Chapter 23

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Adam POV

"What's wrong Owen?" I ask. Owen started to freak out right after he saw the map.
"Where were going it's, its... THE WITCH! MARISSA!" Owen yells holding his head eyes open wide. (they don't really like each other in real life so why not in the book?😋)
"Oh! You know Marissa?" The principal asks.
"How do you know her?" Owen asks seeming to be fine for the moment.
"I went to her 100th birthday."
"100th?!?!" Everyone says in unison except for me.
"Did no one know that?" I ask.
"How do you know that?" Jaime asks with mixed emotions on her face.
"Well she's my aunt." I say everyone turns to me stunned.
"Well Marissa is the sister of Herobrine." Ty's says. I glare at him. he imedatly realizes what he said and covers his mouth.
"That's so," Jaime says backing up eyes growing wide. "AWESOME!!!" She starts bouncing off the walls and the she stops smile forming into sadness, then smiling again.
"Why did you get sad?" I ask confused. first she was so amazed about me being Herobrines son then randomly she got sad then she started to smile again but I could see the sadness in her eyes.
"The only way I can stop my self from breaking everything is to think of something sad."
"But your still-" Jaime cuts me off.
"We should get to bed we don't want to be tired when we start to go to marissas." She says pushing everyone out. for that night I was trying to find out what was wrong with Jaime and then I remembered what my dad taught me. If I think hard enough about one person then I can see what there future is supposed to be like. I start to think really hard about Jaime and then I see it. Me and Jaime. Me jabbing a sword through Jamie's heart her still smiling but tears running through her eyes. I open my eyes and try to sneak out of the room.
"Sky?" I hear cam say sleepily.
"Just going for a little walk." I whisper leaving the room. I run through the hallways looking for Amelia and Jamie's room. I knock on the door and luckily Jaime answers.
"Sky? It's like ten at night!" She whisper shouted.
"Yeah but I need to talk to you! I know why you were sad!" She drags me outside.
"Never speak about that ever again." She says. I've never seen her this serious. she always has that same smile plastered on her face but seeing her like this just makes her seem scary. "it said on the prophecy that Herobrine and his son will come and destroy our land and I will have to slay the son which should stop everything but with a price." Tears forming in her eyes.
"Jaime" I start but she cut me off tears pouring from her eyes now.
"I wasn't even supposed to be coming to this school! I ran away from home to come here! My whole life has been training. I wasn't allowed to do anything in my life!" I was so speechless. she was training for the moment where she would try to kill me for her whole life and she even had to run away to come here. "I couldn't believe that I was able to come here, and I even made friends!"

Jaime POV

I could feel the tears burning to my face. When I finally finished I could see Adam staring at my marks from my face from crying. "The price to pay is death. Once I kill you or try, Herobrine is supposed to come and take my soul."

Hey guys what's up I'm gonna say two things. one, because I can already see you guys getting angry at me for making it all about Jaime but I still haven't decided what. Well I did but then I didn't like it, and two, I'm making a new book and I may or may not post it cause I think you would all call me a fangirl. so if you promise not to call me a fangirl then I'll post it. so see you guys later and write in the comments what you want to see. I listen! 😝

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