We went back inside, grabbed out weapons and climbed into the bus and Land Rover. Jess and Ebony were in the Land Rover, everyone else climbed into the bus. Shannon was sitting in the driver’s seat, slouching slightly to look through the window. Everyone sat down and we drove out of the front gates once again. We drove into town for a second time in two days, we passed the pharmacy, the zombies once outside has dispersed, we drove until we reached the centre of town and stopped outside a supermarket. We piled out onto the street with our weapons raised, but no zombies came to the sound of the bus. “Where are they?” I asked quietly, everyone shrugged, we walked over to the front door. “Only use the guns in an emergency” Jess said quietly. James pushed against the door, it swinged open easily, the air was muggy inside so James held it open with a shopping basket. Two large display stand covered in apples and oranges were standing close to the door, the fruit beginning to look worse for wear but still the oranges gave off a sweet smell. We all grabbed trolleys and quickly ran to the can isle, while running I was looking in each of isle, all of them were empty, not a zombie in sight. “What’s going on” I thought to myself, “I’ll go to the isle which has bottled water” Shiro said “I’ll come with you” Shannon said, they ran on ahead and everyone else turned into the canned food isle. I ran to the end of the isle, I reached my hand out and walked backwards, pushing every can on that row into the trolley. They made a loud bang as they landed in the metal trolley, “From what I saw there aren’t any zombies in here” I said seeing that everyone was looking at me as if to say shut up “So we can make noise if we want to.” I added. With the ability to make noise without fear of being attacked the trolleys were filled much quicker. We pushed the trolley to the end of the isle and waited for Shannon and Shiro to return. Once Shannon and Shiro were back we walked back outside and loaded the Land Rover and bus with the food and water. “Seriously, where are all the zombies, the supermarket was completely empty” Shannon said “No idea, we should write your address Jess so people can come somewhere safe…ish” I said “Ok, I’ll go get a pen” Jess said running back inside the supermarket, about a minute later she walked outside with a handful of waterproof-permanent markers, “We can use these, hopefully they won’t rub off.” Jess said handing everyone one. Jess walked over to the door of the supermarket and wrote her address on the window, saying ‘Safety and food for those who need it’. We ran around the town, which was surprisingly empty of zombies and wrote Jess’s address and the same message in as many places people would see it as possible. We then met back at the bus “Did anyone see any zombies at all?” Ebony asked, everyone shook their heads “There has to be something going on…” A loud bang echoed through the town “Did everyone hear that?” Shiro asked “Yeah, it sounded like it came from over here” Kaycee said running in the direction of the bang “Wait, Kaycee!” James shouted “Someone could need help!” Kaycee said without stopping. We all started running to catch up with her. While running more bangs echoed through the town, we were getting closer. We turned a corner and saw that Kaycee had stopped, her gun raised. She started firing, we quickly ran over and raised our guns as well. Zombies had a bus completely surrounded, a woman wearing a long dress, her long brown hair swaying in the wind, was standing on the roof holding a bundle in one hand and a gun in the other. She was shooting downwards towards the zombies. Kaycee started firing, the revolver barrel spinning 6 times before she had to reload, but we had all started firing before she ran out of rounds. Bullets rang through the air smashing into the zombies, Shae and Tom ran slight closer and stood beside the front and back of the bus, shooting the zombies with their shotguns. The Desert Eagle was heavy, it had a lot of kickback but when a bullet struck a zombie it’s head exploded. I almost smacked myself in the head from the kickback once or twice. Everyone eventually ran out of bullets so we ran forward and started dispatching the last of the zombies up close. When the final zombie was killed all the zombies were lying in a semicircle around the bus, a few zombie were twitching but were easily killed. “Thank you all, so much” The lady said from the top of the bus, Kaycee reached up and helped her climb down onto a car then the ground “Are you ok?” Kaycee asked “No… I’m not…” She said starting to cry “Hey, it’s ok” Kaycee said trying to comfort her noticing that the bundle was a baby “You and your baby are safe”, “No, it’s not ok… I was bit…” She said lifting her dress to show her ankle, a large bite on it “Oh… um…” Kaycee said “Please, I need you to take him, I don’t want to hurt him… His name is Leo” the woman said handing the baby to Kaycee, the woman then raised her gun to her head and pulled the trigger. Leo started crying loudly and Kaycee stood there speechless. Ebony ran over “Are you ok Kaycee?” Ebony asked “Ye-yeah, she… she was bitten, she gave me her baby, his name is Leo” Kaycee said walking away from the lady’s body with Ebony, Leo still crying “Shssss” Kaycee said quietly trying to calm him down. Eventually Leo quietened down, Kaycee handed her gun to Ebony. We all started walking back to the bus. Once back Kaycee sat in the passenger seat of the bus with Leo, “I’ll go get some baby food…” Shae said “I’ll come with you, we need dog and cat food as well” I said walking inside with her.
A short while later we walked back out the door with the food in hand. We loaded it into the bus and Land Rover and set off back to Jess’s house, large permanent marker signs with the address of Jess’s house were on several windows on the way out of town. I looked out the window and started thinking, “Why, why is this happening, what caused all of this” then I started thinking about my family, were they ok? Are they safe? Where were they? Time flied while I was worrying about them, we were suddenly stopping at Jess’s house. We climbed out of the bus, Jess walked over and unlocked the door so Kaycee could take Leo inside. The rest of us unloaded the food, for both animals and humans and brought it inside stacking it in the front room. After setting everything down we walked into the lounge. Kaycee was sitting on the couch with Leo in her arms “I think there is a baby cot in my step mum and dad’s wardrobe” Jess walked back into the front room and returned a short time later with a baby cot. She set it up beside the wall and flattened the mattress, she then walked over to the laundry and brought out a small blanket. Kaycee walked over and laid Leo down in the cot, Leo had light brown hair and dark brown eyes, he lay there for a little while before falling asleep, I looked over at the clock and saw that it was almost 5. I walked into the front room and walked over to the pile of food when a knock sounded at the door, I raised my gun and walked slowly over. I could see Shae from where I was standing, I looked at her and pointed to the door, I saw her start whispering to everyone, I stepped forward and flung open the door.

HorrorA zombie virus is released on the world, adults and children are torn apart indiscriminately as entire countries fall in chaos. A group of teenage students are at school when everything goes down and must fight for survival against all odds, survivi...