'Kayleb, I'm so sorry I couldn't get to you, but I had to protect the girls. I don't even know of your alive but I want you to know that love you. Goodbye.'
I looked up from my phone with tears in my eyes, I didn't bother wiping them away, I just let them fall to the floor. I looked around and saw that everyone else was sobbing away too. No one had to say anything; we all knew that same thing, that we were alone. I don't know how long, we just sat there crying until we couldn't cry anymore. "We can't stay here, we need to go somewhere safe" I said quietly "But where can we go?" Shannon asked "My house is about a 10 minute walk from here, we could go there" I replied "Are you sure, I mean, your family may be there?" I heard Shiro say from my right "It's the closest place, and I got a message saying that she had to leave to save my sisters, I have to hope that they are safe somewhere far away from here", "Ok then, let's get going" Jess said.
We all stood up at once and picked up our weapons again. I opened the door to the store room and stepped back into the gym. The sun had warmed the gym, causing the smell to become even worse than when we first entered but we didn't care, we were on a mission, to survive. We went through the glass doors which were the real entrance to the gym. Once outside we were meet with devastation, there was death everywhere. There were a few limbs scattered around and puddles of blood scattered throughout the school, the few bodies which were still semi intact were being devoured by the zombies of teacher and students alike however once we left the gym, they left their lunch and starting walking towards us for a fresher meal.
"Follow me" I said and we started jogging towards the back of the school, as we ran we were swinging our weapons clearing our path. As our bats and clubs met the skulls of the zombies loud cracks echoed throughout the lifeless school and the bodies fell hard on the bloody concrete but we kept running. We reached the low, black fence that separated the oval from the school, we quickly climbed over it as more zombies began walking out from the classroom. The oval was empty so we sprinted quickly to the opposite fence and leapt over it again.
I turned around and saw that the zombies were having trouble getting over the fence and were pushing and shoving each other to try to get over the fence but to no avail. "Come on, there is a small path just over here" I said turning back and walking towards a small gap between two small trees. The path came out on a small street which looked nothing like the school did, there was no blood, no bodies and no zombies, it was completely deserted. "Okay, we should stay off main streets so let's go across fruit grower's oval" I said. As we walked down the street towards the oval Tom asked "Did you hear that?" "Hear what?" Asked Shiro "It sounded like a scream came from the school" Tom replied "There must have been more people left at the school, we could of helped them" Jess whispered "There is nothing we could have done, the zombies were everywhere" Shae whispered "We have to keep moving, it's not safe to be on the street" I said. We quickly ran across the main road to get to oval. The oval was completely empty, we crossed quickly without any trouble.
"Okay, we need to walk along the main road for a little while because there aren't any more back roads" We left the grounds of the oval and entered into the main street, it was a complete mess, there were cars tipped over, corpses on the street, there was even a man who looked like he had been sliced in half. He intestines were flattened on the road and his legs were somewhere in the distance beneath a 4 wheel drive. But in amongst all the destruction were still zombies wandering around, looking surprisingly unscathed considering the amount of destruction. They instantly turned and saw us and started shuffling towards us. I started running, even quickly followed suit. We were sidestepping and jumping over bodies, zombies and just general mess. We didn't stop running, we just kept going until, in the corner of my eye I spotted a police car. The whole from of the car looked like it had caved in on itself, the front windshield was smashed and it was missing two wheels. There was an arm hanging out the driver's side window with several bite marks on it. "One sec, there may be a better weapon in the car" I ran around and tried opening the boot, locked. "Shit!" I said is a quiet yell. I walked over to the driver's side window, and looked inside, expecting to be lunged at by the zombie of a police officer, but instead, the only thing inside was the severed arm I had seen when I first saw the car. "Kayleb! Hurry up, they are getting closer!" I heard Shae yell. I quickly leaned in and popped the boot. To my left I heard the click of the boot's lock opening. I ran back around and lifted the lid of the boot to see a small revolver. I quickly grabbed it and tucked it in my pocket. "Come on, let's keep going!" I shouted to get everyone's attention.
We continued running down the street till we got a line of tall pine trees. "My house is just over here, come on we're almost there" I said. We ran past a few brick houses until we got to my house. We quickly ran across the lawn and ran inside. I slammed the door shut behind me and twisted the lock shut. We all collapsed on the ground in the rumpus, panting and wheezing. I stood up and walked over to the blinds and peeked out, the zombies were outside, but they were confused as to where we had gone. "Are we safe?" Shannon said "Go through the sliding doors, it will lead to the lounge" I whispered. Everyone walked into the lounge, I waited for a little while, still watching the zombies walk around outside to make sure no zombies decided to try to come into the house. After I was sure that we were ok I walked into the lounge with everyone else, leaving the sliding door open just in case.

HorrorA zombie virus is released on the world, adults and children are torn apart indiscriminately as entire countries fall in chaos. A group of teenage students are at school when everything goes down and must fight for survival against all odds, survivi...