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In many attempts Vibha try to dance with Arzaan but Arzaan's all his attention was towards Aliya which unknown to Aliya . As Aliya is her own land remembering her aunt word . Arzan notice and thought to asked her .

Arzaan : Aliya is there any problem .

Aliya come out of her land after heard her name first time on her husband mouth .

Aliya nod her head in negative .

You never asked me why I married you forcefully said Arzaan .

I know for our family rivalry said Aliya

I must say you are very intelligent said Arzaan causing way .(in thought where she kept her brain)

But Aliya think she got the right reason

Arzaan : So now as we are married so I should take revenge from you what you say .

Aliya : Revenge what revenge ? What will you do ?

Arzaan : How about I say ........

Before he finished his sentence a shout heard from jiya bhai(brother) careful .

Arzaan quickly push Aliya and the heavy celling decoration fall on Arzaan

Everyone on the hall are shocked seeing Arzaan unconscious with blood full body .

Everyone rush to him Aliya is shocked to see him this state .

Ansh quickly call the ambulance and take him to the hospital
Aliya with her sister in law follow behind on car .

After sometimes they reach to the hospital doctors quickly take him to O.T
Ahana go with doctor to O .T as she also a doctor .

All the member are waiting outside .
Armaan : Adi , Ayan come with me

And they follow with him with them Ahaan also follow

After sometimes Aliya come with Asmira , siya and Rahil .
Where her family also present .

They are very tense After sometimes Arhaan asked where is Reyhaan shanaya

Shanaya : He and Ashana leave early I forget inform him
So she called Reyhaan and in from about Arzaan .

At other side hospital

Armaan : Adi I think it's not accident .

Adi : But bhai how this possible the security was very tight and who have this gut to attack Arzaan .

Armaan : I am thinking about that its old enemy or a new .

Ahaan : Once I found him I will kill him with my bare hand

Armaan : It will be easy death for him Ahaan but the person dare to hurt my son now he will get punished he will never for him My son today in this conditions .

Ayan : I will try to found who the hell is this .

Armaan : But I take a decision . I want to sent all the children India . If they dare to attack Arzaan they can hurt other in. future so its safe for all to go India .

Ahaan : ok I am arranging everything .

Armaan nod his head and started discussing plan .

Other of O .T room Aliya is crying Ashmira and Jiya also cry with her all are in tears as Arzaan is in very critical state .


Hello everyone

I know I am very late and I will be give late for few month As I am going to give my life's most important exam wish for me so that I can get success on it . If I success My 1st ever dream will fulfill . And Thanks everyone for support me

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