Shattered Violets~48

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Angel and I were both startled wake, by someone bounding on my bedroom doors.

“Miss Vivian. You need to come quick. There are officers at the front gates.” Nicole said through the closed bedroom does.

“Well, let them in.” I called out to her, as both Angel and I jumped out of bed, pulling on the clothes we wore the day before. Rushing down the stairs, I greeted the officers.

“Mrs. Hannon?” An officer asked me.

“Yes.” I replied.

“May we come in?”

“Yes, but all means. Please come in.” I really didn’t have a choice. “Nicole, please go fetch some coffee and any pastries we may have.” I told her as I escorted the officers into the front parlor.

“Well, Mrs. Hannon, I regret to inform you that your husband took his own life last night.”

I sat there in shock. Damon killed himself. “How? I mean wasn’t he in the hospital under police guard?” I asked.

“From what we can peace together, after he’d come through his surgery to remove the bullet from his knee, he was read his rights and the charges being held against him. His lawyer was present the whole time, and explained the seriousness of the charges. Once his lawyer left the room, he was left alone for a short time, with one officer standing guard outside his door.  Nobody came or went but a single nurse. She was the one that found him, when she went to check his vitals and administer his pain medication. It seems that he hung himself using a ripped up pillowcase, and the overhead bars of the hospital bed.”

“You mean to tell me, my so called husband killed himself after all he’s put me through. Why wasn’t he handcuffed to the bed?” I asked.

“He wasn’t a flight risk with the damaged knee and he gave us no indication that he was suicidal.” The officer told me.

“Are you sure he’s dead. He’s risen once before.” I couldn’t believe he was dead. Part of me felt he’d walk through those doors at any moment.

“Mrs. Hannon, I know this comes as a shock, especially with all you’ve been through, but he’s dead. Unfortunately, we do need you to come and identify the body.”

“You have got to be kidding me.” Both Angel and Tone called out.

“Unfortunately, I am not. We’d be happy to drive you to the hospital morgue.” The kind officer offered.

“No. Not be sound rude, but after everything I’ve been through I don’t trust many people. We’ll follow you. Nicole, where are the keys to the cars in the garage?”

“One moment and I’ll be back with them. I think I know where you’re father kept them.” She told me as she ran out the parlor door. When she came back, she had a couple of keys in her hands. “I didn’t know which car you wanted to take.” She said shyly.

Taking the keys from her, I handed them to Tone. “Tone, do you mind driving?” I asked him.

“Not at all.” He replied.

The officer followed us out to the garage and Tone settled on the Cadillac Escalade. I crawled into the front seat next to Tone as Angel took the back seat. We rode in complete silence following the officers straight to the hospital.

I wouldn’t  let Tone or Angel leave my side the whole time at the hospital. The officer led the way to the morgue and talked to the coroner.  After a few minutes, we were escorted down a long hallway, to the morgue. Before me was a wall of human sized drawers. 

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