Chapter 18 - a wedding

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(This is a couple months after the previous chapter)

"Oh shit.." I re-read the message from my mum about a wedding, my cousin Maria got engaged last summer and told us all that she was only going to have a small intimate wedding but was desperate to have me there as we were really close growing up.
With both of my parents being busy with work I spent every weekend and even some days after school at her house, she was practically like a sister to me throughout my whole childhood, I felt horrible leaving her at home when I moved here for uni.
I couldn't tell my mum no, what could I even say as an excuse?
Before I knew it i had a phone call from my mum, I panicked and threw my phone on my bed answering it.
"Hey pumpkin! I thought I'd call cause it took a while for your text back" her voice chirped through the speaker, I sighed and rubbed my temple staring up at the clock.
"Yeah so what is it about Maria getting married? Did she really specifically ask for me to come??" I slumped myself down on the bed and crossed my legs over, seeing text messages from Erwin pop up at the top of my screen creating a smile to creep up on my face.

We still haven't given ourselves the label boyfriend and girlfriend but we were definitely official, I've even caught him bragging about me to Hange and Levi sometimes like I was a new puppy.
"Yes of course she did! I hope you got a plus one that isn't 'just a friend', you do have a boyfriend right? Or girlfriend for that matter!" Her voice shot me out of my daze, I shot my head up and rubbed my forehead, I couldn't bring Erwin it would be too risky.
All they do at weddings is take photos, what if the photos get out and the uni gets ahold of it and Erwin loses his job over it?
"Uhh.. yes? But he's really busy with work so he definitely wouldn't be able to come" I lied through my teeth, if anything Erwin is too free since our timetables been cut shorter so I don't have 4 lessons with him anymore and only 2 and a half.
"Awh come on (y/n)! I've told everyone you got a partner! At least bring a friend and tell them that it's your boyfriend" She huffed, I groaned and looked at Erwin's texts, if we avoid the camera we could get away with it I guess?
And it's not like the wedding is gonna be close to here so how would the uni even get hold of the photos?
This is only if Erwin even wants to go.

"Of course I'll go! I love weddings!" Erwin shot up excitedly, taking grip of my hands as his bright smile lit up his entire face.
"We gotta get you a dress and I need a new suit, do you know the theme we have to be coordinated!" He was like a teenage girl planning out their prom dresses, I knew Erwin was a type of person to always look presentable but set to a theme never really crossed my mind.
"So you're okay with meeting not only my parents, but my whole family??" I raised my eyebrow holding his hands, he gave them a squeeze kissing my forehead before pulling me close so my hands rested on his chest.
"Our entire relationship is based on risk baby, i love you and if that ruins my career than let it be." His eyes looked down at me, I looked up at him resting my head on his chest as I grit my teeth.
"That's a stupid idea" I sighed nuzzling my head into his chest, the sound of his heartbeat calming the knot in my stomach even if he wasn't trying to, everything Erwin did brought me to comfort and calmed everything around us like we were the only people in the world.

"Nothings stupid when I'm with you, now when's the wedding? A month? Two months? A year?" Erwin stroked my waist slowly rocking side to side holding me close, I kept my hands on his chest following with the swaying motion
"This weekend.. she's already reserved the tickets for us to leave on Friday, the wedding is Saturday night and honestly I don't know where we can even stay do hotels even take last minute bookings?" My mind started to wander at the end, going home always made me fearful as I was scared I wasn't doing good enough to make them proud, I'm literally dating my teacher! I couldn't be anymore of a disappointment.
"Hey hey hey calm down, how about I phone up Head Pyxis and tell him I have a family emergency and I won't be back until Monday, after I phone him we can go out and get you a new dress and myself a new suit?" Erwin grabbed my face forcing me to look up at him, I stared up into his eyes and chewed onto the inside of my bottom lip before adamantly nodding
"Okay.. thank you baby" I gave him a soft smile before leaning upright and softly pecking his lips, Erwin returned the kiss as his hand softly stroked my jaw before pulling away with a grin spread across his face.
God he was perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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