Shattered Violets~32

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I sat there feeling the rumble of the plane vibrate under me. Here I am next to my dead husband, something I couldn’t quiet wrap my head around.  Didn’t I see the blood? Was my body not covered in the sticky redness? I could still smell the sickening metallic odor on my skin. As I tried to grasp what just happened, more and more questions began to form. Mainly, how did he know about Tone?

I watched Damon from the corner of my eye. He sat there sipping on his gin and tonic, calm and cool with that smug look oozing from his every pore.

“I bet you have a few questions for me, my love?” He said, as he brought my hand into his. “I bet you’re wondering how I pulled of that little magic show yesterday.”

I refused to turn to face him. “Whoa, you’re a perceptive one. No shit I want to know how.”

“Vivian.” He said as he squeezed my hand tightly in his; sending crushing pain throughout my hand and fingers. “You must learn to hold your tongue darling. I will not tolerate the sort of language coming from my wife. You know you’re standing within our society and you must act accordingly.”

“Damon, you must realize I don’t want to be part of that society. Why do you think I left?” I asked him. I knew it was a feeble question, almost rhetorical.

“My darling Vivian, you left because you were immature. You were a mere child and left without really realizing the consequences.” Damon stated in a scolding manner.

I refused to answer his statement. All I could think about was how someone could be such a tool to believe such shit.

“Well anyway, that is beside the point. Now you are headed back home, returning to where you belong; beside your loving husband and away from that trash you have been hanging with.” Damon paused and started to dig in his pocket. “Oh, and one of my men found this on one of the reception tables. Here, let me place it back on your delicate hand.” He slid the huge diamond ring on my left ring finger. “Beautiful; now you’ll never need to remove that ring again. For you’ll be by my side forever.”

I took my hand from his and looked at the damn thing. I had to admit the man had an awesome sense of style, but I’d be damned if I planned on wearing that for the rest of my life. “So how did you do it? How did pull off your own death?”

“Oh baby girl, that is quite easy really. I never go into a huge public gathering like that without protection.  By now you know I huge contract with the military. Not only do we supply weapons and machinery, we also make protective equipment. One of our best pieces is the soft body armor or bullet-resistant vest. You see, it’s made out of lightweight materials, but strong as hell. The point of the vest is for the wearer to feel as if they aren’t wearing bulky protective gear, so they can continue on their daily activities.” He explained.

“But the blood?” I questioned.

“Oh yes, the blood. Well that is something of my design you see. I have little pockets of pig’s blood sewn into my vest. When one pops, they all drain out of the entrance wound.”

“You mean I was covered in pig’s blood! Bloody hell!” I shrieked as I watched some of the passengers turn around to see what was going on.

“Now, now dear. Calm yourself.” Damon smiled.

“Why, would you do such a thing?” I asked curiosity getting the better of me.

“Oh baby, it’s simple. Let me explain it so you can comprehend. You see to get where I am I had to become ruthless in business just as your father showed me. By stepping on toes and beating people to the punch, I became the man I am today. So unfortunately, I have made many enemies. I knew eventually someone would take a shot and when they did, I’d make them believe they had succeeded; for the time being of course.”

“But, you stopped breathing.”

“Actually that is true to a point. The force of the bullet over my heart did cause me to pass out. It left a nice bruise and welt as well.” I watched as Damon moved his tie and unbuttoned his white dress shirt. Pulling down his undershirt, I was shocked to see the size of the purple bruise where the force of the bullet hit. To be honest, if he wasn’t such an ass, I might have felt sorry for him.

We sat in silence as he re-buttoned his shirt. So much was running through my head.

“How did you find me? I know you don’t fly commercial. A man like you would take private planes, just like my bastard of a father.”

I listened to Damon chuckle. “Oh, honey you have a lot to learn. First off, I have been following you for weeks. I’ve bugged both your apartment and your car. I’ve recorded everything between you and that trash you’ve hung out with. To be honest, you’re a lot more enthusiastic in bed than it thought you would be. Furthermore, I must say I was not to please to about what went on between you three last night on our wedding night, but I’m sure you can make that up to me darling.”

I couldn’t help but become sick to my stomach. The bile began to rise in my throat as I reached for the airsickness bag. How in the hell could he have been listening to me. That’s how he knew it was Tone that pulled the trigger. I played it all out in my head as I continued to fill the little white bag.

I felt Damon’s hand rubbing my back. I needed to get away from him. “I need to use the restroom.” I told him as I stood up.

“Yes, my darling. You can use the one upfront, where I can keep an eye on you.” He said as he stood up to let me pass by him. His words had and foreshadowing effect; I had a feeling that from now on that is what he would be doing. Watching my every move.

Inside the little restroom, I felt a moment of freedom in such a cramped space. Disposing of the little bile filled bag, I looked at myself in the mirror. Here I am trapped on a plane with the man I despise. Not only is he alive, but I’m still legally married to the asshole and nobody knows where I was. I couldn’t believe it, I had this grand plan to off my father. I believed that both of these men would be dead, and I would finally have the freedom I craved. Now I am trapped within my own plan.

I finished washing my hands and splashing my face with water. Trying to control my emotions as a heard a knock on the bathroom door.

“Vivian, my love. Are you okay in there?” I heard Damon say through the door.

“Fuck, yes I’m fine. Just give me a bloody moment.” I called out to him. After I counted to fifty, I opened to door to see him hovering over me.

“You first my dear.” He gestured for me to head back to our seats.

After a few moments, I turned to Damon as he was scrolling through his phone.  “So, why didn’t he police notify me that you were in fact alive?”

“Oh, you mean Office Newman and those two other two deputies?”

“Yes.” I said bluntly.

“Oh, they work for me.” He said. His attention still turned to his phone.

“So this is all a game isn’t it?” I snapped.

Damon set down his phone and turned to face me. “No, this was never a game. Vivian I have wanted you since you were sixteen years old. I’ve done everything, become everything that I am to have you. I know you don’t believe me, but I will show you. Over time you will understand how deep my love runs for you.”

“You realize that I’ll never love you.” I spat.  

“No, I realize that you think you will never love me. However, in time my darling, you will see that we’re supposed to be together.”  With that, Damon picked back up his phone and returned to his messages. I sat there and watched him, knowing that I would indeed find a way to rid him from my life.

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