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We stopped just outside the Bunnings parking lot. “Do you think we could drive up to the front door?” Shae asked “Let’s try” Jess said driving into the parking lot. Shannon reversed the back of the Land Rover up to the door and Jess parked just beside the main building. Jess got out of the driver’s seat and James slid open the bus door and got out with his garden shears in hand ready to decapitate any zombies who come near, but absolutely nothing moved in the parking lot. Ebony and Kaycee climbed out next and stood beside Jess and James, next out was Shae and finally me. I went to shut the bus door but was stopped by Jess “Leave it, just in case we have to run”, I nodded and walked over to the group. “Ok, we should find Ebony and Kaycee something to protect themselves first, then we can safely clear the building” Shiro suggested “We shouldn’t have to worry about clearing the building as long as we move quickly” Shannon said, “Well, let’s get to it then” Jess said grabbing a trolley. Everyone grabbed trolleys except James and I who grabbed a pallet trolley. We walked into the dark and silent store ready to fight for what we want.
The store was getting minimal light from the semi clear plastic on the roof but it was enough for us to have some idea where we are going “Ok, weapons for Ebony and Kaycee, hmm…” James said looking around “With Ebony’s leg she may not be able to run, so she should have a ranged weapon” James added “So, a nail gun?” I asked Ebony “Any what would you like Kaycee?” Shannon asked “Umm, I guess a drill” Kaycee replied “Ok, they should both be under power tools, I’ll go with Ebony and Kaycee to get them weapons” Shiro said. They began walking down the front of the aisles before turning into power tools. “Ok, we need planks, batteries, generators, lanterns and tents, just in case” I said about to start searching “Wait, we also need nails and vegetable seeds, so we can grow some food” Shae said “Ok then, also grab anything which you think may be useful” James said. We all split up and began running around the aisles.
As I ran I quickly grabbed a basket and sat it on the pallet trolley. I ran to the outdoor equipment and grabbed the two largest tents I could find, a 8 person, two room tent and a 6 person, 2 room tent. I put them on the trolley and continued moving. A zombie was wandering up ahead, it turned and looked at me. It was wearing the Bunnings uniform and it’s jaw was missing. A gapping mass was all the remained of the bottom of its face, it let out a gurgled groan and started shuffling towards me. I left my trolley and raised by shovel above my shoulder and walked forward. I swung the shovel around and hit the zombie in the side of the head. It’s skull shattered between the shelf on the left and my shovel. As I pulled the shovel away thin strands of crushed brain stuck between the shovel head and the remnants of the zombies skull. “I think it’s about time for me to find a new weapon” I thought to myself staring at the bloody mess on the base of my shovel. I left the trolley there and continued walking down the outdoor supply aisle. I scanned both aisles before stopping. Hanging on the shelf were several machetes still in their protective plastic. I grabbed one down and began trying to tear it open. After a few minutes of being unable to get to the machete I carried it back to the trolley and continued searching. I stopped the trolley at the machetes again and loaded five more onto it, “Better safe than sorry” I thought to myself. I walked until I reached the end of the aisle and grabbed two boxes of solar powered lights. I turned around and walked back to the entrance. Already waiting there, was Shiro, Ebony and Kaycee, standing there with Ebony and Kaycee now having a way to protect themselves. I pushed the trolley over and started waiting with them. James came out first, first thing out was a pallet trolley covered in planks, then he became visible. He had bow slung over one shoulder and a quiver of arrows over the other. “Where did you manage to get that?” Kaycee asked “I found it tucked behind some planks” James said lining up his trolley beside mine. Next out was Shae, she had a basket completely filled with boxes of nails. She silently walked over and started waiting with us. “Should we start loading everything in?” She asked “Yeah, let’s go, you three wait here” James said pushing his trolley through the door.
Walking out into the afternoon daylight, everything was silent except for the gentle rumbling of the trolleys moving across the pavement. I stopped my trolley and opened the back door of the Land Rover. I pushed the button and folding the seat up for more room. “Ok, the wood can go in the back of the Land Rover, smaller stuff can go in the bus.” I said climbing out of the Land Rover. James and I started loading the planks into the Land Rover while Shae emptied her trolley onto the bus. “So, where’d you really find that bow?” I asked quietly “There was a guy who had hung himself in the back, he had the bow. I cut him down and took the bow.” He replied quietly. “Ok then, because you don’t just find a bow and arrow behind some planks at Bunnings” I said. We finished loading the back of the Land Rover with planks and shut the boot. “Well, I think we are set with planks for a while” James said stepping back, Shae then stepped out from the bus, “All the nails, tents and machetes are at the back of the bus” She said walking over to us, “Ok then, let’s go back inside” I said walking over to the door. We walked back inside the darkened Bunnings.
Standing there were Ebony, Shiro and Shannon, Shannon had a trolley full of batteries, “Where’s Kaycee?” James asked “She went to look for Jess” Shiro said not turning around “She still isn’t back?!” Shae said sounding concerned “We should go look for them” I said walking forward. We all started running along the front of all the aisles searching for Kaycee and Jess. We ran past the first 5 aisles with but they had nothing down them, the 6th aisle has two zombies, we ignored them and kept running. We stopped again on the 8th aisle, garden supplies. There appeared to be two figures standing down it. “Is it them?” Ebony asked “I don’t know, I can’t tell from here” Shiro said stepping forward. We all started walking cautiously towards the two figures. “Jess, Kaycee, what’s been taking you so long?” James said loudly “Sorry, we were choosing vegetables and fruits to grow” We heard Kaycee say loudly. Shiro walked forward first but we all quickly followed. Once close we saw that Jess and Kaycee had two trolleys, one full of different sized hammers and the other full of packets of seeds “What do you all think, beans or tomatoes?” Jess said “Just grab them both” Ebony said loudly “Ok” Kaycee said pushing the trolley up beside the rack. She pushed all the packets of tomatoes and beans into the trolley and turned to face us. “Can we go now?” Shannon asked “Yeah, let’s get out of here” She said turning around. We walked back down the gardening aisle silently except for the rumbling of the wheels across concrete. The zombies in aisle 6 had made it closer but we still walked past without bothering with them. We reached the front door and left.
Once outside, I grabbed the front of Shannon’s trolley and both Shannon and I lifted the trolley inside and stepped out of the way. Shannon wheeled the trolley to the back seat and emptied all the batteries into a cardboard box. She pushed the trolley out of the door and walked out behind it. Next James climbed in holding the front of a trolley filled with hammers, holding the other end was Shae. They wheeled the trolley to the back of the bus again and filled a box with as many hammers as it could fit. The remaining hammers were thrown out the door along with the trolley. The final trolley to be lifted in was the trolley of seeds, it was being pushed by Kaycee and Jess. They managed to fill a box and a half with seed packets. With all the trolleys unloaded, Shiro and Shannon climbed in the Land Rover, Jess got in the driver’s seat of the bus and everyone say back down in their seats for trip back home.

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