Chapter 2

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Amelia's POV

"You lost who?" I ask

"George, my pet magma cube."

"He may be small but if he gets scared, nervous or angry he can burn this whole place down."

"Well what are we waiting for! what's his favourite food??" I say.

"Lava rocks." she says holding some out. "well let's get going!" I say as we run off.

??? POV

As I'm walking down the hall I start to hear a noise, since I have super sonic hearing and all. 'it sounds like a magma cube!' I thought, scared I transform into a bat.

Amelia's POV

"Have you seen a little magma cube

by it self?"we ask over and over again. "a little magma cube?" some one says. a cloud of smoke appears and then a girl comes out. "hi I'm Claire and I think you need my help." she says. "I'm a bat hybrid so I can here quieter sounds that other people can't. I heard your magma cube come this way." Claire finished.

Claire look like such a nice person dark brown hair with little bat ears black dress and a vanilla sent she also had little fangs."my mom forgot to pack me a hood or a hat to cover my ears." she says sadly.

"Here you need this more than me, besides I'll just wear these glasses." I say giving her the hood.

Hey guy I'm back to say i'll be introducing every character and why there in it. I'll start with Amelia. Amelia in real life is my best friend me and her live close to each other we play a lot. me and her like pretty much all the same things and she is so nice to me so I decided to add her in my book. now Claire is in the the book cause she is also one of friends, she is always there when know one else is and we always make sure we're never lonely if one of us is alone we go over there. that's all for now see you guys later!

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