Shattered Violets~12

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Marching straight out the door, I refused to turn around and look back at him. All I could think about was how f u c k i n g screwed I was. Once again my life has been tangled up in the sins of the past, that weren’t even mine to begin with.

Not paying attention I stumbled straight into the backside of Tank; he was standing guard in front of the entry.

“Hey, Violet you okay?” Tank stated as he grabbed my shoulders, before I toppled over and fell back through the door. Looking down at me, concern filled and softened his features. I knew I must have looked a mess. I had just been put through hell in there. I knew my mascara was running down my face. Wiping the away the blackness from under my eyes, I tried to smile.

“Oh, Tank. Thank you. I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”

“You okay?” He asked again, leaving his hand firmly on my shoulder.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Anyway, I’m going home. Can you do me a huge favor? Would you let Angel know she needs to get a ride home from Tone?”

“Sure thing, Violet, but Victor wants to see ya… He t-told me t-to b-bring y-you t-to him, t-the m-moment you were d-done with Mr. Hannon.” He started to stutter, as he saw the anger fill my features.

Suddenly I was full of rage. Everything that had been building up in me over Damon came rushing out. “I didn’t give a flying fuck about what Victor wants. Frankly he can kiss my lily white ass for taking that f u c k-heads money and putting me in this situation. So, Victor can f u c k off.” I practically screamed at him.

Taking a deep breath to calm myself I looked at Tanks shocked face.  “I’m sorry it’s not your fault. Please just let Angel know I’ll meet her at home later. If Victor asks, tell him he’ll be lucky if I show up tomorrow.”

Before Tank could say anything else, I headed towards the dressing room. Ripping off the dress Damon purchased from me, tossing it into the trash along with the panties and shoes. I wanted nothing from him, especially his money. Slipping on my jeans and hoodie, I grabbed my bags and slipped out the back door.

Making sure Damon was nowhere in sight, I ran to my car, flinging everything on the passenger’s seat; quickly turning over the engine, I peeled away.  Glancing in the rearview mirror, I saw Angel running out the rear door, just as I turned out of the lot. I felt guilty for ditching her, but I had to leave now and leave alone. There as so much I needed to figure out and having her up my a s s wouldn’t help.

Driving aimlessly; I have no clue where to go. Hitting the steering wheel with the palms of my hands, I cried out. “What the f u c k am I going to do now. F u c k, s h i t, dammit it to hell!” I wanted to take Damon by the balls and twist him off. 

A thousand questions ran through my head. Was my home even safe anymore? It had to be, right? Still, there was a bigger problem I was facing. The truth was, if Damon could find me that meant my Father could find me just as easily. Right? Yes Right! Who the hell am I kidding? Was he even looking for me?  If I leave now would Angel and Tone be forced to pay for me abandoning them? Still if I stay, there is a chance I will once again be in the hands of my Father. I started to tremble with the thought. That could not happen; Father could not find me.

As I tried to figure out what to do, somehow I ended up in the hills overlooking the city. Parking my car in a turn around, I gazed upon all the city lights below; watching each light sparkle in the night sky. Looking down at all the lost little souls of everyone below I wondered how I could have thought I was safe. Here I thought I was securely tucked away among those my former class dubbed seedy and sleazy. Those same people they looked down their pointed noses at.  How did I honestly believe that I could hide in this thin veil of sin by become something I was not raised to be. The truth was, even though I was not raised to live the life I have been leading, these have been the happiest couple of years of my life. The first time I felt free.

The fact was I was brought up in a gilded cage; raised to be the picture of perfection. Only to be sold to the highest bidder. How was dancing any different? The man with the most money was the man that won my time. The only difference was I had control over who received it or not.

I just sat there looking over the city for hours. Lost in my own thoughts, I don’t know how long I actually sat there, but soon the midnight sky was changing to the pale pink and oranges of dawn.  I grabbed my phone out of my bag, and just like assumed I had 20 plus missed calls and messages for both Angel and Tone. 

I still wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone, so I quickly sent a text to Angel. I knew by looking at the text messages she left; I was in deep shit for leaving her and she was beside herself with worry.

Be home in 20… talk then

She replied within seconds.

                                    Damn right we r going to talk. Get your ass home. Love U

I messaged her back before I shoved my phone back into my bag.

                                    Love U 2

How was I going to explain Damon and my fear over my Father? Angel had no clue about my past. She thought I grew up like her; poor white trash. My past life was a secret that I had no plans of ever explaining to anyone. Now because of him, it could no longer stay in the past.  

Heading back towards the city, I headed home. Still trying to figure out how I was going to explain this to the one person I was supposed to be completely honest with; my Angel.

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