Chapter 9 - maybe 3

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It's been a week with me pushing Erwin's buttons in class, finding myself wearing more and more provocative clothing just to wind him up, today I decided to turn it to maximum and dug out a corseted long sleeve blouse and tightened up the corset, throwing it with a matching white skater skirt for it to tuck into and sheer white thigh high socks with ruffles on the top and my black docs.
Erwin's main nickname for me was goddess and I decided on taking that to my advantage, applying soft makeup on my cheeks and put gold earrings in my ears, a dangled star earring on my lobes. "Woah you're dressing up, you meeting with that guy you've been on the phone to every night the past week?" Ymir walked out of the bathroom and paused staring at me, I didn't want to admit that I was dressing up for someone, I just let out a chuckle and put on lipgloss "you look like Historia dressed you, I like it. Not gonna sleep with you though, sorry to burst your bubble" Ymir chuckled, I rolled my eyes and stood up picking up my bag and draping it over my shoulder as I put my pomegranate ring on.

I got to class at the same time as everyone else today, following behind Eren "Why you overdressing today?" Eren looked me up and down as we walked into class, I could feel Erwins eyes stare me down as I glanced over at him, I smiled softly at him and sat down "Since we are studying into Persephone and Hades I decided on dressing up, she's my favourite goddess" I took my books out and felt my phone vibrate, I checked it and saw it was a text from Erwin, before opening it I turned down my brightness so Eren couldn't see and read the text
Erwin - You're staying after class. That outfit is insane xx
I bit my lip and replied to the text, crossing my leg over leaning back as the rest of the class filled in
Me - Am I being punished for dressing accordingly to the class? Xx
I closed the screen to be met with Erwin's glare, I held back my smirk and sat up in my chair "Right class, we'll be focusing on the relationship between Persephone and Hades for the next 2 weeks, can anyone tell me who either of these people are" Erwin wrote on the board and looked back to the class, I raised my hand with the rest of the class and tilted my head slightly, seeing Erwin pick on another student "Hades is the lord of the underworld and brother of Zeus" a student spoke, I leant back and let the class go on I took some extra notes.

The class finally finished and people started filling out "(y/n) you're not coming with?" Eren  was already halfway up the stairs as he looked down at me, I shook my head and picked up my bag "I gotta ask Mr.Smith something about my gradings , got a weird email last night about it and I wanna make sure it isn't fucked" Eren nodded his head and walked out, the last few people left the classroom as Erwin spun on his chair, resting his arm on the arm rests as the last person left and the door swung shut, I walked over to him and leant against the desk "you wanted to talk to me sir?" I smiled softly holding back my smirk, Erwin traced his pen up the side of my legs, up to my thigh and stopped at the hem of my skirt, he stayed silent for a moment while he leant forward in his chair as he pulled himself up "You trying to kill me dressing like that? Took my entire being to not throw you on my desk the second I saw you walk in" He spoke lowly and sultry, my stomach now doing flips as he towered over me, his hand grasping onto my waist as he pulled me closer to his hips, I gripped onto the desk and looked at him as a smirk crept up on my face "I'm taking that as you like the outfit, thought I'd dress accordingly and inspired by Persephone if we're talking about forbidden love, doesn't it sound familiar? Erwin?" Our faces now inches apart, I leant forward towards his lips unable to contain myself, my hand slid itself up his neck as I pulled his head closer to mine, our lips grazing against each other's as he gripped onto my thigh pushing me back onto the desk, my thigh crept up to his hip before hearing the door swing open "Erwinnn- HOLY SHIT" Hange swung the door open with a brown haired man next to her, i recognised him as the assistant to Hange, I think his name was Moblit. Erwin jumped back and raised his hands, my eyes widened as I fixed my skirt and gulped "Hey Hange! That wasn't what it looked like!" Erwin raised his hands and shook them defensively, I itched the back of my neck and looked at Moblit as Hange cussed Erwin out "do you have any idea what trouble you'll get into?!" Hange smacked the back of his head, I felt guilty, I had no right to risk his career just for some stupid feelings.
But I loved the risk and I think Erwin definitely did too, my life was always too safe I never went against the norm and just stayed floating in life. "Would you keep your voice down?" Erwin tried calming down Hange as she started laughing, Moblit rubbed her shoulders and stayed quiet, I itched the back of my neck whilst leaning against the desk not really knowing what to do. "It's not like she's underage, she's 23 and I'm 35 it's not that big of an age gap" Erwin tried explaining the situation, I held back a laugh not realising that Erwin was 12 years older than me, I knew he was older but not that older.
"Look I'm not gonna stop you or get involved because if you get fired I don't want that to bite me in the ass, also cause I like (y/n) she didn't get freaked out when I asked a bunch of questions about her blood" Hange sighed and rubbed her temple before turning around towards the door, placing her hand on the handle before taking one last look at Erwin "At least levi will be happy, you've gone for someone that he likes" I looked down at my feet feeling guilty as Hange and Moblit left the room, I sighed and saw Erwin's shadow peer over me, I looked up with watery eyes "hey hey what's wrong?" Erwin's mood changed as he quickly cupped my cheek, his thumb grazing my cheekbones as he leant close "I just feel really bad, I don't want to risk your career just for some fling" my eyes met Erwin's as he shook his head, I sniffled and held onto his wrist "Don't feel bad, we both made this decision, if you don't want to go through with it then it's your choice, I really like you (y/n)" Erwin stroked my cheek, of course I didn't want to leave him I want this risk and I want him. I got up and wiped my eyes walking towards the door, I locked the door and looked at Erwin "I don't want to go, I want you" I walked back to Erwin, leaning him against the desk as I placed my hand on his chest, finally closing the gap between us, I stood up on my tiptoes and pressed my lips against his.
Finally. Finally!

I kissed him softly and placed my other hand on his neck, Erwin paused before kissing me back, he had slight force in his kiss as he gripped onto my thigh pulling it up, picking me up and turning us around sitting me onto his desk. Running my hand through his hair I kissed him deeper, parting my lips for our tongues to meet, he moves his one hand on my back to now onto my ass, gripping onto my thigh tighter, after all the time longing for him it finally happened.
Erwin's lips parted from mine, a line of silver hanging from our lips as he looked at me, lust filling his eyes as he moved down and began kissing my neck, I bit my lip and gripped onto his hair, pulling him closer by wrapping a leg around his waist. I felt his lips attack my neck as he bit hard by my collarbone, a soft moan escaped my lips as he pulled away, a shocked look spread across his face "what?.. is there something wrong?" I wiped my mouth and leant forward, I held onto my neck trying to feel if there was blood or something "I may of left a hickey on you.. maybe 3"

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