Shattered Violets~26

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I waited for Angel to return. It didn’t take long before my beloved father came storming into the room.

“What the hell do you want?” He screamed at me.

“Sit father, for we have a lot to discuss.” I said pointing to the chair I had pulled in front of me while waiting for him.

“We have nothing to discuss.” He spat.

“Oh, but that is where you are wrong. You see my dearest father; I am legally Mrs. Damon Hannon. Both Damon and I said our vows to each other in front of God and man, so I am his devoted widow. So in all terms of legality I now own everything thing that was his.” I paused for a moment so he could take in what I was saying. “So I would assume that Damon has not turned over all legal rights to your coveted stock. Am I correct in this assumption?

Hearing the air being pushed through his nostrils, I knew I was on the right path.  I recognized the wheels were turning, so I had to be a few moves ahead of him if I wanted to make it out of here and to freedom. He wasn’t stupid. My father knew I had him by the balls and I was just about ready to twist them off. I could read it in his eyes, that he was fully aware of this fact.  

“What do you want girl.” He finally asked.

“The thing is I want nothing. Not a damn thing from you. You know, I know you killed my mother, and because of your deal with the devil Damon is dead. It is a fact that everything you touch turns to shit. I refuse to allow you to do that same to me old man. You see I’m not blind. I know what you want. Everything you always wanted, the only things that ever mattered to you; power, money, prestige, and your precious social standing. You also know one word from me and they’re all gone.” I lifted my hand to allow the diamond ring on my finger to flicker in the light. “You see old man; I now hold everything you ever wanted in my little ring finger. So I will tell you how it is and when we are done you will walk away and never search for me again. You father have crossed the line. Selling your own daughter for profit is not only immoral, but utterly repulsive.”

“I only did what was best for you.” He interrupted.

“Best for me? You thought only of yourself.” I spat at him. “It was yours and Damon’s greed that caused his death.” I got up and started walking around my father slowly. “So this is how it is going to go down. I will pretend that I am the grieving widow. I will tell the truth, that I have no idea who has it out for Damon or who could do such a thing to my dear husband.  You will pretend that you care about my welfare and I will keep my mouth shut about you selling me into marriage, to a man that repulsed me.  I will also keep the fact that you and Damon kidnapped me and Angel. I will in all aspects continue to hide your secrets.  I’m sure you are well aware that kidnapping and human trafficking is illegal. ”

“If you tell them anything child, I will tell them you shot me. I have the proof here in my shoulder.” He interjected, as he started to baby his injured shoulder.  “You know it cost me a pretty penny to hush those porters to keep their mouth shut.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “You are something else father. The fact that you had to cover up the shooting shows that you’re guilty as sin. Any jury of your peers would see that. Either way, all I have to do is say I shot you in self-defense. It’s bad enough that I have these finger size bruises on my arms, where your goons held onto me a little too tightly. I’m sure I can point your men out in a line-up. Let alone with all the forensic shows I’ve watched lately I’m sure they have some amazing advancements now where they can measure their fingers prints to my bruising.” I snickered. “Let alone the other bruises on my back and legs I have from being thrown around. You know those bruises that show that I’ve been physically abused.”  I stated as I lifted my arm for him to see the finger bruises.

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