Shattered Violets~25

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It all happened in a blur. I had been in Damon’s arms one moment and the next I was dropped on the floor, on my ass. I looked down at what was once my white gown now covered in warm red blood. Damon was on his knees before me. His white dress shirt stained in the same blood that covered my dress. The realization finally hit me. We’d been shot at and hit. I didn’t feel any pain. Was I numb?  I was unsure if the blood was mine or his.

I sat there in shock. Was I not just dreaming of his death just moments ago? Now here death was, if I was ready for him or not. Death was about to free me from my prison one way of another. I couldn’t help asking, should I scream out for help of laugh? I knew I was losing my mind?

Reaching over, I placed my hands on Damon’s chest. Feeling the warmth covering my hands, I looked into Damon’s eyes, and the realization of what happened hit me. His face was frozen in anguish. I watched in horror as he placed his hands over mine against his chest and then slowly brought my fingers to his lips. Smelling the blood the soaked our hands. As we both took in what had just happened; the outcome was clear. Damon had been shot in the chest, where moments ago he had held me in his arms. I had been resting inches above the entry wound. This wasn’t just a lucky shot. The shooter was a skilled marksman.  

Tearing my eyes away from Damon’s, I searched the surrounding area. I couldn’t tell where the shot came from.  There were no hiding spots and I saw nobody running away from the scene. Turing back to Damon I tried to speak, but I had nothing to say to him. Yes, I knew moments ago I wished him dead, and the truth was I didn’t feel sorry for having those thoughts.

“Vivian.” I heard hear him gasp.  I reached out to him only by instinct.

“Shh… save your strength.” I whispered.

“Vivian, I could have made you happy. I have loved you from the first moment I laid eyes on you,” he choked.

“Damon, you’ve wasted your life on a dream. I don’t love you and after what you have done to me and to Angel, I never could.” I hated being so blunt and truthful, especially since he was dying in front of me, but everything he had done to me was unforgivable.

“That is where you are wrong. I could have made you love me.” Damon chocked and coughed on his own blood as it trickled out of his mouth, as he slumped to the floor.

Kneeling beside him, I checked for a pulse. Damon lay on the floor before me dead. In the matter of moments I have been a bride, a wife, and a widow. I felt bad because I was happy; happy that I was free. Tears of joy began to run down my face. The realization that I was almost free from this nightmare overwhelmed me. I could feel a hysterical laugh forming inside my chest. Trying to keep it at bay, the realization that we weren’t alone hit me.

The shouts and cries from the wedding guest began to hit me. Quickly they were filing out of the ceremony hall, surrounding us. Murmurs of shock and disbelief filled the air around me. Men with guns began flying by, checking the area as they ran in all directions looking for the lone shooter.  I could hear my father bellowing orders to the numerous armed goons, not caring if I was the one shot or not.

Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I turned my gaze away from Damon. There stood Angel, looking down at me confused.

“Violet?” She questioned.

Standing up, I wrapped my arms around her, pressing my face into her neck. For anyone looking, they’d see me a grieving bride, in the arms of a consoling friend. I don’t know how it dawned on me, but if I wanted to walk away from this, I needed to play the role of a grieving widow.

“Angel, he’s dead.” I whispered. “We’re free!”

“Are you sure he’s dead?” She questioned.

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