’s eyes, I could tell that he was one of my fans. He had the glazed over look.

Sitting in the back of the patrol car once again, we sped off towards the club.

“So do you guys have a lock cutter in the trunk?” Angel asked.

“Sure do ma’am.” Officer Cooper answered.

“Great, because that is the only way we’re going to get our stuff out of our lockers.” Angel retorted.

“Angel, we might as well just grab all our stuff?” I said.

“Why?” She questioned me.

“Hum, well I didn’t get to tell you this, but long story short, I kinda told Victor off.”

“Violet, you know I owe him all that money?” She whispered.

“Angel, I’ve paid off the debt. You’re free to go.” I smiled at her.


“Yes really. We’re done there.”

Officer Stewart broke into our conversation. “You can’t be leaving the club ladies. To tell you the truth, you’re the only reason why I go in there.”

“Oh, well I’m sorry officer but our time there is up.” I replied.

“Sorry to hear that ma’am. You two girls made the water downed drinks worth wild.” He laughed.

We sat in silence a few minutes then I had an idea.

“Would you two officers like to help us out one final time before you drop us off back at home?” I asked.

“Sure we would, wouldn’t we Henry?” Officer Stewart grinned from ear to ear.

Officer Cooper replied. “That’s right ma’am. We would be happy to help.”

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