Shattered Violets~19

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Flanked between my father’s goons; I was engulfed under their towering size. Both men were the size of small SUVs, and literally picked me up off the ground as they escorted me up the back winding stairs to the service elevators. Struggling between their grasp, I tried to break free just enough to reach for the gun hidden under my skirts.

“Miss Hastings, make is easy on yourself; just come quietly and do as you’re told.” The goon to my right said.

“Why not make it easy on yourself.” I spat. “I’ll pay you a million dollars to let me go.” I baited both of them. 

They both seemed to ponder what I said, until the one on the left finally spoke up. His voice rather high for his size, “Miss, a million isn’t work the wrath of your father.”

“Fine, make it two million; each.”

“Miss, stop the crazy talk and do what you’re told.” The goon on the right yanked on my arm, pulling me into the elevator.

I couldn’t believe my luck, the high pitched goon, let go of me. Leaving me free for just the seconds needed; bending down I began to mutter. “Dammit, my dress is caught on my heel. Fuck!” Ripping my other arm out of the goon on the rights grasp, I bent down acting as if I was trying to fix my dress and to grab the gun. Coughing, I undid the safety. “There, much better.” I said as I stood back up. Immediately, bring the gun up as I moved towards the elevator doors.

Both goons reached for me.

“Touch me and I’ll blow your balls off.” I screamed.

Both men stopped dead in their tracks, each with their hands on their holsters under the jackets.

“You don’t want to push me. Remember, I’m the daughter of your boss. One hair miss placed you’ll be wearing concrete boots.” I hissed.

Reaching behind me, I pushed the elevator buttons… trying to get the doors open, without taking my eyes off the fuckers in front of me. Hearing the door chime and the distinct whistle the doors opening, I backed out, hitting as many buttons as I could before the doors closed in front of me.

Waving goodbye as the doors closed tight I took off in sprint down the corridor. My gun at my side; cocked and ready. I would be damned if I was going to marry that son of bitch.

Hearing voices, I stopped. Shielding myself behind a potted tropical plant; I waited. Watching a cute old couple make their way to their suite, I slipped out from my hiding spot and down the rear stairs. Quickly as I could, I made my way to the ground floor. As I stopped to get my bearings, I saw Damon and my father leaving the dining room where we had just had dinner.

“Crap.” I knew I couldn’t go forward. Turning around, I headed back the way I came, until the elevator chimed its descent.  Turning in circles, I knew I was trapped. Bracing myself against the wall, I listened as my father and Damon’s voices got closer. Hearing the doors swish open, I ran for it. Gun in hand, straight towards Damon and my father. I figured they were my best chance for escape. Either way, I had nothing to lose.

“Vivian!” My name rang out of both their mouths.

“Stay the fuck away from me.” I cried, raising my gun towards them.

“Vivian love, put the gun down before you get hurt.” Damon said, taking a step towards me.

“I said stay away from me.” I screamed.

I watched as my father reached for the holster under his jacket. “I’m warning you father, don’t!” My voice ring out cold and hard. He looked at me with dead eyes and continued for his gun. At that second I took aim and fired.

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