Chapter 4 - A stone giant

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It been a week now with Erwin as my teacher, since him leaning towards me in the last class i been finding myself having so many little moments with him, I groaned sitting up and saw that Ymir was gone "hm probably gone to see Historia before class" I shrugged and checked my phone seeing that it wasn't that Ymir woke up early it's that I slept in.. an hour.. "SHIT" I scrambled out of bed and just threw on a hoodie on-top of my pyjamas not really caring I was just in shorts and a vest, i put my trainers on and quickly grabbed my bag running out "fuck fuck fuck!" I ran out of the dorm building, how could I be so stupid why did I sleep in?! Did my alarm not go off? I was so worried about class I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings, I felt myself crash into something sturdy, I fell back from the impact
"Really taking the bumping into each other more literal aren't you?" I grit my teeth holding onto my wrist and looked up seeing Erwin with a concerned look spread across his face, he held his hand out to help me up, Seeing the concerned look on his face warmed me up. I grabbed his hand and pulled myself up and dusted myself off "I can help myself up, didn't take your hand cause I need a strong man I just took it cause I might of broken my wrist" I puffed my chest out, I've always been independent so I never really needed someone to help me, his eyes widened as he grabbed onto my wrist gently and looked at it "I signed your absence off as authorised, I'll take you to the nurse" I looked at Erwin and chewed on the inside of my lip, I really liked the attention I was gaining from Erwin but I didn't want him to know, can't have people think I need to rely on older men to get myself around. "I can go myself, you got your next class" I looked at him, he still had hold onto my wrist and his eyes were practically glued to me, a slight chuckle escaped his lips "I haven't got another lesson until yours at the end of the day, come on I'll take you to the nurse" I held onto my bag and followed him, the fact that just crashing into Erwin broke my wrist. "Sorry for breaking your wrist, at least that's definitely a milestone" Erwin laughed, his laugh was a beautiful low sound, so very charming like it was out of a fantasy film, I chuckled and shook my head looking at him as we walked "it's fine, I'll have you be the first person to sign it" we finally got to the nurses office, I waved Erwin off as he left. The nurse looked at me and Erwin and raised an eyebrow "Was nice of Mr.Smith to escort you to me, so what happened"

Erwin POV
After dropping (y/n) at the nurse I walked out to the staff room, can't believe that her bumping into me caused her to break her wrist. Meeting her at the library was amazing and I couldn't help myself but feel drawn to her, until she said her name then I had to try and draw back my emotions realising that she wasn't a member of staff but actually a student, feeling this way for a student is strictly prohibited and extremely unprofessional.
I got into the staff room and stumbled in to see Hange and Levi bickering, i chuckled and walked sitting down at the table "Erwin! Tell Levi that hitting students with rulers is not allowed!" Hange whined, I sighed and put my books down and looked up at the two, Hange was correct that it was inappropriate to be hitting students but it would hypocritical if I said anything as I'm having inappropriate feelings for my own student. "Hey blondie why you so deep in thought?" Levi raised his eyebrow, putting down his cup of coffee that was as dark as the mug it was in, I shook my head ridding of thought of (y/n) and cleared my throat "sorry, just had to take a student to the nurses as she ran into me so hard she broke her wrist" I chuckled easing the seriousness of what happened, Hange's eyes widened as she put down her drink and grabbed onto my arm, her grasp tightening "You stone giant! Are you sure you don't have any titanium plating in your bones??" I rolled my eyes at her and shook my head, Levi scoffed and tilted his head back "You've been here for a week and you already broke a student. Thank god you stuck with history and not PE with Miche."

I finally left the nurses office with my wrist now in a cast, choosing a mint colour for the outer cast. "Saw you go to the nurses with Mr.Smith, what happened?" Eren was leant against the wall, his lips pursed against the cigarette he held between his pointer and middle finger, the smoke gracefully escaping his lips as he spoke "ran fully into Mr.Smith, fell back on my hand funny and broke my wrist" I shrugged not really that phased from it all, compared to when I broke my leg last year after falling in a loose sewer drain this really was like a light scratch. "Fucking idiot" Eren chuckled lowly and dropped his cigarette on the floor stepping on it to put it out, Eren was a dick 90% of the time but this was an example of the 10% of times where he's bare-able to be around. I walked next to him as we met with Armin and Mikasa sat by the main steps
"(y/n)! Hey! We've planned a hangout tonight!, no alcohol so no mothering for you" Armin chirped, I raised my eyebrow and looked at eren knowing if Eren was coming there defiantly was gonna be alcohol involved. I was going to say no knowing that but I physically couldn't say no to Armin, it was like saying no to a puppy. I sighed and nodded "fine, who else is going to be there" I sat down on the steps next to them as Armin pulled out his phone reading out some contacts, Armin would rarely plan things like these but when he did they were very intimate and calm depending on the people he invited, since it was a while since we last all hung out I could already guess it was going to be a bit more louder than before especially hearing that both Reiner, Connie and Jean were invited. "It's going to be at Mikasa's since she's the only one who doesn't live in the dorms and she has a large apartment" Armin smiled brightly and jumped up in excitement, throwing his arms up and letting out a soft laugh.

I got back to my dorm and had 3 hours to get ready before the party was meant to begin, I laid myself out a plain black dress with a little slit on the leg that stopped mid-thigh, I put down my beige flannel next to it as I wanted something on my shoulders so it wouldn't be so bare, accessorising the outfit with sock garters and knee high socks. "Looks like someone's finally going to be social tonight" Ymir walked out from the bathroom and leant on the doorframe, I looked up at her and chuckled nodding as I put on my makeup "Hard to put makeup on with a broken wrist I'll tell you that" I got through with putting on my makeup, a winged eyeliner, false lashes and a bit of lipgloss was enough, didn't want to go too overboard just for a little party. I checked the time and got dressed and let my hair fall onto my shoulders after putting in my golden hoop earrings, I sighed and put on my flannel and saw Ymir open the door "Come on, I'll walk with you until we get to the sorority then I'm walking with Historia" I nodded and walked out with Ymir before splitting off walking to Mikasa's place, I could only imagine how many times Armin begged Mikasa for it to be at hers, last few parties have always been at Reiners but the frat boys have always tried joining In and just ruining it for us.
I finally got to Mikasa's and knocked on the door, the door swung open showing a drunken Jean barely holding onto the door "(y/n)! My angel you're here" I rolled my eyes and chuckled walking in, so much for no alcohol.
I could already tell by the state of Connie, Reiner and Jean it was going to be a long night.

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