Chapter 27

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??? POV

I was walking back to my room to when I saw a big group of people.
"Well he's a wizard." I hear the girl say.
"Hey! I was supposed to say that!" It was my roommate, Payton.
"Hey Payton." I say walking over.
"What's up Tyler."
"Nothing much." I say.
"Is he a hybrid?" The girl asks.
"Can we first introduce everyone?"

-After introducing cause 'm lazy-

"So are you a hybrid?" Amelia asks.
"What hybrid?"
"I'm a magma cube hybrid."
"So your like Jaime."
"Jaime can't be a magma cube hybrid. All magma cube hybrids live in the same village. I've never seen her. there is a lot of story's of some ghost girl that appears every few days. I've even seen her." I say.
"Can we hear the story?" Jerome asks.
"Sure. Once upon a time a young girl was trapped in her house by her parents. You would never see anyone in that family leave there property. One day there was a funeral held in her place. is was said she suicided. No one really knows. this happened years ago but people still say they can see her floating around the village sometimes."
"That's not the true story." I look around for the voice. It was Jaime.
"It's the story every kid was told."
"Yeah. I'm not every kid."
"Then tell us the story you heard!" Mitch says excitedly.
"Oh I love this story," Alex says. We all stare at him. "We're childhood friends. Of course I've heard the story.
"Here I go. Once upon a time there was a family consisting of a mother, a father, And the only daughter. They lived in peace until they found out that there daughter was destined to kill the greatest villains son. Things went down hill from there. The parents never let her out. She was forced into training for her whole life. One day the pressure got to her and she snapped. The son hadn't even be born yet and she was made into a weapon. So she hung herself. Her parents then got a wizard to make them a curse. The next reserection of this girl will never be able to die unless it was by the hands of the greatest villains son. She was forced to practice until she ran away and hasn't been seen since then."
"But which story is true?"
"I think mine," I say "Because everyone knows my story but she's the only one who knows that one."
"Oh, but mine is true."
"And how can you prove that?"
"Because it was my father that said the curse," Alex says. "Me and the girl were friends because I lived with her till I moved and went to school. Then the girl ran away from home and came to this very school."
"That was a bit of an over exaggeration." Jaime mumbles.
"Your that girl?!?" Owen yells in surprise.
"Yeah. Adam knew too." We all turn to him.
"That's a completely different reason." We turn back to Jaime.
"Who's the person you have to fight?" Jason asks. She was about to say something when she looks over our shoulders and her eyes widen.
"I have to go do something." She says quickly. And with that she stands up and jumps away.
"Hey, have you seen a girl with long red hair, orange eyes, and pale skin? Her name is Jaime." Then his eyes fall on Adam. Swiftly, he goes up to Adam and brings a sword to his neck.
"What are you doing?!?!" Ty yells.
"Ending a destiny. My master will be pleased." All the sudden there was a swift breeze and Jaime appeared again, glaring at the man. the man dropped the sword and goes on one knee. Jaime walks over to him and grabs him by the collar lifting him by up probably choking him.
"What do you think your doing." He spits out at him.
"Please mistress! You know who he is! He has to die!"
"He's just done the same thing I did."
"Please! You must come home!" She slams him to the ground and puts a sword to there neck.
"Why would I go back."
"Your father needs you to train! You aren't strong enough!"
"Do you think he'd be conivnced if I send back your dead body?" His eyes widen.
"Please mistress! They made me!" She pulls him back up and smiles.
"I can't kill you Fred. Your my only friend at home. And how many times I have said to call me Jaime! Now, go tell them to get me them self. Second time I'm sending someone to tell them this."
"Oh, but we have come."

CLIFTHANGER!!! Yeah, I've turned it into a tradition to add anyone in my class or any of my friends who have wattpad, into this book. Tyler is in my class and is my friend I think. Go follow him. His username is tyguy384. I may be adding another person soon because I convinced the person maybe but yeah. Hope your liking the book so far and I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye!

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