Shattered Violets~4

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Angel walked behind me all the way to the VIP doors, almost as if she was herding me there. I think she knew I was ready to bolt at any moment. I hated the room. When we reached the doors, Tank our bouncer and bodyguard was standing at the doors.  

“Hey Tank baby, do you think I can get in there tonight? You know how Violet doesn’t like going in alone.” Angel purred.

“No can do, Angel baby. Mr. Hannon bought out the whole room.  Nobody but Violet is let in. I’m to stand here at the door and make sure.”

I turned around looking at Angel panic struck. “Angel, there is no way in hell I’m going in there. I don’t care about the money. Screw that shit.” I cried as I turned to walk back to the dressing room. I didn’t get very far until Angel grabbed my arm and turned me back towards the looming black doors.

“Love, you’re going in. You’re going to do your job, dance for him. Take his money. Then come home with me. Is that clear?” She scolded me. Lifting my chin, she brought her mouth to mine. “Tank and I will be right out here. You know you all you have to do scream.”

Nodding, I pulled my shoulders back, sucked in my stomach, and opened the doors. During back I mouthed to Angel. “I hate you for this.”

She shook her head and smiled, mouthing back “I know.”

I walked in, not knowing which booth he was in, but I didn’t have to wait long before he I saw him, in the far back corner, leaning back, with both arms draped across the back of the seat. He looked like he owned the place, which I guess he did for tonight anyway.

I stood there staring at him, I could feel his gaze from across the room, and it screamed danger to me.

Finally he spoke. “Come here.” He commanded.

I started to walk towards him, when he stood up. “Take that robe off. I want to see your body.” I did as he instructed, hating him for sounding so cruel. “Now turn.” He motioned. I followed his orders, afraid to make him mad. I hated him for the way he scared me.

He walked towards me, and stopped directly front of me. He towered over my small stature, making me feel even smaller in size, even in my 6 inch heels. Reaching out he touched my face, I turned away.

“Now is it Shattered Violet, or may I just call you Violet?” he asked.

Gaining the courage to speak, I answered, “Violet if fine, and what should I call you?”

“My name is Damon Hannon. But you can call my Damon.”

“Ok Damon, do you want to just stand here, or am I going to dance for you?”

“Now, now sweetness, what is with the tone? I’m paying good money for you tonight. Why don’t we sit down and have a drink first.”

Damon grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to the rear booth. I went to sit next to him, and he tugged me onto his lap. I immediately tried to get up, and he jerked me back down. I was in shock at how large his body was. I could feel his muscles through his clothes, and I knew that he would be able to take anything he wanted and there would be no use to fight.

“You don’t need to be scared little one,” he purred into my ear, as he brushed my hair away from my face.

Gaining the courage, I asked. “Well, how long did you pay for me? I don’t want you wasting your money, just sitting here. By the way, you are aware of the no touching rule. I am only allowed to touch you.”

He laughed a deep menacing laugh.   “Sweetness, I paid for this room for the week. I’ll be here from eight to closing. The only person who will be looking at your sexy little body will be me. By the end of the week, I’ll have you eating out of my hands.”

“What the fuck!” I cried out. “You have to be kidding me. What if I don’t come to work the next five days?”

“First off Violet, don’t use that language or tone with me. Second if you don’t show up for work, I’ll crush your pathetic little girlfriend, Angel. You do not want to cross me.” I looked in the eyes and fear ran dawn my spin. He was dangerous and he meant business. I was his for the week, or else my life would come crashing down.

“Ok, I get it.” I spat at him

Grabbing my chin, he pulled my face to his. “Do you get it Violet? Do you completely understand? You are to be in this room by 8pm each night for the next five nights. If you are not, you and your pretty little friend will pay for it.”

I nodded yes.

“Good, now let’s get started.” Damon pushed me off his lap and I almost fell to the floor. He sat back again with his arms draped across the booth, and his legs spread wide, so I could fit in between them. “Now little Violet, dance for me.”

As if by cue the next song piped in through the overhead speakers. I began to move my body, dancing over him, rubbing up against him. I watched him follow my every move, as I lightly started touching myself. I ran my hands over my flat stomach, grazing my kitty and down to his thighs. I heard him growl as I touched him. Bringing my hand closer to his manhood, I could feel the heat rising off his body. It felt like it was pulling me towards him, so I quickly pulled away. I started to take my bra off, removing one strap from my shoulder, and he stopped him.


I stood there shocked. He didn’t want me to continue? Did I do something wrong? He grabbed my robe from beside him and threw it at me. I caught is shaking.   

“Put it on, and take a seat, I would rather watch you eat. Stay, I’ll return shortly.” With that, I was left in the VIP room alone, and unsure of what was going to happen to me.  

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