Chapter 15

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Claire's POV

I can wait to see the talent show! "com'on guys! Hurry up! I want to get good seats!" I say.

"My legs are getting tired though." Owen complianed.

"You can float though!"

"Oh yeah."

"Wait what are you doing here? your in the talent show."

"Oh crap! you right! see you later!" he says running off. When we make it to the talent show jaime's first.

"Introducing... Jaime! Sining build it up!"

After the announcement Jaime walked on. Jaime was wearing a red dress with flames at the bottom (it didn't catch the floor on fire.)

(A/N the italics on my I pod aren't working so I'm just putting "" things. also look up the song on I tube or you tube).

" walking around in a new land.

exploring every little block.

I want to build something really grand, Using tons of wood and rocks. I was told that I am out of my mind, just because I had a dream.

but I know I build cause I'm part mankind.

My house will be supreme.

I'll build it up and make a city.

to the mobs I won't have pity.

all this time I was mining by myself and I, never built under the sky.

I'll build it up and make a city.

to the mobs I won't have pity.

all this time I was mining by myself and I, never built under the sky."

"Wow she's really good." Jason whispers.

"I know" I whisper back.

"I tried creating a house all alone.

but the people put me down.

I be laughing when I'm sitting on my throne,

sitting with my royal crown.

now they wished they helped me with my world,

cause I rule all the land

and all the people who put me down, look who's got the commands.

I'll build it up and make a city.

to the mobs I won't have pity.

all this time I was mining by myself and I, never built under the sky.

I'll build it up and make a city.

to the mobs I won't have pity.

all this time I was mining by myself and I, never built under the sky."

When she finishes the place goes black and all you can see is the fire, then it burns out. cheers roars through the crowd as the next person gets introduced.

"Please get ready for Alex doing magic!"

When the lights come back on Alex is there floating on stage.

😋😋Third person POV 😋😋

"For my first trick I needs volunteer. how 'bout you, Claire."

"How do you know my name?" Claire asked.

"I can read minds. Not really I know everyone's name. okay pick a card in your mind and it will pop up." Alex said. soon enough, the ace of hearts popped up and showed it to the audience. *off the stage.*

"Hey guys what did I miss?" Jaime asked.

"Claire is up on stage got chosen for a magic show." Adam said.

"A magic show really! I love magic shows! I had a friend he was a sorcer but then his parents got divorced so he and his mom left the biome." She said finishing looking quite sad.

"Who is he?" Paige asked

"Alex. why you ask?" Jaime said.

"Because i think he's up on stage right now." Paige said pointing to the stage.

"Really!?!?" she says looking up on stage.

Alex POV

"Now when your hand floats over your card you will feel a light shock." I say to Claire. As Claire waves her hand over her card I see her flinch.

"Is this your card?" I say showing her the ace of hearts.

"Yes. yes it is."

"Thanks for the great card trick. please welcome next Amelia and Owen!" the announcer says as me and Claire walk off stage.

"Miss me?" I hear a familiar voice say


Hey guys just finish now at 10:33 PM at night and man am I tired so I'm say bye and write to ya next chapter!

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