Chapter 1 - The Song Of Achilles

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It was finally the first day back at Scout University after the summer break, I spent most of my summer abroad in Greece with my family, they were more there for the beach but I spent most of my time in the museums looking at the statues.

It was a loud day back at the uni, a lot of people's first day as freshers week was about to begin, the main area of campus being filled with stalls from the frat houses, from the corner of my eye I could see the  parigoriá fraternity tent and Jean aggressively begging newer students to join, I walked over pulling my beige flannel over my shoulder as it started slipping "Nobody's going to join your frat if you harass them Jean" I gripped onto my suitcase and looked at the boy, sweat dripping down his brow as he put down the big sign up board, seeing the sign up sheet blank. "I've been here since 6am.. I want to die, death would be better than this" The boy panted as he picked up a large bottle of water downing the whole thing, a laugh escaped my lips as I watched him struggle. Jean came from the Trost High School a couple hours away and originally we hated each other until we had to work on a project together, with the project I had to go to his dorm-room once to find a porno magazine on his bed, upon discovering it was for mature women making an inside joke between us that Jean secretly wanted to fuck old ladies. "(y/n), you just gonna take the piss out of me or help me round up some idiots to join us? If I don't get at least 100 people to join us by the end of today Reiner is going to kill me" Jean groaned and looked at me, I chuckled and shook my head stepping back from the stall "you know what I think I'll let you struggle" I began walking away from the boy as I heard a loud grunt come from behind me.

I finally got to my dorm room to see Ymir already leant back on her freshly made bed, Ymir's side of the room was basic but also so well done, dark oak desktops and shelves decorated with little fake plants and a singular photo of herself and Historia placed perfectly on her bedside desk "you're back, people thought you'd stay in Greece forever" A soft chuckle escaped from the tanned girl, I smiled and threw my suitcase on my bed and began unpacking "I honestly wish I stayed, took so many seminars on the history behind Persephone's capture" I placed my newly purchased books on my desk, same dark oak desk as Ymir's but I put more thought into my decorations, having mini statues placed around on the desk and shelves, photos and verses from history books stuck up on the walls and gold LED's stuck around my bed. "Did you hear your history teacher got fired" Ymir looked up from her phone to me, I looked at her and furrowed my brows in confusion, usually news runs fast around campus especially if it's about a teacher "no what happened??" I put my now empty suitcase under my bed and sat down on my bed as Ymir explained, saying how the teacher was caught drinking during classes and was purposefully failing students he didn't like, always got weird vibes from Mr.Seubal, at least I knew he liked me. "Any news from who the new teacher is going to be?" I questioned only to have Ymir shake her head and jump up after having a glance at her phone, I sighed and nodded and leant back against the wall as my flannel fell off my shoulder. "I'm gonna go see historia, might not be back tonight" Ymir waved before walking out, I sighed and crossed my legs over and checked my phone seeing no updates about the new teacher, already starting to hear loud ruckus come from down the hall I decided on going to the library and begin renting out new history books for the term. I picked up my notebook and my smaller bag I have prepared specifically for when I go to the library, consisting of my library card, hand wipes and a list of books I've already had.

I got to the library and walked to the history section, waving to the librarian "First day back and you're already here" she softly chuckled, I smiled and nodded and looked, skimming my finger over the spines of the books, feeling the rough skin against my fingertips and stopping at what looked like a new book "the song of" I reached for the cyan book and pulled it out and walked to a table and began reading and taking notes. "The song of Achilles? A tale of friendship and love between Achilles and Patroclus" a deep voice came from behind me, I turned behind me and saw a tall man peer over my shoulder but respectfully kept his distance. I took a closer at the male, he was pale but had a light colour of pink on his cheeks, golden blonde hair with an undercut all around kind of unkept but still looking professional, he wore black trousers and a white button up shirt with the top button undone, looking like he just came out of an interview and was defiantly on the older side of things, despite this he was very attractive with a strong jawline and roman nose, bushy but kept eyebrows furrowed above his glowing blue eyes, a beautiful shade of sapphire. Blinking a couple of times I took myself out of my daze and smiled softly at the male "You know your Greeks" I put my bookmark in between the pages and closed the book as the male rest his  hand on the back of the oak chair beside me, tilting it towards him slightly "May I take a seat?" He questioned, a brow raising slightly, I nodded as he took his seat, even sat down this man was tall. "Nice to see someone has the same tradition as me, spending most of their time at the library" he chuckled and put down his own book, it was a hardback leather limited edition of the Constitution Of Zeus, I nodded and smiled and decided on being friendly and held my hand out "Im (y/n) (l/n) by the way, thought if we're gonna talk in depth about this we might aswell be on a first name basis" the male looked at my hand as a soft smile tugged onto his mouth, he grasped my hand and shook it lightly "Im Erwin Smith, I like your pomegranate ring" his voice was so low yet comforting, he still held onto my hand now gently turning it sideways having a closer look at my ring, I chuckled and smiled "thank you, I got it during summer at this lovely stall in Greece" his eyes widened a little bit as he leant back in his chair now letting go of my hand, his left leg crossing over the right "you take trips to Greece? Have you been to the Ideon Cave? It's stunning" I smiled and nodded as I leaned into the conversation more, it was great talking to someone about my major that wasn't in my class. We stayed talking for another hour, our conversation slipping from the Greek talk to more personal, "so you always have trips to Greece? Do you spend your entire time there studying?" Erwins eyes glazed with confusion, his eyebrow raised and still had his eyes drawn on me remaining eye contact the entire time. I chuckled awkwardly and itched the back of my neck, hearing it from someone else does sound pretty sad spending their free time just studying "it sounds sad when you say it like that" I scratched at the skin on the back of my neck knocking my flannel shirt off my shoulder, it was a soft beige cropped flannel that I got myself last month, I was wearing a plain black vest with slight lace details on the hem and high waisted black mom jeans with rips down it and black platforms docs, I never really overdress much I just wear whatever's comfortable and makes me look presentable. "It's not sad, just shows you really enjoy your major" Erwin smiled, his glistening white teeth practically blinded me, he stood up and stretched "Well I should get back before they close the library, nice talking to the top of the class, thought you'd be stuck up but I was wrong" my eyes widened in confusion, did he just say student ? Holy shit is this man my new teacher?? I looked at him confused as he chuckled again and left before I could say anything, his walk had such stride and confidence in it. I gulped and got up quickly renting out the book and walked back to my dorm, it was dark out and the streetlights were lit lighting up my path back to the dorms, hearing loud music which welcomed the beginning of freshers week.

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