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All the family member are tense they all are pray for Arzaan safety . Aliya's parents also tense to see their son in law 's condition . After sometime a nurse come outside . All of them started asking her about Arzaan heath

Nurse : sir condition is not good now , He has chance to get into coma , we all try our best .

Listening this everyone started crying .
A fear come on Aliya's mind to loss her husband . Through Arzaan married her forcefully but he is thousand time better then her ex would be husband . A unknown love already building on Aliya's heart for her husband .And don't want to loss her husband . She is crying  now .
At that moment her and roughly make her stand and started cause her .

Aliya's aunt : You always unlucky girl now it's confirmed that you are . Your unlucky fate kill your husband . Why are you crying its all because of you , when a new bride went her in laws she take her luck fortune with her but you take your husband on death bed .

Aruhi : what are you saying , whats fault in all this matter .

Aliya's aunt : may be you all are modern didn't believed all this but when this girl was born priest said she will destroy everything she is bad luck for her family and our family business started down now after her marriage for husband on death bed .

All Arzaan family try made her understand nothing happened like that but the woman didn't listen anyone and try to made her wrong everyone eyes .

Aliya's family didn't support her her mother is helpless in front of her husband as her also believed on this matter . At last Aliya's aunt get up her hand on Aliya . everyone is shocked state but it stop in middle by another hand .

And the is Aliya's mother in law Ahahana's hand  .

Ahahana in angry voice : What the hell is this mrs Rawat .

And Aliya's aunt again stated her nonsense.

Ahahana loudly: enough of enough is this . How dare you to get up your hand on my daughter in law .

Aliya's aunt : but she...

Ahahana : I don't want to hear anything from you . You don't have to think about my son . His family is alive to think about him and Mr . Rawat I think your wife forget her manner how to behave with others . And take it as my warning never use your high voice in front of Aliya other wise you will see my worse side . Her disrespect I will take it as my disrespect remember that

Everyone is shocked they never saw Ahahana this much angry

Aliya never thought she will get support her mother in law in her life she never get support from her family now she is ready to do anything to save her marrage .

At that this Ashana come to the hospital and see her mother in angry mode .

In sometime Armaan there and said his decision about sent All the younger clan India through they denied but last accept except Aymaan and Aliya .

Every Moment You are  in my Heart( Completed)✔️ Where stories live. Discover now