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At Arzaan office

Arzaan look at the person .

The person : Good morning , sir . Here is my file .

Arzaan took the file and started to read .

Arzaan : welcome to our company Mrs Aliya Rathore . Good luck for your first day. I hope manager made you understand all your work so you can start it .

Aliya : yes . sir

Aliya in mind : how I will survive here with him all the time and I think he is very much professional . Where all of them send me .

Flash back

Before two days at breakfast time Everyone present here  except except Arzaan .

Ahahana : so Aliya what's your next plan

Aliya look at her in confused face .

Aruhi : Aliya  , sister mean what are you plan about your career .

Listen this Aliya become sad  and said I am plan nothing about it aunt .

Ahahana : what's but why . By the way in which are study .

Aliya :  I was study on business but didn't complete last semester of it for some reason so I didn't have degree in it .

Ahahana : ok so I think you should complete your study .

Armaan : Ok Then I will talk about your admission on University but I think it will  take at last 7 to 8 month why you not join our company and Arzaan's PA post also vacant and your degree was enough for the post .

Aliya : But how can I  ,I don't have any experience .

Ahahana : daughter people don't have have experience if you don't do then how you got experience .

Ansh  :  yes bhabi(Sister in law) like mom you also keep eyes on your husband .

Aditya : Ansh , your mom is not my pa ok and why will she keep eyes on me , I think I should keep eyes on your , your behavior is looking surprious to me for some days .

Ansh rolled his eyes listening his father .

Ahahana : you don't worry about anything we all are support you and

Arzaan : don't tell Arzaan we give it  surprise  , let's see what my son do .

FB end

Aliya : I am very happy I never thought Mom Dad allow me for further study and for job .  When my marriage fix I forget all my dream gloom family told me derectly to forget all my study I have to be completely housewife but Now again my dream started to fulfill .

Aliya started to making all work properly she didn't want to disappoint to her father in law and mother in-law . They trust on her which her parents also didn't on her . She is on her full professional mood . So Arzaan also  play along with her .

At launch break Aliya went to office canteen and order her launch , Many girl member of the office look at her on jealousy as she the person who got chance to stay with their boss .

Girl 1 : How did this ugly girl got chance to become Arzaan PA .

Girl 2 : I heard A.R recommend her .

Girl 3 : May be he do charity by giving her job .

Girl 1 : Arzaan never look at her .

At that time a girl come near Aliya's table and said can I take the seat .

Aliya : sure

Girl: Hi I am lina you ?

Aliya : Aliya .

Lina : Arzaan sir PA .

Aliya : yes .

Lina : That's why girls are looking at you like that .

Aliya : means

Lina : you don't know most of girl of the office want to close  position of sir and you got the girl through sir is married but they didn't care and you know rich people don't value their relationship  and now you become his PA so thought by any chance sir took interest in you

Listening this Aliya feel broken but Lina again started .

Lina : can we become friend 

Aliya nod his head .

Lina : As a friend I should advise you stay far from sir , this rich people don't value other emotions may be he also a playboy like others .

Aliya : leave all this , lunch break is over now I have to go , see you again bye .

With that she leave the place .

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