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At Arzaan cabin

After lunch break Aliya come to Arzaan cabin

Arzaan : Mrs Rathore ,where were you?

Aliya : Sir , I was in canteen for  launch

Arzaan : From tomorrow do lunch on my floor canteen .

Aliya : But sir it's for you and office onwer .

Arzaan in mind : What I will do with her . Don't she knew that she is also from owner's family . But she hell bent to become professional now see what I will do .

Arzaan : It's my order from tomorrow do what I say to you .

Aliya : o..k sir  .

Arzaan : Now give me sky company's file .

They were descussing about project Seeing their behavior nobody can say they are husband wife .

After sometime a knock heard

Arzaan : Come in .

Saniya enter into the cabin

Arzaan : What's a surprise you come here , how can your boss give you permission .

Saniya : Shut up Zaan you know Armaan bro so sure I have to give vilade reason to come here otherwise he started to said don't take advantage for being my sister Mrs Rathore .

Arzaan : Tell me then why you here

Saniya :I come here to see Aliya is everything going well or you are behaving like your father .

Arzaan : Sani aunt how about I call dad and tell him that you come to time pass leaving your work.

Saniya : Like father like son , I don't know how Ahahana di(sister) tolerate you two , now poor Aliya also have to tolerate you.

Arzaan : I am calling dad .

Saniya hurrily : Aliya I am going daughter and if this devil's son do something tell me I will teach him good lesson at home . Said that she kiss Aliya's forehead and leave from there .

Arzaan shook his head knowing the women of his home and again started his work .

At evening after finishing work Arzaan waiting for Aliya in his car

Aliya come out from office after taking her belongings and waiting for taxi as she doesn't know Arzaan waiting for her .

Arzaan seeing this Perk the car in front of her .

At first Aliya confused then see the owner of the car looking at him confusing eyes

Arzaan : If your staring season got complete then got into the car everyone waiting for us at home .

Aliya quickly get into the car , Arzaan started for home .

After sometime Arzaan started conversation so how your days goes today I hope I don't give overload work .

Aliya : No , I am ok .

Arzaan : Who is the girl you are taking at canteen .

Aliya : she is Lina my new friend you don't know her she is office staff

Arzaan : I can't remember everyone may be she is new also but stay careful don't trust everyone fully without knowing fully .

Aliya : ok .

Arzaan : If anything happened inform me immediately . And don't go alone everyday I will take you with to home

Aliya : I will .

Aliya pov

He is taking like I am kid . But he is worrying about me , what happened to him if anything happened to me. as if he love me . Forget about love he doesn't even like me .

After sometime they reach at AR palace .

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