Shattered Violets~47

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Liz drove into the gates of the compound, and I noticed the  crushed quarts had a different  sound this time around. It almost as if it was saying welcome home.  

“Miss, I don’t see you on the list today. I’m afraid I can’t let you in.” The gatekeeper told Liz.

“Bullshit!” I hissed from the rear seat. You’ll open these gates at once.”

“Mrs. Hannon, is that you?” The guard called out. “Where is Mr. Hannon?”

“Yes it’s me and Mr. Hannon’s in the hospital at this moment. Now please open the damn gate and let the truck behind us in as well.” I told him.

“Yes, ma’am.” The guard called out and slowly the gate opened.

Making our way to the front doors, I noticed both Hilda and Nicole running out the doors the moment they saw a car pulling up. Liz barely got the car stopped, before Hilda was opening the door.  

“Vivian, your father.”

“What about my father?”  I prayed he was dead.

“He’s had a stroke or something?”

“What do you mean or something.”

Hilda told me that when she went to gather him, he was laying on his office floor, awake, but unable to move.

“I’ve called the ambulance and they should be here shortly.” She told me.

“Take me to him.” I told her.

Angel and Liz were right on my heels as we entered his office. There the old man lay on the floor, unmoving. Getting down on my knees, I bent down before him. “Can you hear me old man.” I asked. His eyes just got a little wider. “Good, I’m glad you can hear me, because I have something to tell you. Something important.” I couldn’t help but smile. “I have a copy of mother’s will old man. I know that everything belongs to me. You have nothing.”

With those words, he tried to speak. Unable to form any words, only grunts, he knew he was at my mercy.

“Oh, don’t worry daddy dearest, I won’t be as cruel as you. I’ll make sure you’re well taken care of; one way or another. I’m sure there are some lovely nursing homes out there, where they won’t beat you while you sleep.” I hissed. “Even though you deserve to rot in hell for everything you’ve done. You murdering bastard.”

Soon the paramedics were there to take him to the hospital.

“Miss, would you like to ride along with you father?” One of the paramedics asked.

“Hmmm… well…” Was all I got about before Hilda spoke up.

“No, Miss Vivian has had a rough night already, so I’ll be riding along with him.”

“Are you sure Hilda?” I asked her.

“Yes, I’m sure. Now you finish what you need too and get some rest.”

After securing a phone number, the ambulance left with Hilda at my father’s side. All I knew was Hilda needed a huge raise and a kick ass retirement to have put up with my father for all these years.

Once the ambulance was through the gates, I asked Nicole to finish gathering all the staff, for a meeting in the parlor.

As Nicole gathered the staff, I ran up to my bedroom, under the pretense I needed to get out of these clothes. With Angel on my heels, I heard her “Oh” and “ah” the whole way to my rooms.

Shattered Violets (girlxgirlxboy)Where stories live. Discover now