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After lanuch in jiya's room

Jiya :  The styler do very good job you look very beautiful all the gossip aunt get jealous to see you , you know they always thought their daughter and daughter in law are most beautiful and always get jealous of Ashana di . Now after see you they will got very jealous .

Aliya :who is Ashana .

Siya : she is the elder daughter of this house and my bhabi .

Aliya : oh ....You all are very close right .

Jiya : yes  ,  in short  if I say anyone character than my father and Siya's father are cousin but our member are very aggressive type but not all and their family member are clam type but there not all of them as blood are blood when it's react nobody know .

Aliya feel happy to see their friendly nature .

After some hours priya come to the room .

Priya : Now lets go everyone are waiting to see you .

She take Aliya with her to main Hall where all lady of neighborhood and some business friend  present  .

Priya made her sit on center .

Ahahana  removed the veil and everyone was started to do ceremony .

Some ladies are get jealous as they want their in this position .

On lady : mrs Rathore(Ahahana) I don't want  to say but  you lost a gem may be your daughter in law is beautiful but not to compare my daughter .

Other lady : oh come on your daughter is nothing in front my daughter you shouldn't chose someone like dasi type .

Before they started something else  Aruhi and Saniya jumped into conversion as they know how to handle them .

Aruhi : mrs Maheta we want a girl just like my di for our Arzaan  not some model so  I think He chose best daughter in law for you don't have to worry .

Saniya : And yes mrs . Sarin  never forget that she is Aliya Arzaan Rathore . next queen of AR empire  if you disrespect her its mean you disrespect Queen also and it will not be good for your business . so please enjoy the function .

Mrs Singh : Ahahana ji  don't you think your sister in law disrespect your guest .(seeing her quite she asked)

Ahahana : mrs Singh if anyone disrespect our daughter in law then it will surely they get the answer . I don't think they said anything wrong .
So function is over you all may leave

Aliya never thought they will support her . but also think may be its public show

Then Ahahana ,Aruhi and Saniya give her gift which they chose all day long .

Ahahana : Hope you like it I don't know you favorite colour , For now take all this later I will gave you on your choice
and don't mind them they are always like that always poke nose on other matter . we should ignored them .

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