Shattered Violets~Epilogue

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It took weeks after Damon’s death to clean-up the mess that been left behind.  I found out shortly after his funeral, that I refused to attend that he was a full-fledged crook. He’d been messed up in some shady dealings with the mob and selling weapons of mass destruction to governments outside the United States.  Once the federal government came in, they confiscated all his belongs, indicted his employees, and thankfully let me go of any charges.

Since, the police records clearly stated that I had been held against my will, they figured I had nothing to do with his crimes against the nation. Let alone, I only entered into his live just a little over a month before his death; giving me a clear alibi. After talking with my lawyers, I decided to let the United States Government take all his assets and do as they wished with them. It wasn’t like I needed the money anyway.

I did have to admit, I loved watching the news and seeing those cocky ass goons being arrested and hauled off to jail. Those men knew exactly what Damon was doing and went along with his orders. In my book, they were just as guilty as he was.

The one good thing was Tone’s charges were completely dropped. The prosecutor felt that Tone actually took part in bring this criminal to justice and since Damon took his own life, there wasn’t anything to prosecute him against; no victim, no crime, or something like that.

Either way it didn’t matter. He was free and my hero. So later that week, we decided to celebrate. We all headed into Vegas; ready to experience the nightlife for real this time around. I had to admit, I loved every minute of it. My new real family by my side and my Angel in my arms.

One turn of events was Tone and Nicole’s love affair. It seemed I was right that first night, and those two hit it off. Maybe it was love at first sight, or maybe they bound to fall for each other because of their mutual broken hearts, but love found them quickly and they fell hard. I had to admit at first it was a little hard watching them flirt and carry on, but when I realized the change in Tone and how happy he was, I let those feelings go.

Once all the documents concerning the Will were turned over to me, I was grateful to see my father did keep his business dealings on the up and up. I was beyond shocked in how much my mother’s estate was worth. I knew she was rich, but we’re talking in the billions here people.  No matter what I did or didn’t do, I was set for eternity.

I had to admit the day I wrote the check for my father’s care was bitter sweet. I found it cost just over a hundred thousand a year for his care needed. I figured he’s last about eight to nine years, so I set up a trust for a million dollars. Knowing that if he would be taken care of and no longer my concern.

I always had it in mind to give every employee a raise and better benefits. Maybe it’s because I actually had to struggle out there on my own, but I wanted to do what was best for those that took care of me. After giving everyone a huge raise and set up a retirement and medical benefits for all my staff and other employees, I felt a sense of pride, knowing my mother would be happy with my actions.  

Hilda finally retired to her own little house after I gave her a huge retirement. She still comes by once or twice a week to check on all of us and to make sure everything is being taken care of the way it should be. During these past few month she’d became as second mother to me. Something I cherish more than she’ll ever know.

Jose refused to retire, even though I gave him the same benefits and retirement package I gave Hilda. He told me he needed to keep working to stay young. I didn’t fight him on it. I told him that he’s welcome to work here until he is ready to call it quits. Liz tried to get him to take it easy and even travel, but he refused.  As much as he would say I was his heart, he was mine as well.

Now Liz was gem and a lifesaver. She had so many connections in town, that whenever I needed to find something or someone, she knew right where to look. I valued our friendship and was grateful for all she had done. Overtime she took the possession of my assistant. There was too much for me to do and learn concerning the business aspects of what I inherited that I need someone to help guide me. Thankfully, she’d graduated from business school and knew the ins and outs, or knew someone who did.

Now Angel and I struggled at first. The dynamics of our relationship changed, but as we worked them out we grew stronger and our relationship changed for the better. I no longer needed her to hold my hand and guide me through life as I did when we first met. The timid, broken little girl she first ran into had grown into a woman who knew she had the strength to handle what life threw at her.

Angel struggled with this at first, but soon realized that with my newfound strength came new experiences. Gradually, she gave up some control, but rarely gave any up in the bedroom, which I didn’t mind out all. Behind closed doors, I allowed her to have all the control, for I was her Violet to have and to hold.

As the weeks turned into months, everything was finally taken care of and running smoothly. Liz was handling my business aspects and Nicole had taken charge of the household duties. I’d hired more staff and surveyed all my employees, which I had a few hundred all together.

One day, while sitting by the pool with Angel, I decided it was time to leave my childhood home.

“Angel baby?”

“Yes sweets.”

“I want to go somewhere.”

“Where do you want to go? Shopping, one of the casinos?” She asked me.

“No, I want to take you to see the world.”

“What?” I could tell she was shocked.

“Remember what we use to lay in bed dreaming about all the places we wanted to visit. How we had planned to go to Paris, London, and Greece. How we wanted to be naked on an island of our own.” I reminded her.

“Yes, I remember those dreams.”

“Our dreams are about to come true sweetheart.”

“The only dream I need is you baby girl.” She told me and I knew those words were true.

Still, that night I told Tone and Liz we’d be leaving town and I had no clue when we’d be back. I left Tone in charge of the house and Liz would be in contact with me in regard to business matters.

Angel and I packed our bags that night and my morning we were on a private jet to New York and from there we had no clue. I was with my Angel, ready to take on the world. Free and in love, no longer running from my past, but ready to embrace our future together.  I had once been a shattered little girl for far to long, but with my newfound strength and new family, I had been able picked up the pieces, ready to see what the world had in store for me.  

Taking Angel’s hand in mine, as we flew somewhere over the United States, I slipped a ring on her finger. “I love you.” I told her. She looked at the ring, shock filled her features, and for a moment, I thought I made a huge mistake.

“No my sweet little Violet it is I that loves you more than life itself. I love you for all that you are, for all that you have been, and for all that you’ve yet to become. Do you remember that day when you said I saved you?”

“Yes, I remember that day. You did save me from the bits of hell.” I replied.

Angel took me in her arms, as I saw tears welling up in her beautiful blue eyes. “The truth is my love, you saved me that first day you walked into that club and into my life. Without your love, I could never be.”

At that moment, I realized I was broken no more.

Please remember to comment and vote. It's been a long journey and I'm happy and sad to see it end. It's amazing how one character can become such a huge part of you. Thank you to all that have stuck by me over the past year and a half that I've been trying to get this story out of me. Your comments, votes, and constant support have meant the world. 

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