Shattered Violets~29

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Chapter 29

After finishing our shower, Angel and I headed to our small little room. Our bed looked so enticing; I jumped into the middle of it. Feeling the springs give under my weight, I wrapped my body around one of our pillows as I watched Angel lather herself with lotion.  I turned to checking that clock; realizing that Tone will be off work soon.

“Hey, hon… where is your phone?”

“On the dresser? Why?”  She asked.

“Just need to text someone?” I replied.  “I have no clue where my phone ended up?”

Angel turned to me, with a stone cold look on her face. “Well if Damon got a hold of it, I’m sure it’s long gone by now?”

“I’ll just need to go pick one up tomorrow. To tell the truth, I think we all need new phones, and to change our numbers.”

“Are you afraid your father has your information?”

“I know he does. I’m sure he has yours and Tones as well.” I sighed. I hated the thought that I’m sitting here right now and he knows where I am.

Meanwhile I texted Tone:  

          FYI there’s two cops sitting out front. They know you’re coming over. Use your key. <3 Vi

I felt the phone vibrate in my hand. It didn’t take Tone long to message back.

          Okay. I’ll see you soon. :)

I loved how Tone always used full words in his texts. He knew how much I hated texting shorthand. I guess it was my uptight upbringing. Just thinking about him coming soon made me feel at peace and caused me to smile. Checking the phone once more, I chucked it onto dresser and turned to my attention to Angel.

“We have a lot to talk about, but it’s something that I don’t want to do right now.” I said, as I walked over and touched Angel’s cheek.  Pushing her onto the bed, I straddled her; trapping her under me. It didn’t take me long to turn her attention away from what she had been doing, as I start kissing her and running my hands over her body.

 "Aren’t you tired?” She teased.

 Licking the curvature of the base of her neck and shoulder, I replied. “I’m too pent up to be tired. I mean I was kidnapped, force to marry a complete f ucktard, and all I want you and Tone.”

Angel sighed deeply. “Is Tone on his way?”

“Yes, he’ll be here soon.” I purred as I moved down to the valley between her pert b reasts, kissing and licking my way.

Angel continued to talk to me… but I was unaware of her words. I loved the taste of her skin on my tongue and the feel of her heat on my lips. I continued to work my way over her body. Kissing, licking, and nibbling my way down to her waiting treasure.   

“Dammit Violet, did you hear a f ucking word I said.” Angel seethed.

Started, I looked up at her. “NO! I did not hear you. I was actually enjoying myself.” I replied. I listened to Angel huff and puff, blowing her cheeks out. “Well?” I asked her.  

“Why does Tone have to come here tonight? Maybe I wanted to be alone with you?” Angel was actually whining. I couldn’t believe it.

I sat up straight and looked at her. “You have to be kidding me, right? This is some kind of joke?” I asked her. Angel looked at me; her big blue eyes began to sparkle.   “You are f ucking with me aren’t you?”

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