Everyone started moving quickly, I ran into the front room and grabbed as many weapons as I could carry, I brought the two nail guns, the crowbar, the power drill and the garden shears and passed them to Shae, James and Ebony. Shae and James grabbed a nail gun, Ebony grabbed the crowbar, Ebony grabbed the drill and James grabbed the garden shears. They all ran to a window and started killing the zombies pulling at the barricades. Shannon, Tom and Jess has boxes and had ran into the front room to load up the food. Kaycee and Shiro were sitting on the ground loading the guns with ammo, two pistols were separate from the others, “Are these two loaded?” I asked “Yeah” Kaycee said quickly, not looking up, I grabbed them and ran one to Shae and the other to James. They both started firing out the window, Ebony was already shooting. I ran back to Kaycee and Shiro and grabbed another gun. I ran into the front room and started shooting out the front windows. Tom and Jess had packed most of the food already. I pointed my gun out the window and fired. The zombie directly in front of the window fell backwards. I continued firing at the mass of zombies moving towards the house. A short time later more shots sounded beside me. Jess and Tom has guns now and were firing out the window too. I continued firing until my gun started clicking. I looked at it and ran back into the lounge, Kaycee and Shiro had guns now too, they were also firing out the window. I ran over to where Shiro and Kaycee were loading the guns, empty boxes of bullets sat on the floor. “Crap!” I said loudly, I started searching the floor for ammo, hoping that something has fallen to the floor. A single bullet was under the couch, I grabbed it and loaded it into the gun. I run past the couch and fall to the ground. I roll over and see a zombie climbing through the fireplace holding my ankle. I point my gun at its head and fire. Its grip releases from my ankle and I scramble to my feet. From the front room I hear Tom shout “I’m out!”, “So am I” Ebony says loudly. “They’ve made it through the other house!” I shout so everyone can hear “We have to go!” Shiro says as she fires her final bullet. Another zombie climbs through the fireplace. I turn my gun around and start smashing the back of its head. I turn and run into the front room, everyone is already there. “Ok, Jess, Tom you two carry the food, Kaycee you get Leo, I grab Scarlett and the crib, everyone else, protect us until we get to the cars” I said. Kaycee and I ran into the front room. Kaycee runs to the baby crib and picks up Leo, I quickly fold it up and carry it with one hand. Scarlett runs into the lounge from Jess’s room, I grab her under the stomach. I grab my bag and quickly walk into the front room, Jess and Tom are holding boxes and Kimmy is standing beside Jess. Ebony quickly pushes open the front door, we all run out.
Shae, Ebony, Shannon, Shiro and James form a circle with Jess, Tom, Kaycee and I in the middle. Zombies stopped banging on the windows and started walking towards us. We moved as quickly as possible towards the cars. A few zombies which got close were killed by one of the 5 holding a weapon. Shae opened the boot of the Land Rover, Tom and Jess threw the boxes in it, they quickly ran and got in the Land Rover, Kimmy jumped in with them. Kaycee ran around to the sliding door of the bus, she slid it open and climbed inside. Shannon jumped in the driver’s seat as everyone and everything climbed inside. Both vehicles started and we drove quickly off the property. We drove until we stopped outside Jess’s neighbours house, we only needed a little while to talk. I got out of the bus and walked over to the Land Rover. “Where are we going to go?” I asked through the passenger window “The city could be clear like Jenny said, we could try going there” Jess said “It’s worth a shot, do you know how to get there?” I asked “Umm… no, not really” Jess said, Shae opened the glove box and started searching for a map. She pulled out a small GPS “And now we know where to go” Shae said handing it to Jess “Well, lead the way then” I said walking back to the bus. I climbed inside the bus “Where are we going?” Shannon asked from the driver’s seat “The city, let’s hope Jenny was right” I said closing the door. The Land Rover started driving and Shannon followed behind. The sky was dark and the only light came from the head lights of the two cars. According to the clock of the car radio it was 2:48 in the morning. Everyone was tired, we all started falling asleep. “Who else can drive?” I asked “I have my L’s” James said “So do I” Ebony said, “Ok, Shannon in an hour wake James up and swap with him, and then James you wake Ebony up an hour after that and swap, I’ll drive after Ebony”, everyone feel asleep quickly. In what felt like a few minutes I was woken up, it was my turn to drive, I lifted Scarlett off my lap and walked to the driver’s seat. I sat down and started driving. The sun had started to rise. I didn’t recognise where we