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After one day Arzaan and Aliya reached USA with Armaan ,Ayan ,Adi ,  Mrs Rathore , Priya and siya  on private jet .
Before coming here Aliya's family come to meet her as they were force and give their good for nothing lesson and went
They all reach AR mansion .Aliya got memorize to see the  palace .

They all about to enter the mansion a three combination sound stop them .

Adi : what is that why you all shouting .

Aruhi : They can't enter we have some rules . and why she cover her face and trying to Peck her face .

Mrs Rathore :  Do what ever you want she is tried Aru .

Aruhi : Di is coming

Ahahana come and do welcome with Aruhi and Saniya . and Ashmira and Jiya took Aliya and siya with them .

Mrs Rathore  to Ahahana : where is my other princes . and I heard Ayu married  .

Ahahana : yes . grandma and  we thought to talk with her parents made them official and after finished their study we will public it what you say .

Mrs Rathore : I think its good . You all are not present there some ladies made issued of it . I hope you all ok with this marriage .

Ansh : what are you saying bhari granny they are most ok . When they heard the news they all are flying 

Aruhi : Are you finished son and  who got this much brave  that made issue if my daughter in law  di I am telling you when I go there I will teach a good lesson .
And you didn't stop me .

Ansh : mom , now stop your these act other wise bhabi will think she got mad mother in laws .

Aruhi : Be ready because next marriage number is your .

Ansh : first Rahil then me ok now go office please other wise dad made office upstair down for not finding documents

Aruhi : tell him I am in leave

Saying this she went from there .

At jiya's room

Jiya : siya di I miss you so much and I am very happy but I want to see bhabi .

Aliya removed the cover of  her face and jiya said bhabi you are very beautiful and let me introduced I am jiya most younger sister in law and she is Ashmira your second elder sister in law and first one is not here she is in Delhi will come very soon  but be careful with her she have mood suing problem so when and what she will do we can't say .

Sisters if your introduction is over than can we get chance said  Ansh and Aymaan standing on the door steps .

Ansh : Hi bhabi , I am Ansh and he is Aymaan your brother in law , I hope you meet Reyaan , Rahil bhai and Akash
  In India .

Siya : No bhai they were not home so she didn't meet them .

Ansh : so sad . but they all are coming for reception you can meet them and Nani  is gone for New Jersey she will be here in tomorrow   ..

Aliya in mind : What I will do I am getting tense but his brothers and sisters are very sweet don't know why he is this much arrogant .
But I am getting scared of my mother in law what happened if she don't like me .

Ashmira : Bhabi you change and took rest in evening you have post marriage ceremony here also . Its very fun you know in our famiy every function happened two time . now we will go lets go all .

Then a servant come in room mam queen sent this for you this is for now and its for evening

Aliya : oh ok .

Aliiya herself: I know Rathores are royal but why they called his mother  as queen its Shanaya Aunt right . Its very big family I don't understand anything . now I should get ready I don't want to made his mother angry . What happened if she got angry nobody can save you Aliya .

Every Moment You are  in my Heart( Completed)✔️ Where stories live. Discover now