Chapter 16 - slave

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(TW- Sexual Assault & Harassment)
I went to the hospital after spending a couple hours at Erwin's just to find out the mutt broke my nose, at least one of her hits landed.
Erwin waited outside the hospital in his car, I walked out of the hospital and held onto the prescription for the pain killers "I knew it was broken" Erwin sighed as he opened the car door for me, I chuckled and got in the car And leant back "I broke my nose not my hand you don't need to baby me Erwin" I put on my seatbelt and looked out the window, I had class with him tomorrow and still haven't really spoken to Marco since breaking his nose.
"You want to come back to mine or back to the dorms?" Erwin rest his hand on my thigh as he drove, as much as I wanna be at Erwin's again I have to get back to the dorms I'm wearing the same outfits over and over again "back to the dorms please, I don't want to spend too much time at yours I don't wanna be a distraction to your work" I stroked his hand as he parked on campus, I picked up my bag and kissed him softly "I'll see you tomorrow, don't miss me too much" Erwin smiled in the kiss and poked my ass as I got out the car, I chuckled and closed the door waving to Erwin as I walked off to the dorm building.

"Holy shit what happened to you?" Eren laughed as I sat at a table outside the lecture halls, I groaned and rolled my eyes trying to make up a story "I was walking past the criminology class and Mr.Ackerman kicked the door open and it slammed on my face breaking my nose" Eren's laugh got more louder and intense as he slammed his hand on the table, I chuckled and leant back in my chair "I refuse to believe that but if it's true that's fucking hilarious" Eren cackled as he sat down, his hand skimmed the lining of his pockets before taking out a cigarette and lighting it up, I chuckled and took a sip of my water before seeing the grim reaper herself walk up from behind me and Eren, a black eye and busted lip with some bruises plastered on her face as she struggled to smirk.
"What you doing here skank? Aren't you not allowed to be 15 meters of children?" I raised and eyebrow and looked at her, she stood in the middle of the table between me and Eren and looked Eren up and down "Didn't know you had another boyfriend (y/n), especially with a student" she scoffed, I gulped and looked at her and Eren, Eren chuckled and looked at me then Diana "this the door then? Damn she looks like a domestic survivor" Eren chuckled and tapped the end of his cigarette on the end of his chair as the ash fell onto her shoe, she better keep her mouth shut if she knows what's good for her.
"Who's this bitch then? And why she talking like that?" Eren looked at both of us as I rolled my eyes and sat up putting my waterbottle down as Diana smirked and went to pull a chair over "I'm Erwin's ex wife, Erwin is seeing this little skank while also flirting with a student, pedo" I stood up and put my hand over hers stopping her from picking up the chair and kicked her away, I put my bag down on the table and sighed "do you want me to kick your ass again? If not I'd recommend you take your dog ass off campus" I was hoping she would want to fight so I had an excuse to beat her ass for telling Eren about me and Erwin, Diana towered over me as she stood close, she spat in my face as she went to punch me again.
"Aight" I wiped the spit off my face before grabbing her by the hair and slamming her head against the metal table, I kicked her ribs knocking her to the floor "I told you to leave me the fuck alone, your hearing is deteriorating with your old ass" I kicked her in the face one last time before walking back to the table where Eren was sat laughing his ass off, he dug into his pocket and took out a tissue handing it to me, Diana hobbled off as I inhaled and wiped my eyes with the tissue.

"Please don't tell anyone.. please I beg" I pleaded to Eren, my hands clasped together as I begged, never thought I'd beg to him out of all people "why should I?" He raised his eyebrow and puffed out smoke from his freshly lit cigarette, I couldn't have Erwin's job at risk so I was desperate, "I'll do anything! Please!" Eren's face slowly lit up as a smirk spread across his face, I gulped and looked at his evil little grin, fuck what did I just do.
"Anything?" He put out his cigarette next to my hand and smirked leaning forward, god this really shows how much I care for Erwin doesn't it, I sighed and nodded "Anything."
Eren shot up and pulled me up out of the chair pulling me close, his finger tapping my nose gently as I looked at him confused
"You'll be my slave, you'll do everything I tell you to do and if you don't do what I say I'll just tell everyone you're sleeping with Mr.Smith" he smirked and dropped his bag in my hands, I quickly caught it and huffed hoping this wouldn't last long.
"We're not even sleeping with each other, just making out and hanging out at his a lot" I spoke quietly and sighed, Eren looked at me and raised an eyebrow in surprise before walking ahead
"With you all over him I thought you'd already slept with him by now" I picked up my bag and followed behind him, gripping onto the bag strings and groaned "I'm not a whore, I actually like him I'm not just into him for his body. Like yeah his body is a big plus but it's not the only reason why I like him" I looked at Eren as he quietened down,  as much as he annoys me I'd call Eren my best friend, he's always been for me ever since we met at freshers.

-lil flashback-
I was a timid little shit scared of everything, I only really knew Jean as we both came from Trost high and he already made a bunch of friends from the first two days, he joined Reiner's frat on the 3rd day and they were having a huge party to celebrate as it was freshers week. To jeans invitation he brought me along to the party, I dressed down as I truly didn't want to be there, while at the party nobody really spoke to me or acknowledged my existence as Jean was too busy getting shitfaced.
I was sat on the sofa just sipping on my vodka-coke before a male sat beside me, his hand resting on my thigh as his breath stunk of weed and alcohol "You're new here, how about I show you a tour around the frat and you give me a tour of yourself" the male slurred as he spoke, fucking gross. I shook my head and awkwardly chuckled "no thank you, I'm good" I really wanted to avoid any issues occurring but the male kept on persisting, his grip on my thigh getting tighter as he leant closer to me
"I don't really like to take no for an answer, come on" he spoke lowly and dug his nails into my thigh, I yelped and tried moving back before he gripped onto my wrist "I said no. Get off of me" I spoke quietly not wanting to draw attention to me, the male tugged at my wrist as his hand began to trail up my thigh to the buckle of my belt.
"Hey she said no cunt" A voice came from behind the sofa, before I knew it the male fell off the sofa after a swing from the voice behind me, I sat up and scrambled to grab my things before a hand went onto my shoulder and the figure crouched down to my level
"Hey are you okay?" And there he was, Eren from day 1 was always caring for me even if he did have some gain from it. I shook my head and watched the male stand back up holding onto his head "fuck you you fat slut! Your boyfriend can go fuck himself too" the male spoke with such pride before Eren walked back over to him and slammed his head into the fireplace before grabbing him by his ear and dragging him outside where you could hear more grunts and banging noises, the cheers of voices yelling "Eren! Eren! Eren!" They chanted hyping the boy up, moments later he came walking back in, his knuckles slightly bruised and slight blood splattered on his clothes. "Come on, I'll take you back to your dorms" he held his hand out to me.
-flashback over-

"Oi! I said I wanted a coffee get me a coffee slave!" Eren snapped his fingers in my face as I shook my head, a sassy look plastered on his face as he huffed, yeah a big change from the protective bastard I met.

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