were but the destruction was still the same, bodies and wreckages everywhere. The Land Rover turned on its indicators to show us that they were turning right. We were moving so slowly through the wreckage but we were getting closer to the city. We turned again and were on the Bolte Bridge. We continued driving, as we got closer the amount of car wreckages remained the same. Bodies still littered the streets, a few zombies feasted on the dead. We kept driving, hoping for some sign that the city was clear. “Where are we?” Someone asked from in the bus, “The Bolte Bridge, and it doesn’t look very clear…” I answered, Shiro walked over. “What’s the time?” Shiro asked “Almost 6” I answered, the brake lights of the Land Rover turned on, I braked and brought the bus to a stop. I climbed out of a bus and walked to the Land Rover. The morning air was cool but it felt good to stretch my legs. I walked over to the driver’s side window, Shae was sitting in the driver’s seat, “Why have you stopped?” I asked, Shae just pointed forwards. I looked where she was pointing, the bridge up ahead was gone.I walked towards where the bridge used to be. Large burn marks were along the edge of the hole. I crawled over to the edge and looked over. The section of the bridge that was missing was in the hole. I stood up and walked back to the Land Rover. “Someone blew up the bridge, there are burn marks on the edge of the hole and the rest of the bridge is in the water.” I said “So then where do we go now?” Shae asked “We have to try to find another way to get across…” I said “I’ll try to get the GPS to show us another way” Shae said. I walked back to the bus and climbed into the driver’s seat. “What’s going on?” Shiro asked “The bridge is out…” I said “So, what are we going to do?” Shiro asked “We are going to try to find another way around” I said. I put the bus in reverse and turn to look out the back window. I turn back to front window “Forgot that we covered the back window…” I say out loud “I’ll go tell you when to stop” Shiro said climbing out. She walked over to the back of the bus, I wound down my window and looked out. I started reversing until she indicated me to stop, I drove forward, then back again and then forward once more. The bus was now facing the other way. Shiro quickly climbed in the bus, the Land Rover drove ahead of us and we followed behind.
Everyone woke up a short time later, we continued driving, testing 3 other entry points into the city, all of them blocked or destroyed. We pulled over in an off road. Everyone climbed out of the vehicles to stretch the legs “Where do we go now?” James asked “I don’t know, but we need to get to the city” Jess said “They wouldn’t have destroyed the bridges for no reason” Tom said “They could have done it to prevent zombies from getting in” Kaycee said “What other ways are there of getting in?” Shae asked “We could take a boat, go right into port” Ebony said “We have to try, the bus is running out of gas and we can’t drive around much longer” I said “Well then let’s go find a boat” Shannon said. Tom climbed into the driver’s seat of the Land Rover and Shannon climbed into the driver’s seat of the bus. We set off towards the waterside.
We found a small dock near a beach. Several cars parked in a nearby car park had boat trailers attached. Tom stopped the Land Rover in the car park, Shannon stopped the bus near the dock. We all climb out and walk over to a car carrying a fishing boat. We quickly disconnect it from the car and connect it to the Land Rover. I climb into the boat as Shannon backs the boat and trailer into the water. I disconnect it from the trailer and drive it over to the dock. I quickly tie the boat to a pole on the dock and climb out. “Ok, we have a boat, let’s start loading everything in” I said walking back to everyone. We unloaded the food from the Land Rover and put it in the boat. We then moved the animals and the baby crib into the boat. We all climbed in and set off towards the city. With everyone and everything packed on the boat there wasn’t a lot of room, everyone has somewhere to sit through, whether on a seat or on the floor. Kimmy had her head hanging off the side of the boat, her tongue flapping in the wind. Scarlett was standing shakily in the middle of the boat. We travelled quickly towards the city. I open my bag without looking and pull out the binoculars. I held them behind me while keeping one hand on the wheel. Someone grabbed the binoculars from my hand, after a few second I asked “Can you see anything?” Shiro replied with “No, it doesn’t look like anything is moving.” “Hmm…” I said quietly to myself. We continued quickly moving towards the port. Once close I turned the boat off and let us glide quietly towards the city.

رعبA zombie virus is released on the world, adults and children are torn apart indiscriminately as entire countries fall in chaos. A group of teenage students are at school when everything goes down and must fight for survival against all odds, survivi...