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The day began like normal; it was a 33°C day, just like any other Spring day in Australia. The sun was shining and the birds woke early is search of breakfast. I was sleeping soundly until I was woken with a start from my iPod's alarm removing me from my sleep in order for me to prepare for school. I grabbed my dressing gown and walked into the kitchen for breakfast. No one was awake yet so the lights were still off; however, the sun had already risen so there was no need for me to turn on the lights. I opened the pantry and grabbed a loaf of bread; I chucked a piece in the toaster and turned on the jug to make a morning Milo. The next people up were my two younger sisters, Amanda and Elly, and my mum, mum's boyfriend had already gone to work, they walked from their rooms into the kitchen and began making themselves breakfast. It has been 20 minutes when I finished breakfast, I proceeded to walk into my bedroom and get on my school uniform. In the next 40 minutes I made my lunch, got my uniform on and collected anything which I needed for school. I walked out the door, said goodbye to everyone as I left and walked to the bus stop to catch the bus to school. 

The bus took about 10 minutes to arrive and another 10 minutes to get to school. Once I arrived I began walking through the school to get to my locker when I was stopped by Shae, my best friend since year 7, and Jess her best female friend. Shae had medium length brown hair and Jess had long, wavy light brown hair "Hi Kayleb" Shae and Jess said in synchronisation, "Hello" I replied. "We're going to wait for Tom at the front of the school if you want to come" Jess asked "No thanks, but I'll see you later" I replied. I continued walking to my locker as Shae and Jess walked towards the front of the school. I arrived at my locker, already there were people playing on the basketball courts and a few year 12 sitting on the benches, I opened my locker, put my bag inside, taking out my laptop as I did. I checked my diary for what I had for the first two periods and grabbed the books I needed and proceeded to walk into the resource centre to wait for the bell. As I walked through the first door of the resource centre, the chill of the early morning was replaced with warmth from heaters scattered around the room. I opened the second door and walked down to the back of the resource centre to wait for the bell to go. 

Already sitting on the two red, hand shaped chairs were Shannon and Shiro busy in conversation. Shannon had medium length brown hair with bluey-green eyes, Shiro had short jet black hair and pale blue eyes. I walked to my normal seat, placed my books on the small table next to me and joined in on the conversation. Eventually, Jess and Shae came in followed by Tom, they sat down and we just waited for the next two minutes for the bell to go. When the bell finally went, we all got up, collected our books and walked out the door opposite to the one which we came in.  

We arrived outside our classroom and already it had started heating up. Gradually, everyone from our form began arriving and soon we were all gather outside our classroom. A few minutes later Ms Hart came to the door and allowed us all in. Our group of 6 went to our usual spot, a line of three tables along the right wall. Tom was closest to the door, followed by me then Shannon, Shiro, Shae and Jess. First up we had English upstairs in the science block with Mr Jones, for an hour we had to sit there are write some random story using a prompt which was given to us, no one really actually tried very hard. For second period we had Maths all the way on the other side of the school, we were working through the algebra chapter in our textbooks in groups; as usual we were in our group of 6. When the final 5 minutes came, we were allowed to have a chat. "Did you guys hear? I completely forgot about it but this morning on the news they were saying that some crazy guy was going around biting people on the street; the police had to shoot him three times." Jess said "What! Really? Are the people OK?" Shannon asked questioningly "I don't know, I had to leave for school before I could hear anymore." Jess replied. We talked about the crazy guy for a little while before we began talking on several different subjects while waiting for the bell. 

When the bell finally went, everyone quickly packed up their books and left the classroom. Once outside I could see that everyone was leaving their classrooms and forming a huge mass of people all anxious to get to their lockers to get their recess. By now the heat outside was getting to a semi-hot point and I really didn't want to have to walk amongst the mass of people so I went around a different route to get to my locker. I opened my locker for the second time today and packed my books inside. I grabbed out my recess of barbeque crackers and an apple, locked my locker and followed everyone over to our usual spot beside the gym. We sat around and talked for a while when suddenly we heard the wail of sirens going past the school. We all looked and saw a convoy of emergency vehicles. "What do you think is going on?" Asked Tom "Who knows, maybe there was a major accident or something." Shae answer "Man, today just keeps weirder and weirder" Shiro said quietly "What do you mean?" I asked "Well, first there was the crazy guy biting people, then a convoy of emergency vehicles, what's next a UFO lands on the oval?" Shiro quickly replied "Don't be ridiculous, why would a UFO land in Somerville of all places" Jess rebutted. After that point we just sort of sat there is silence for a while and then we began talking again. 

When the bell sounded, everyone got and up and slowly walked towards their lockers, no one really wanting to go back to class but we all knew that we had to. I went to my locker and checked my diary for the second time today to see what I had for my third subject, cooking, and we were going to be making mini sausage rolls. We had made them before, but everyone had enjoyed them so we were going to be making them again. I began search through my school bag for my cooking container, I grabbed it and began walking towards the canteen foyer. Just as I was about to enter, I noticed that I could still hear the sirens of the emergency vehicle convoy. 

I crossed the foyer and opened the door to the cooking room. The first thing that hit was the cool air followed by the smell of fresh parsley. Half of the class was already in, Shiro and Shannon had aprons on and were rushing around collecting ingredients, Shae already had her ingredients and was beginning to prepare. Mrs Murphy was in the back store room. I walked towards the back of the room and put on an apron as Jess and Tom walked through the classroom door, placed their books on a bench and went and got an apron. I walked over and joined Shae at her bench. I opened the top draw and it rolled open easily, I grabbed out a pair of tongs and a knife and set them on the bench, I then opened the cupboard, I moved a stack of three bowls, each slightly smaller than the one which is it sitting in and grabbed the round metal tray. I held the tray in my left hand and the tongs in my right and began collecting ingredients. Once I collected the ingredients I walked back to the bench and turned on the oven. I started preparing the ingredients; I began by combining the different meats in a bowl and then chopping and adding the parsley. I then began cutting the onion, my eyes were watering and then I heard a bang at the door. 

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