Chapter 8

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Jaime's POV

"Can you guess what all of us all or do we need to tell you?"

"Well I can tell a few of you but I don't know the rest. you are a ghast hybrid."

"Yep. I'm Paige" says Paige

"You are a slime and your a magma cube?"

"You think I'm a slime and I am HOLDING a magma cube and you think Cam's a magma cube and he has green hair? messed up, but so am I. I'm Jaime." I say high giving him.

"You I don't know. also why is there a bat flying around?"

"CLAIRE COME MEET ADAM!" Amelia yells. a poof of brown smoke and Claire appers.

"You don't have to yell Amelia, just for that I'm telling him what hybrid you are. she's an enderman hybrid."

"NO!" She says teleporting out of the room. a second later she comes back. "how many people are in you dorm?"

"Three I thought." says Owen.

Ty's POV

*knock knock knock*

"Who is it?" someone yells.

"Ty and Jason. Were looking for Adam."

"Well let's all meet at the park there's no room in here." Says a girl voice

'Are there girls in there?' I think to my self.

"Who's all in there?" Jason yells








"Well I guess we'll see you at the park." I say.

"SEE YOU THERE!" Adam yells

"OW!" everyone in the room yells to Adam.

"We'll see you there." me and Jason say walking away.

A/N looks like I forgot to post

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