Chapter 6 - Dumbfounding Aura

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I woke up on Mikasa's sofa, my head spinning as I groaned sitting up, I rubbed my eyes and noticed I had Reiner's hoodie on "afternoon" Reiner chuckled and handed me a glass, seeing some painkillers at the bottom fizzing away as the bubbles rised to the top, I downed the substance and groaned looking at the brute "that's not vodka.." Reiner nodded and put the glass down and sat next to me, spreading his arms out along the back of the sofa, I rest my head against his chest and yawned just wanting to go back to sleep, I closed my eyes only to hear a crashing noise from the bathroom "fuck sake connie! Don't use my toothbrush!!"Mikasa kicked Connie out of the bathroom, I groaned at the loud noise and stood up rubbing my forehead "I'm gonna go out for fresh air" I put on my boots and walked towards the door, out of the corner of my eye I could see Eren smirk at me as I walked out, I rolled my eyes and went back to the bench and sat down.
I took a deep breath and looked at my cast, a soft smile crept up on my face, Cygnus's constellation, I knew once he drew that on the cast that it would be a huge staple in our relationship.
I closed my eyes and felt the breeze blow my hair back, I felt at peace even if my head was spinning slowly from the hangover, I still had my dress on from last night with Reiner's jacket draped over my shoulders as it was practically nearly down to my knees.
You couldn't get this sense of peace at the dorms or even at the campus for that matter, it didn't bother me that it smelt like cigarette smoke and the bench was slightly sticky.

Erwin POV
I looked out my kitchen window and saw (y/n) on the same bench as last night, my face softened seeing her feeling a warmth surround my body. I bit my lip and looked around the kitchen trying to find something for an excuse to see her, I made us both cups of coffee but with hers I added whipped cream ontop and red velvet sprinkles ontop. This feeling inside of me was definitely inappropriate and I could definitely have my position as a professor questioned by the board, there shouldn't be anything wrong with students and staff being friends... well, maybe not as close as we are.
Me drawing the Cygnus constellation defiantly was out of pocket, how could I so casually draw the constellation of love, friendship and anniversaries on a student. I sighed and put on my slip on shoes and walked out of my house with two cups in hand, I took a deep breath before walking towards the bench, my footsteps were quiet on the soft concrete below us. My eyes drew to her seeing her eyes were shut, the sun shone on her perfectly as she was practically glowing.. she looked like a goddess and I was blessed to be in her presence. I stood to the side of her and cleared my throat, her eyes opened as she drew her attention to me, her beaming (eye colour) softly lit up as she looked at me, a soft tired smile spread across her face "Morning Mr.Smith" It wasn't even morning, it was 2pm on a Saturday. Her lack of knowledge on what time was adorable, I coughed and held out the cup "I made you a drink, thought it might help with your hangover" her hands reached out to mine as she held onto the cup with both of her hands, our fingertips lightly grazing each others, her hands were so dainty compared to mine, truly built like a goddess. I sat beside her and took a sip of my coffee, I noticed the navy blue jacket draped across her shoulders, seeing the name 'Reiner' embroidered onto the chest, she took a sip of the coffee and hummed "this is amazing thank you" She smiled brightly not realising the whip cream left on her nose and upper lip, I chuckled and found her dumbfounding aura adorable, I leant forward and wiped the whip cream off her nose "you forgot there was whip cream" a bright blush spread across her face as she hid her face back in the mug, I looked back out at the view, the view was of the fields and forests, oak and spruce trees painted perfectly in place, I looked to my side and looked at (y/n) the view of the trees may be beautiful but I loved the view of her in peace. Her dainty hands cupped the mug as she finished her drink, the placed the mug on her thighs as her eyes opened and went towards me, "Mr. Smith why are you being so kind to me?" I paused at her question, I couldn't tell her the real reason being that I thought she was attractive in the library and after finding out she was as deep into mythology as I was I became infatuated with her and once realising she was my student it was like a forbidden interest.
"You're not like any student I've had before, you actually put a lot of time and effort into your work and you are motherly to your friends and when you're unable to be motherly to them they easily take care of you at a drop of a hat" I chirped and smiled, her face softened in response for a moment before she gave me a closed eye smile, I need to stop feeling this way towards her, I'm going to get us in trouble.
She smiled and got up placing the mug gently down on the bench, her posture perfect even if she was hungover and drained "I better go before Eren shows up, he's already making jokes that I wanna sleep with you" she chuckled softly and placed her hand on my chest standing beside me, her palm just above my sternum as her eyes went from ahead to mine, her eyes still glowing in the sun even if her makeup was smudging away she was hard to look away from. "I'll see you on Monday, hopefully this hangover is gone by then" she pat my chest twice before walking past me, her shoulder grazing my forearm as she walked, I'd say she's even shorter than Levi.
I watched her go back inside as I exhaled, the amount of tension between us is hard to overcome and go through without making any wrong doing.

What is she doing to me.

(Y/n) said that Eren Jaeger was making jokes about us, if the wrong person heard that it could ruin my career and put (y/n)'s studies to waste and expell her, I can't have everything ruin for her just cause of some little feelings.
I picked up the mugs and walked back to my house, it being across the street from the apartment complex she was staying in, I sighed walking inside and put down the cups. My eyes glanced over to The Song Of Achilles book on my bookshelf, realising what I had to do to stop the inevitable expulsion and having my teaching license taken away I'm going to have to avoid her as much as I can, bit difficult to do as her teacher but I should be able to do it. How hard can it be ?

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