The trip home was uneventful, a few zombies wandered onto the road but with swift turning from Shannon and Jess we managed to avoid smashing into them. We drove home in near complete silence. We turned back into my street, the red brake lights of the Land Rover slammed on, and Jess had to quickly swerve to avoid it. Jess slammed on the brakes, stopping beside the Land Rover. “What’s going on?” Shae asked moving up to the front window “Oh.” Shae said stopping. A large horde of zombies was trying to get inside. “Shit!” James said loudly “James… Do you still have the garden shears?” I asked “Yeah, why?” He asked “I think you may need to open the machetes with them” I said staring ahead. James grabbed his garden sheers and cut open the packets for the machetes. I pulled one open and handed it to Kaycee saying “Here, your drill is can only work so well”, I grabbed another one and handed it to Jess “You may need one of these too” I said passing it to her. I walked to the back of and grabbed two more machetes. I passed them to Ebony in the front seat “Could you pass them through the window to Shiro and Shannon?” I asked “Ok” She wound down her window and knocked on theirs. Jess put her window down and two machetes were passed across. I grabbed the final machete for myself. “Crap, Tom’s still in there isn’t he” Jess said worried. We all climbed out ready to fight the horde of zombies. “Shannon, Shiro, try smashing through some of the zombies on the outside, then fighting them from the other side, Shae and Kaycee you go with them” I said. They climbed into the Land Rover, sat down on the planks and put a seatbelt around themselves. James, Ebony, Jess and I started walking towards the horde on the right side of the road so as to leave a path for the Shannon to drive past. The Land Rover’s engine roared as it sped past us, slamming into a group of zombies stuck on the outside of the main group. A small portion of the zombies were killed, not many, but killing any is one step closer to getting Tom out of the house. A few zombies wandered towards us but were quickly killed with a swipe of a machete or a nail to the face. We kept marching slowly, cautious of getting swarmed by several zombies at once until a loud bang echoed out onto the street. “Shit, I think they are getting in” I shouted. Jess and I started moving quickly towards the zombies while Ebony and James kept firing into the horde with nails and arrows. Ducking and weaving while slicing and stabbing Jess and I battled through the horde as Shannon, Kaycee and Shiro did the same. We battled towards the front door as our machetes became redder and redder with the blood of the zombies. Shiro reached the front door first, she grabbed the door handle and tried pulling it open only to find it locked. “It’s locked!” Shiro shouted over the top the zombies which were stuck on the outside getting closer. Jess ran over to window which had had its barricade torn down. “In here!” Jess yelled jumping through the window. Shiro ran over next, followed by Shannon, then Kaycee and finally myself.
The once barricaded windows were now completely smashed; glass covered the floor as well as several bloody footprints. The sliding door was shut and a few bodies were lying on the ground, 2 living zombies were banging on the door trying desperately to get in. Kaycee and I walked over behind them and swung down, embedding our machetes in their heads. “You three go out there and help the others clear the rest of the zombies” I said to Shannon, Shiro and Jess. They started killing any zombies which were close to the window before climbing out. I reached forward and knocked on the door “Hello… Tom… It’s Kayleb and Kaycee, don’t shoot”. I slowly opened the door and stepped into the lounge. Tom was leaning against the couch with the pistol in his hands aiming at the doorway; a few more dead zombies were lying in the doorway. “Tom, come on, we need to go” Kaycee said approaching him slowly “There were so many, face of people who I once knew” Tom said shakily “Someone who looked a lot like my mum turned up…” He said quietly. Kaycee gently grabbed the gun and put it in her bag “Come on” Kaycee said helping him to his feet. Kaycee walked with him through the sliding door and I walked over to the pantry. I filled a cardboard box and my bag with all the food and water I could carry. I put the rest of the food in another box and pushed it along with my foot while carrying a box in my hands. I set the box down on top of the other and unlocked the door.
Picking up the top box I walked outside, most of the zombies were dead and the few remaining were being swiftly killed. The bus and Land Rover had been moved in front of the house, Tom was sitting in the bus staring out the window silently as everyone fought the remaining zombies. I carried the box over to the bus and stacked it at the back of the bus with the other boxes. The final zombie was killed by James as I walked back inside to get the final box. I grabbed it and loaded it in the bus. We all gathered outside “Where do we go now?” Ebony asked “I don’t know, but this place isn’t exactly safe anymore” Shiro said looking at my house “We have to go somewhere, we can’t all live out of the bus” James said “My house isn’t too fat away from here, it’s out of town but we have a generator” Jess said “Ok, well maybe you should take the lead in the Land Rover” Shannon suggested. Jess and Shiro climbed into the Land Rover and everyone else climbed into the bus. After everyone was seated and we were on our way to Jess’s house I said quietly to Tom “Just remember Tom, your mum is fine”. He just nodded and continued staring out the window in silence. We drove for what would have been 20 minutes but because of the wreckages and destruction it took about 45 minutes to get there.
