Shattered Violets~14

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I heard shouts echoing through the halls; startling me from a deep sleep. Listening closely I could hear my momma and papa voices raised as they argued with each other.  What was going on? I’ve never heard them raise their voices or yell, let alone say a cross word to one another in my 15 years.

Crawling out of bed, I slipped into my fluffy pink robe and slippers. Padding my footsteps, I quietly cracked open my bedroom door; letting in just a touch of light from the chandelier hanging over the foyer. Glancing to make sure the  coast was clear, I silently followed the sound of my parents voices; stopping just at the top of the stairs I crouched down in the shadows, watching what was about to unfold. I could see right into papa’s office from where I hunkered down between the spindles of the grand staircase.

“Thomas how could you? How could you betray me like this?” I heard my momma accuse papa.

“Now, now Cynthia. Calm yourself. I have no idea what you are accusing me of?”

“You know damn well what you did you BASTARD! You, you fucked that whore.”

“Cynthia darling I have no idea what you are talking about. Come here and let’s talk rationally about this situation that you believe I’ve been involved in.” I could see papa motioning for momma to come to him.

“The situation you got yourself into is the whore is pregnant with your child” She screamed.

“Darling, calm down. Please. You’ll waken Vivian with those hysterics.”

“Oh, now you’re concerned about Vivian. You weren’t thinking about her when you fucked that whore.” She screamed.

I could see papa move out from behind his desk, closing the space between them. Gradually momma began to back away with each step he moved towards her; refusing to let him get any closer. Within moments both of them were right below me, unaware I was spying on their argument.

 “Thomas, stay away from me.! Don’t you dare come any closer!”

“Cynthia, we can talk this through. You know you have my heart. She meant nothing, just a fling.”

“A six year fling? Do you think I am bloody stupid? Thomas, we’re over. That means the house, the money, the cars, the power is all gone. Once we’re divorced you’ll be left with nothing.”

I watched as papa’s demeanor changed. He began to shake as the anger built in him. It took everything not to move from my perch in fear of being caught. When he began to speak once again, he sounded like a completely different man. The loving man that was once my papa was gone. There stood a cold hearted, callous being. Listening to him made my blood run cold. Biting my lip to keep quiet, I hunched there watching and waiting.  

“Really, you think you’ll get rid of me that easily. I think not my dear. I’ve earned every red cent throughout this sham of a marriage. Of course I found comfort in the arms of another woman; actually many women throughout the years. Each one of them I buried my cock into, enjoying hearing them cry out my name as I made them cum; unlike you my darling wife. Society has taught you to be nothing but a cold dead fish of a woman, especially between the sheets. You’ve been unable to get me hard since our wedding night, so if you think for one minute that I will grant you a divorce, you’ve lost your mind.”

Looking down upon them, I had never seen my momma look so broken. Her eyes were swollen, her once beautifully done make-up running down her face. I wanted to run to her. Protect her from his cruel words.

“Thomas it’s over. You know that lovely little pre-nup my father had you sign. It clearly states, if you cheat, you leave with nothing.” 

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