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At AR Palace

Everyone are tense , Ahahana walking hereto there in tension and looking at the door

Armaan : Why are you talking tension everything will be okay

Ahahana : You should not let's go Zaan alone you and Adi should accompany him what if he can't handle it and something went wrong .

Armaan : Ahahana He have to learn handle everything , everytime we will not be with him for support and He is my son I know he can do it .

Adi : Don't worry bhabi (sister-in-law) if he can't handle then Aruhi will handle . She is dangerous than us .

Ahahana : It's not funny , Adi .

At that time a car sound heard .

Ahahana : Maybe They reached

At that time Arzaan come inside with Aruhi and Aliya

Ahahana run towards them Aliya ,Aru are you two ok did they hurt you .

Aruhi : Di(sister) relax We are ok , Arzaan reach on time . Aliya need rest she get afraid very much

Ahahana: Right , Zaan took Aliya to room , Aru you also took rest .

Aliya unwillingly went with Arzaan to their room

Ahahana look at them: Tomorrow I have a talk with with

At their room

Arzaan made Aliya sit on bed

Aliya : I ... really don't remem..ber anything that period of time believe me , I wanted to to..ld you but father threat me not to tell anyone, please forgave me .

Arzaan first stunt listen her talk then said Aliya you don't have to explain anything .

Aliya : what You don't have problem me being relationship with someone else and whom the person that also I don't know .It's won't harm your reputation that your wife had past relationships you aren't doubting on me what type of girl I am

Arzaan : Aliya today you said this but never in my life I want to hear this from your mouth I think it's time to know you the truth .

Aliya : Which truth .

Arzaan : Aliya I never marry you for any family rivalry , I marry you because I love you . And know the truth .

Aliya look at him questioning eyes

So Arzaan continue : Aliya in the accident you forget you your life 3 years memory but do you think the person whom you love forget you said that he went to open a drawer a took out a envelope and give it to Aliya

Aliya slowly open the envelope and found some pictures she got shock to see the pictures .
She looks at Arzaan in teary eyes

Arzaan : He is the person whom you love Aliya . Yes it's me . when you got accident doctor said it's harmful to remind you the past so I take your health information from doctor and your friend Mia but in a few days your family come and took you with them and I lost your contract , I tried to found your location and I got it on your marriage day and I lost control to look you with other man that why I marry you like that forcefully for that I will not say sorry  . Nobody can take you away from me . I only love you Aliya

Every Moment You are  in my Heart( Completed)✔️ Where stories live. Discover now