Chapter 13 - Marco

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"So everyone today we do have a new student joining us late so I want someone to pair with him for your projects" Erwin's eyes scanned the classroom as I looked around trying to find the new kid, he walked in and my eyes widened realising it was Marco, a smile spread on my face as I waved to him "(y/n)! Sir is it okay if I get paired with (y/n)? Marco smiled widely, Marco was my ex and childhood best friend, I went to the same school as Jean and Marco and our families were really close. He looked practically the exact same just more taller, his short black hair was still parted in the middle and had a slight curl in it "uh sure?" Erwin had a slight tinge of jealously in his voice as Marco sat beside me, his bright smile gleamed as he leant towards me "I can't believe it! You look amazing" Marco pulled me into his arms into a tight hug, he's gotten a lot more bulkier than when we dated, a lot more attractive aswell, I could tell easily that Erwin was jealous and I wanted to take advantage of that just to see what would happen. I spent the rest of the class helping Marco with notes and catching up with him, noticing Erwin stare at me every so often "Me and Jean are going out to get pizza you should come with!" Marco jumped up and grabbed onto my hands, I chuckled and nodded as I felt Erwin's glare on my back, I picked up my bag and looked back at him "Of course! I'll catch up with you guys just wait for me outside I wanna ask mr.Smith about the project" I smiled as Marco nodded as his hand grazed across my waist before he walked out, I watched him leave before walking over to Erwin, a jealous look spread across his face "jealousy isn't a cute trait y'know" I chuckled and leant against his desk, Erwin huffed as his eyes stared at the door to check nobody was gonna come in before grabbing my waist and pulling me close inches away from my lips
"you're mine got it" he spoke sternly, my face flushed a bright red as I looked up at him, his glare coming from his lips up to meet with mine "say it" he demanded, I instantly wanted to melt into a puddle in his arms, I gulped and nodded "I'm yours" Erwin smirked softly before pecking my lips and letting go, I itched the back of my neck and pulled my bag strap up to my shoulder "good girl, now go have fun with your friends" I nodded and sped walked off still flustered, I tried calming down my blush as I walked over to Marco and Jean, he's never been that demanding with me before, it's always been soft and sweet with Erwin it's never gotten to be demanding, I couldn't even lie I loved the contrast.

I sat in a park with Jean and Marco as we all caught up with each other, stuffing my face with pizza I saw a text from Erwin
Erwin- You wanna come over tonight ? Xx
Me - sorry I can't tonight Marco wants me to help him with the project, maybe tomorrow xx
"So (y/n)? You dating anyone?" Marco questioned, I put my phone back in my pocket and shook my head, it's not like I could tell him I'm dating someone cause Jean would pry and try and figure it out, I've already got Ymir and Eren pestering me trying to find out who I'm talking to "nah but I am talking to someone, he doesn't go to the uni he works a couple blocks away" I smiled and kept my phone in my pocket not wanting to draw attention to it, Marco's face lit up as he leant closer to me, I gulped swallowing the last bit of pizza as he towered over me "So nothings official? How about we go on a date then? Like a blast from the past, wouldn't that be cool!" He spoke sweetly but had a begging under-layer with it, I didn't want to be unfaithful to Erwin even if we weren't official. I chuckled and shook my head moving back away from Marco's face "as cute as that would be I don't think so, you can go on a date with Jean tho, I think he's single right Jean?" I tried changing the subject so Marco would back off with the flirting. Our families were really close and we went on holidays together a lot but it just was repetitive, we hugged and kissed and kissed and hugged, so tame and easy, we were a cute couple I have to admit, we spent every hour with each other going on walks together and watching the stars. All good things have to come to an end though which happened once we were accepted into our chosen colleges, I got into Sina college while Marco had to stick with the city college back in Trost and we eventually split after the long distance drove us apart. I thought after that I'd only ever see him whenever I would visit back home, I never really expected him to turn up here, I was already surprised enough to see Jean here but Marco is a bit too much of past issues coming to light.

With Marco flirting so much I did want to leave but I didn't wanna come off as rude, it is his first day and I can't avoid him forever. I checked my phone and text Erwin
Me- Hey can I come over tonight? Marco's being overly flirty xxx
I sighed and leant back against the bench as Marco and Jean were laughing at each other, it was getting late at this point, as much as I wanna stay in a park and catch-up but if Marco's being so flirty like this then I don't really wanna be here "So (y/n) what happened? You look so different from last time I saw you, I didn't think it was possible you could get anymore gorgeous" Marco rest his head in his hand, I chuckled away the uncomfortable feeling and itched the back of my neck, please someone have an emergency so I can leave this hellhole "thank you! Nothing really I've just been putting more effort into my skincare" I checked my phone if Erwin had responded only to have Jean grab it pulling it back, my eyes widened as I reached over "you been checking your phone the entire time who are you even messaging?" I tried reaching out to Jean only to have Marco playfully hold me back, I grit my teeth and tried squirming out of his grip "give me back my phone you horseface wanker!" I tried getting out of Marco's grip as he held tightly onto my waist, "so who's Ewan??" Thank god Jean is dyslexic so he can't say his name, Marco went to lean forward to grab my phone, I growled an squirmed out of his grip after elbowing Marco in the nose "fucks sake! Should've given me my fucking phone when I said so" I stood up and grabbed my bag storming off, seeing blood on the cardigan and froze did I break his nose????
I didn't feel bad, does that make me a bad person?

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