Chapter 12 - competition

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It's been a week since I was at Erwin's and our exams were coming up, I never really worried so much about exams but with Erwin and I being a item I felt myself becoming more distracted in class, I'd probably ask him closer to the exams for help but I don't think I'd be able to
I started packing up my bag for this study session Armin planned with me, Eren, Jean and Reiner as they were falling behind in their English studies, I had Erwin on speaker as Ymir was out in her lessons as I packed up "Hey so I was wondering if you wanna spend the night again? Like a movie night maybe" Erwin's voice fang through the speaker, I hummed to myself and smiled, his house was so calming and I wouldn't say no to spending more time with him "sure! I'll come over after I do this study session, want me to bring anything?" I adjusted the cardigan, ever since Erwin gave it to me I refused to take it off and been incorporating it into every outfit. Now having Erwin interested in me I found myself dressing more nicer for him to see, even bringing it to my underwear making sure I was wearing matching sets even if he wasn't going to see it. Especially today I put on a white mesh lingerie set with small butterflies embroidered onto the mesh, even if he wasn't gonna see it I felt good about myself "nah don't bring anything, we can order food so it saves us from cooking" I could hear him smile through his voice and checked the time realising it was getting close for me to meet up with Armin and the rest of the guys, I started walking out still on the phone to Erwin "true, I'm gonna have to go I'm about to be at the study session I should only be a couple of hours" I hummed and walked holding onto my bag, the study session was going to be at Reiner's frat in his room as it saved us from walking to a cafe, I could hear Erwin's soft whine as he spoke "hmmm okay, I'll try and not miss you too much, have fun princess" My eyes widening at the nickname as I paused in the middle of campus, a bright red blush spread across my face as I buckled in my spot "y-yeah! See ya handsome, have fun missing me" I quickly spoke before hanging up, I shoved my phone in my pocket and buried my head in my hands for a moment, he sends me into a mood of a teenage girl with her first boyfriend. I remember feeling this with my first boyfriend but holy fuck with Erwin it's so much more, I carried on walking to the frat as my heart raced, I'd gladly cancel on the study session if Armin wasn't involved.

I stupidly sat inbetween Jean and Eren as they kept on bickering beside me "shut the fuck up horseface! Call me an idiot one more time and I'll fucking choke you!" Eren growled as he held onto my hand, he kept on doodling on my hand making penises of different sizes, I only let him do it as I thought it would keep him quiet "oh yes choke me with your flakey ass hands! Your crusty ass has never heard of a shower you stinky shit!" Jean spat back at Eren, I groaned and leaned my back against the chair as Jean went to grab my hand and begin doodling on me aswell "right both of you shut the fuck up I'll let you draw on my arms if both of you stop" I took the cardigan off and gently laid it down on the sofa and leant back as Eren and Jean took that to have a competition between each of them to who could draw the most penises on me, it didn't bother me as it kept them quiet and as long I could take it off easily it would be fine.
"Guys you're meant to be studying not doodling" Armin sighed looking up from his book, Reiner was surprisingly quiet and was paying a lot of attention to Armin and you could tell he was actually learning, I looked back over at my arms and saw them nearly completely covered in penises
"umm.. (y/n), promise you won't be mad?" Jean spoke quietly as both him and Eren froze, Jean looked like he just saw a ghost as Eren began howling in laughter "it's fucking sharpie" Eren slammed his hand on the table bursting out laughing, my eyes widened as I jumped up "the fuck you just say?! Armin  I'm sorry I'm going to have to go and try and get this shit off" I grabbed the pen and saw it was sharpie, I kicked Eren's ass before grabbing my bag and cardigan running out, I put the cardigan on and groaned running towards Erwin's, with him being older he might have something for stains.

I knocked on Erwin's door and pulled the cardigan back up onto my shoulder as I panted, Erwin opened the door and looked at me worried "are you okay??" His eyes scanned my body as he pulled me inside by my waist checking if I was hurt, I shook my head and took of the cardigan and my shirt dropping them onto the floor not caring I was just In my bra and jeans "Jean and Eren drew penises on me in sharpie and I'm gonna need your help taking it off" Erwin froze more in shock that I was in my bra, his eyes glued to my chest as I walked over, pressing my chest against his so he couldn't see, I stood on my tiptoes and looked up at him "Little perv, please help me" I hummed as Erwin cleared his throat going to the kitchen and taking out some  things and followed me to the bathroom, I was tempted to take off my trousers for the excuse of not wanting to get them wet just to tease Erwin but decide to keep them on for now.
"I got some normal exfoliator, since it's ink alcohol should strip it off your skin and I even got some moisturiser for it after since the alcohol will dry your skin out" Erwin walked in the bathroom with his arms filled with random bottles, I sat on the edge of the bath and chuckled as he knelt down helping me scrub the penises off "why did you even let them do this?" Erwin chuckled and looked up at me, I shrugged and used my spare hand to stroke his hair, even smaller moments like this felt so intimate although I am half naked in front of him "They were arguing the entire time so I said they could doodle on me as long as it would come off" Erwin rolled his eyes and chuckled as some of the drawings were coming off, I scrubbed some of it off my upper arm and hummed.
We spent an hour taking all of the drawings off my arm, my arms felt raw after "you're an idiot" Erwin waited outside his bedroom as I got changed, I put his shirt on and my pyjama bottoms before placing my hand onto the golden handle of his bedroom door and pushed it down opening it  "I may be an idiot but you can't lie it is amusing" I swung open my arms making motions for him to hug me, I expected a hug but was met with brute force, he ran towards me and practically tackled me onto the bed, I let out a surprised yelp and held onto Erwin's shirt clinging onto him, a laugh escaping Erwin's lips as he looked down at me, I chuckled and looked up at him in awe as he laughed. My god this man is fucking perfect.

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