The Land Rover suddenly tuned off the main road and into a driveway. The property had a large, white fence along the road with a large property off in the distance, one of which had another fence around it. Beside the house was a massive tin shed a water tank sitting beside it. The Land Rover drove easily over the dirt driveway as the bus bounced along behind it. The box of hammers on the back seat fell off and scattered on the floor. I saw Ebony turn around but turned back to look ahead. The Land Rover stopped beside the shed and the bus pulled up beside it. Shannon climbed out the driver’s seat and everyone else climbed out the sliding door. “Looks like no one is here” Jess said. She walked towards the house on the right and unlocked the door, everyone followed her inside.
Jess looked around the first main room which was a large open area filled with what seemed to be musical equipment. There was a large desk in the corner against a large window with a closed laptop on it. She slowly and quietly approached a small step that lead through a doorway to a lounge room. The room was warm as the afternoon sun came through the two large windows. I looked towards the windows. "Maybe we should shut the curtains for now" I said. Shannon swiftly moved over and looked out the window before quickly pulling the curtains together. The sun still came through the faded flower patterned curtains. I looked back to Jess, who was walking into what seemed to be the master bedroom. It was directly connected to the lounge room. It was neat, the bed made and the floor clear of any clothes or other items. Jess chuckled quietly "My step mum’s a bit of a neat freak". I looked around “Seems like it” I thought. Jess held up her axe just in case and made her way towards two small doors on the wall directly next to the bedroom door entrance. She opened the first door. It opened into a bathroom. Once she was convinced there were no zombies in there, she backed out and moved to the next door. She opened it and it led into a walk in wardrobe. It was full of clothes but, thankfully, no zombies. Jess closed the door and walked out of the bedroom. We all followed back into the lounge. We followed Jess through a small sliding door into a kitchen and dining room. There were more windows with open curtains. Shiro walked straight over to one and closed it. The other window in the kitchen was much smaller than the others but didn’t appear to have a curtain. There were photos on the far wall. Baby photos. Jess was standing in front of the wall, looking at a picture with a young girl and a man. Kaycee saw her and walked over to put her arm around Jess's shoulder, comforting her. We were suddenly brought to attention when we heard a banging noise from outside. Everyone raised their weapons. Jess raised her hand. "Wait." She said simply. She walked towards the door at the end of the kitchen, clutching her axe close to her chest. She cautiously put her hand on her door knob, unlocked it and opened the door. Instead of being greeted by the hungry zombie, there was a black greyhound jumping up and down on the wooden deck. She instantly opened the fly screen door, letting the dog in, she then shut the door behind it. The dog ran over and started jumping up on Shae. Once the door was locked, Jess turned to us. "Guys, this is my dog Kimmy. Don't worry, she doesn't bite."James chuckled, "Well at least someone doesn't." I smiled “Will she be ok with Scarlett?” I asked “Yeah, she should be fine” Jess said. After all of us petting the overly cheerful dog, we walked over to the next door. It was open so we followed Jess in. This room was a mess. The room had purple sheet s on the bed. There were clothes all over the floor. “This is my room” Jess said sitting down on her bed. “I didn't realize Jess was such a messy person.” I thought to myself. There was another door inside Jess's room that was open. The room was another bedroom, “I guess this one belongs to Jess's brother” I thought. We walked into the dining room and sat down. The house was clear. Shannon spoke up, "We need to board the windows up. It isn't safe like this." I nodded my head in agreement and looked at Jess who was standing up. “Tom, do you still have that sledgehammer” Jess asked “Why do you need a sledgehammer?" Tom asked "Our house is split into two separate houses. There is a brick fireplace separating them. If we smash the fireplace then there would be more room and more places to run to, just in case." Jess answer. “It’s a good idea” Shae said. Shiro stood up. "Let's get working then." She said “No, let Tom do it” I said “I think he needs to”. Tom picked up the sledgehammer and walked over to the brick fireplace and raised the sledgehammer over his shoulder. He swung hard and cracked several of the bricks. He lifted the sledgehammer again and hit it again. A few bricks fell over to the other side. He raised the sledgehammer three more times smashing down more and more bricks until on the final swing Jess’s house was reconnected with the other side.

HorrorA zombie virus is released on the world, adults and children are torn apart indiscriminately as entire countries fall in chaos. A group of teenage students are at school when everything goes down and must fight for survival against all odds, survivi...