Chapter 6

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Claire's POV

"Hi I'm Paige."

Paige had whitish purplish hair, pale skin and hazel eyes. she wore a white sweater and black pants. she had white and black high tops

"Are you a ghast hybrid?"


"Oh, well I'm Claire these people here are Amelia, Jaime and Cam. Amelia is a enderman hybrid, Jamie is a magma cube hybrid, Cam is a slime hybrid and I'm a bat hybrid."

"Cool. Umm, can I join your group?"

"Heck yea!" We all say

??? POV

'(1)Why are they staring at us? (3)I don't know maybe because the three of us look alike in every way? (2)And we're walking in sync. (1)Good point. Hey should we go into one body? (2)Wouldn't we have three heads? (3)No. Unless we're in wither form. (1)well let's go to the bathroom and change.'

After changing I go to my room and start upacking. 'has my roommate already been here?' when Idon't have three bodies I only have one person talking in my head. 'heh luckily I brought three beds. better change back. "Hey guys!" I say

"Been awile" says Anderson

"Should we start unpacking?"askes Evan.

"Sure" we say

"Let's do bunk beds"

"Ok"they say in unsion.

After unpacking they hear someone unlocking the door '(1)quick go into one person!' (2,3)right!'

'Just in time' I think. "hi roommate!"



"Awesome!" We both say.

Hey guys I'm back saying you have now met everyone Owen is in the book because me and him and all of the other people are all great friends me and Owen may fight but but we always make up in the end. and now I have some things to say. one, I'm taking a break for a bit to say I'm gonna ask if you want anyone to like someone and does that person like them back. keep in mind I will be adding witherMU, Skybrine and enderlox so make your desion and write down in the comments. Oh yeah! almost forgot. the next few chapters are gonna be back story's on how they became a hybrid so hope you enjoy and see you later😋

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