Chapter 5 - Cyngus

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I sat on the sofa and got myself a drink, for a change I want to be the one being mothered I don't wanna be mothered. I took a swig of my vodka-coke and leant back on the sofa, watching connie try and play bartender mixing up random drinks and calling them 'connie's magnificent cocktails' I sighed and kept to myself as everyone started playing this one game, don't know what I wasn't really paying much attention to them "Nope gimme that, you're playing a game with us" Reiner grabbed my phone and put it in his back pocket before sitting down, I huffed and crossed my legs "fine what are you playing" I leant forward and saw Ymir laying out a deck of cards all facing down, everyone sat in a circle with a hug in the middle, I looked at the deck of cards pack and saw that they were a regular pack with ace,spades, hearts and clubs. "We're playing ring of fire, was Connie's idea. Was that or 7 minutes" Ymir sighed and looked at Historia, I chuckled and nodded recognising the game, I remember playing this a couple of times in college. It was a game of chance, you go around in a circle and pick up a card one after each other; Aces meaning a waterfall where you all drink until the person to your left finishes, 2 meaning you nominate someone to drink, 3's meaning you drink, 4 is Whores where all the girls drink, 5 is thumb master where you put your thumb on the table and the last person to copy you drinks, 6 meaning dicks where all the guys drink, 7 meaning Heaven where you raise your hands in the air and the last person to do the same drinks, 8 meaning Mate and you choose a friend to drink, 9 meaning Rhyme where you take turns to rhyme a word and if you mess up you drink, 10 meaning Categories where you name things from a category and once you mess up you drink, Joker meaning rule where you make any rule and if anyone breaks it they drink, Queen meaning Question Master where you ask someone questions and they have to respond instantly else they drink and lastly K meaning Pour where you pour your drink into the jug and the last person to call a king has to drink it.

We were deep into the first game and I was already tipsy from constantly being nominated and having 4's chosen, "Right right my turn!" Eren leant forward and picked up a card, he flipped the card with his pointer and middle finger and smirked as it was a queen, his eyes darting to me as Eren leant forward "(y/n), do you wanna fuck your history teacher?" Eren spoke with a smirk, I heard Armin yelp and slap his hand over his mouth, I raised my eyebrow not expecting the question and quickly responded "Nope, do you? You sure do seem to be in trouble with Mr.Smith a lot, you just acting out so you can get fucked by him?" I smirked and took a swig of my drink knowing Eren would've made me drink either way.
Laughter filled the room as Eren glared at me, I leant forward and picked up a card and turned it upside down as it was a 6, the boys collectively groaned before drinking their beverages. I leant on Reiner, holding onto my drink as it was a matter of time before I had to drink, I watched the rest of the group play as I sighed "It's nice seeing you hang out with us once in a while" Reiner stroked my hair as he looked at me, I smiled softly and nodded, I loved hanging out with these guys but I just didn't enjoy having to always mother them. "It's fun, gives me a good reason to dress up" I chuckled and took a swig of my drink as Connie lifted a 4. It finally went back to my turn as there wasn't many cards left, I stuck out my tongue in concentration as there was only one king left and the jug was nearly overfilling, I lifted up a card and groaned as it was the last king "hand me the jug" I huffed and grasped onto the jug that was a potion of Connie's cocktails, vodka, rum, whiskey and other alcoholic beverages. I inhaled before taking a massive swig of the jug and began downing it, knowing for a fact I was defiantly gonna regret this later one, I finished it and slammed the jug down "YES!! Get in (y/n) you beast!!" Connie cheered, I belched loudly and stood up raising my hands in celebration. I took off my flannel and groaned "I'm gonna get some fresh air" I stumble out the door and got to the front door of Mikasa's building, walking to the smoking section as there was a bench there and leant back looking up at the sky. I defiantly was drunk at this point, felt nice to just let loose for once, I stared at the stars and traced my fingers over the constellations.

I hummed to myself feeling the cold breeze blow my hair back out of my face "Ok now I think it's getting creepy how much we keep on bumping into each other" Erwin was stood next to me, I chuckled and moved my glance from the stars to Erwin, the moonlight making his eyes glimmer brighter than the daylight ever could. "Think you might be stalking me Mr.Smith, don't you think that's a little inappropriate?" I chuckled and crossed my leg over, now only being in a slinky black dress, I felt the bottom of the dress ride up a bit as I crossed my legs over, a slight blush spread across his face as he chuckled and sat down next to me "Looks like you've been drinking, I can smell the concoction of alcohol through your breath" Erwin looked at me before his eyes trailed to the sky, I hummed and pointed upwards seeing the constellations "Just left of Auriga you can see Cassiopeia a lot more clearer than usual" I belched and placed my hand on my mouth not wanting Erwin to smell anymore of Connie's potions.
I couldn't help but look at Erwin through the corner of my eye, his eyes met mine as I quickly looked away, a chuckle escaping his lips as he turned his body fully as he looked at me "How's your wrist?" He  reached for my arm with one hand as the other dug into his pocket, I chuckled and smiled "Still broken" I let Erwin have control of my body as his gently yet firm hands traced my arm, a shiver went down my spine as he teased my skin. "What are you doing?" I questioned, chewing on the inside of my lip as he caressed my arm before taking out a pen and writing on my cast "Being the first person to write on your cast" he hummed and wrote his name before drawing the constellation of cyngus, i felt my face heat up as the meaning of Cyngus was anniversaries and romance. It was like an inside joke. "A little reminder" Erwin's eyes met mine, he smiled and laughed at my response, not everyday your hot teacher flirts with you.
We looked at each other for a moment that practically lasted forever, I gulped to only feel a burn in my throat as it was dry from the amount of alcohol I consumed.
"Erwin I-" I began to speak before feeling a rush come through my body, my body jolted as I spewed my guts out in the bin next to the bench, gripping onto the bin tightly as I vomited. Soft hands trailed up my neck as I felt Erwin hold my hair back out of my face, I came to the end of my hurl and started laughing, I wiped my mouth with my arm and looked back at him "First you flirt with your student in a library, flirt with her again during classes, break her wrist and now being a gentleman and holding her hair back, you're a jack of all trades Mr.Smith" I felt myself slightly drool as I wiped my mouth, his eyes widened as a blush spread across his face, I'll take that as a win on my part.
His hand brushed my hair behind my ear before he stood up moving away seeing Eren walk out "I'll get going, you got a new escort, goodnight (l/n)" Erwin smiled and gave me a soft wave before walking off, I looked at eren as a smirk spread across his face. His face being lit up briefly by the flame coming from his lighter, "Did I break up a moment between you two?" I grunted and rolled my eyes, I ran my hands through my hair now sobering up slightly. "If I haven't already vomited I'd hurl on you right now" I huffed and crossed my legs, Eren sat down beside me and refused to look away from me, back to his 90% of being an asshole.
"Sure sure, at least now I know you defiantly got daddy issues" Eren blatantly spoke, my eyes widened as my glare slowly turned to him, the fucking audacity of this bitch "the fuck you mean daddy issues? I have a perfectly fine relationship with my father!" I growled, how the hell did he get to the conclusion I had daddy issues? I huffed and crossed my arms leaning back, Eren smirked and looked up at the sky blowing smoke out from his lips
"Cause you got a crush on a man double your age"

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