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Next day doctor inform that Arzaan got conscious they are shifting him general Ward then the family member can meet him . Everyone sign in relief hearing the news .

After sometimes they shift Arzaan on general ward everyone went to meet him.

Arzaan laying on hospital bed with bandage on  his head and right shoulder to hand .

Ahahana went towards him and sit beside him .

Ahahana : How are you feeling now is there anywhere much pain .

Arzaan : No mom I feel better now but don't know how the accident happened .

Armaan : You don't have worry about that take rest and get well soon .

Arzaan : Dad  , Why I am feeling something fishy .

Armaan :  Nothing is fishy . You get to know everything when you get well .

Said that everyone leave from there only Aliya remain there corner of the cabin .

Arzaan look at Aliya and see her standing conner of the room to tease her he said why are you look gloomy you should be happy to see your force husband in this state .

Listening his word  Aliya started shedding uncontrollable tears a sob escape her mouth .

Seeing this Arzaan cause himself .

Arzaan in thought : What I will do with this woman she doesn't understand jock also .

Arzaan : Aliya , come here .

But Aliya didn't move from her position

This time Arzaan in demanding voice asked her to come so she near him .

Arzaan held her hand with his stable hand and asked in soft voice Are you ok , Are you get hurt from the accident .

Aliya shook her head as no .

Arzaan : Then why are you crying like this .

Aliya in shattering voice : Why... you ?

Arzaan  rise his eyebrow in questioning manner ? And asked in weak voice what I do ?

Aliya : Why you save me get hurt ?

Arzaan : Are you concert for me ?

Aliya didn't say anything keep quite .

Arzaan : looking like you all didn't sleep at night go home with mom and dad and get fresh up , I am ok now .

Aliya : I am ok .

In that moment Aruhi come into the room and said Aliya you go home with di(sister) I am with Arzaan now .

Aliya agree and go home with Ahahana

Aruhi : Zaan , now you take rest son .

Arzaan : you know she is worried for me , Without knowing reality .

Aruhi : May be she is not remember you but her heart know you and you know my nephew is very charming nobody can ignore him.

Arzaan smilingly : you know she is very innocent and I don't know how I will protect her from evil

Aruhi : The great Arzaan Rathore son of Armaan Rathore getting scared . if the news come out what image will remain us in public .

Arzaan : you are impossible masi(aunt)

Aruhi : what's new in that now keee quite and sleep you need rest

Nodding his head Arzaan went for nap .

At A.R mansion

Aliya sitting on her room in corner and sobbing continuously .

Aliya herself taking :

Everyone said right I am unlucky woman . Where I will go I stanch there happiness . I will never get love , I am good for nothing . Why he save me I am a burden for him he marry me only for revenge . He never accept me as his wife I am no compare to him . All of them love me very much yesterday mom support me like her own daughter everyone support me which I never get from my family but I cause them sorrow for my unlucky fate my husband suffering when father arranged my marriage with that man I left all my hope to get love and respect from my husband but when I get force married  with him  I got scared what will he do with me but after knowing him from few days I started fall for him may be he never love me back but what can I do I cannot do anything .

Every Moment You are  in my Heart( Completed)✔️ Where stories live. Discover now