Chapter 29

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Claire's POV

I am so worried! We haven't found her anywhere! There starting to think she was kidnapped! That can't be right. Jaime would never let her guard down! Would she?
"Claire! Hurry up!" I look at them and see I was far behind.
"I'm comi-" Before I could finish, I was knocked out.

Amelia's POV

"Claire?" I turn around. Claire dissapeared! "Guys! Claire's go-" I look around and no one was there. My eyes widen and I quickly teleport to the boys room.

Adam's POV

We were getting a bit worried since no one was coming back when Amelia teleports in with tears filling her eyes.
"Where is everyone?" Ty asks.
"T-There gone!" I stand up.
"W-When we went looking for Jaime, we couldn't find her so we were coming back here! B-But on the w-away back, Claire wasn't going fast so I told her t-to go faster. A-And when I turned around she, she was gone! When I went to ask if the others saw her t-they were gone to!" She stutters. My eyes widen. Jaime was gone? Why did I care so much! The others were gone to but I only cared she was gone! I saw Ty's eyes widen. I knew she liked Claire. The lights suddenly turn black, we hear a scream and the lights turn back on. Amelia was gone. We were sitting there stunned when a flickering light started to appear.
"H-Hello?" I knew that voice! It was Jaime!
"Jaime! Where are you?" I ask. The picture appears. Jaime was sitting in a cage in a, swamp?
"I-I don't know. I'm floating in water sorounded by water and my powers don't work on the cage. you mustn't come looking for me!" She says scaredly looking around.
"But the others have gone missing too! They must be by you!" I protest.
"No! No one is h-here!" She says as though she's about to faint.
"We still need to come looking for you!"
"N-No! None of y-you can c-come! You'll h-hurt yourself!" She stutters. The scene starts to fade not before we see a blast of water going through her stomach.
"Jaime! Jaime!" I yell trying to make the scene come back. Weirdly enough it does. But it wasn't like before. it didn't have the orange tinge to it. There was just Jaime, lying on the ground, with a hole through her stomach. She was coughing up blood.
"I-I must make it b-back." She stutters. She must not know we can see her. Then I notice all the scars on her arms. When did she get those? She grabs the bars trying to pull herself up. She grabs onto the bars and concentrates on the bars. she closes her eyes and a fiery aura appears around her.
"No..." I hear Tyler mumble.
"What's she doing?"
"She's turning into a flame to escape... No one has ever survived that!" He says. I turn back to her worried. She has to stop! She'll kill herself! Instead of turning into a flame she smirks and stands up. This person seemed different. This didn't seem like the normal Jaime. She touched the cage and it immediately melted. The cage was made out of bedrock!! How did she do that?!?! The Fire dissapeared around her and I look at her closely. She wasn't Jaime.
"That's not Jaime." I say backing away from the screen. This girl had bright orange eyes and complete yellow hair with a stripe of white. Her skin was pale and the was no scar visible. She also was taller then usual. She stands up and stretches. The hole in her stomach was gone.
"It's good to be back in my real form!" She smiles. What did she mean by real form?
"Who is this?" Ty asks. All the sudden her head snaps in this direction. She glares at the screen. She raises her hand and the screen gets set on fire.

Jaime's POV

Ah! So good to be back to normal! That other form is so I don't scare people. But man! I love my real form. I wonder where that spy camera played to. So, my friends told me all the girls were kidnapped. Why only the girls? I start to fly around when I come across another cage. Claire was sitting there unconscious. She wasn't in water. She was just in a open meadow. I go down and over to the cage.
"Claire! Claire! Wake up!" I say banging on the cage. She wakes up and looks at me startled.
"Are you the one who took me here? Why are you keeping me hostage!" She yells trying to break through.
"Oh yeah, I look like my normal self." I mumble. I turn back to my fake self and she looks at me shocked. Then I turn back to normal.
"Jaime?" She asks startled.
"Bingo! Now, stay still." I take out my finger and it lights on fire. Trace around the cage and it melts.
"How, what, huh?" I laugh.
"This is my real form."
"Then what about the other you?"
"That's so I don't scare people."
"Are you still the same age as us?" She asks.
"A year older. My other form makes me look a year younger. Now, come on! The other girls were kidnapped too! We have to hurry up!" She turns into bat form and we go to the sky.
"I'm so confused. Which version of you is the real one?" She asks.
"This one. The other one is an illusion. Most people can't see past it. Even people who have known me forever can't see past it. I only use go in this form when I think no ones watching or danger is near. My real form allows me to use all my magic at its full strength and allows me to heal almost instantly."
"Oh. Will you be staying in this form forever now?"
"No. only you will ever see it. So don't go around saying my real form is this." I smile.

Claire POV

This is so weird! This is the real Jaime? It seems so weird. And then it hits me.
"I know why they kidnapped all the girls!" I blurt out.
"We all have something different. You have the power to melt bedrock and have a different form. Marissa is the most powerful sorceress, Amelia is the only ended dragon hybrid that's a girl! But that leaves me and Paige..."
"What's your secret?" She smiles. It feels weird talking to her in this form. She's so different. Instead of her dark red eyes, they were bright orange. Her short curly red hair was long wavy yellow hair with a white stripe. She was taller too! Her freckles and tanned skin were gone and was now pale.
"I'maprincess." I say quickly hoping she didn't hear me.
"Your a princess! I knew I recognized you! I went to one of your parties!" I remember her! She was so mean back then. She stayed in the back glaring at everyone!
"You were so men back then!"
"I didn't want to go. My parents were working on a peace agreement with you guys so they made me come. Now, let's hurry up. We won't find them by going slow!" And with that we were off.

I think that made an interesting turn. Now if you notice, at the begining, I made Adam like Jaime. And Jaime is going to like him back. This was a friend from camps idea, but if you can remember, Jaime and Adam are supposed to have a fight to the death later on. I just made Ty like Claire because I felt like it. But yeah, I hope you'real liking the book so far and I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye!

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