Chapter 5

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Paige's POV

I'm walking through the halls everyone laughing at me. I decide to walk instead of floating. ' I wish they treat us normally' "hey

how 'bout you give us a tear and save us killing your kind!"

"How 'bout I punch you in the face and get you tear and see how you like it" I say since I'm not in ghast form I shoot fire balls from my hands.

"Hey I don't want to get in trouble already." he says backing off.

"Good." I say deciding to float off. now that they know not to mess with hybrid I don't care about showing off. A few minuets after unpacking I here people coming down.

Claire's POV

"Here's my room!" I say as I unlock the door. "Hello?" I say

"Hi I'm Paige!"

Hey guys what's up! this chapter you met my friend Paige. Paige is a great friend and she is in the book because she's kind, nice and always helps friends in need.

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