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Coming Arzaan Cabin

Arzaan : Are you ok , Did she do anything

Aliya nodding head as no

Arzaan held her hand without knowing where Ms Miller held tightly and she hiss in pain

Arzaan : What happened .

Aliya : nothing

Arzaan : She did something right did she hurt you

Aliya : it's nothing .

Arzaan : let's go home

Aliya :I am Alright don't worry

Arzaan without saying anything call headmanager  If I ever found in this building then you are fired .
Said that he cut the call

Arzaan : Let's go today has enough drama you need to get treat the wound .

Said that he took her to home .

At AR palace

Arzaan carefully apply ointment on Aliya's wound through Aliya resest many time .

Aliya : I asked you something

Arzaan : You need not any permission for anything asked

Aliya : Who is Ms Miller to you ? is she your girlfriend ?

Arzaan : What will you do if is my girlfriend

Aliya in tears: what can I do ? Will you divorce me and go to her .

Arzaan got furious listen this and held  tightly and  held her close to him and said today you said the world and it should be the last time Aliya , never thought of going away from me your are my wife and for you I can destroy the whole world.

Aliya : Please leave me .

Arzaan : Never in this life and the woman is nothing to me not now not ever had . There is no woman in my life other than you and of course my my family's woman are other then no one . You are my queen Aliya never forget that .

Aliya : There are many beautiful women then why you marry me for revange and destroy your life .

Arzaan : I never marry you for revange I marry you because I love you how can I let you marry with that guy .  I have only right on you no one else , Now stop crying I don't like your tears .

Aliya : You love me how you never saw me neither I saw you . You are lying right

Arzaan : I don't lying to you but now you wouldn't understand anything when time come I will tell you everything I promise now do your dinner then sleep .

After doing dinner two of them for sleep .

At midnight Arzaan got up and carefully went from room without disturbing Aliya's sleep .

After sometime Aliya get up from bed

Aliya : in this time where he went

In curiosity she also went to find Arzaan

The palace is dark now everyone is sleeping then some sound caught her attention she followed the sound it comes from east side of the palace

Aliya : Who is there as far as I know nobody went that said  there is storeroom and old thing keep

She started going there she saw a basement  and she went to it she opened it door slowly but the sense infront of her made her numb

A man full of blood tied on chair he was torture badly but the person is behind all is her husband and father in law .
Without knowing a scream come out of her mouth and she run from there like mad person . Armaan and Arzaan shocked to understand the situation

Armaan : You idiot you come here without lock your room .

Arzaan : I thought she is sleeping

Aliya running without thinking anything and bump into Ahahana

Ahahana : What happened Aliya why are you screaming .

Aliya : they ....the..y and run from there .

Aliya wait said Aruhi

Aruhi Di( sister) I am going behind her you see what happens .

Aliya running without thought and come out of the palace and run on the rood Aruhi also go behind her try to stop her but fear in her didn't let her stop .

Every Moment You are  in my Heart( Completed)✔️ Where stories live. Discover now