Chapter 31

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Adams POV

Today was the day. I see Jaime again. I was pissed off at that girl. Lying to us her entire life, then just dissapearing? What a nerve that girl has. There was a knock at my door and I head over.
"Hey dude. We came to watch the fight." Ty says holding up popcorn.
"It's like you think this is a movie." I mumble. Everyone comes in and I scan the room. They still haven't found Tyler.
"Yo! Meatball head! You coming out here or am I coming in? I'll give you Three seconds! One..."
"Who is that?" I say grabbing my sword.
"She has some nerve messing with me." I grumble.
"Three!" The door blast open and I girl with long wavy yellow hair appears. I knew her straight away.
"You!" I growl. She looks at me with cold heartless eyes.
"What about it?" She says coldly.
"As soon as you appeared Jaime disappeared!"
"You still can't figure it out?" She says with an evil grin.
"Stop it! This isn't funny anymore!" Claire yells.
"Claire!" Ty yells as she runs forward.
"The little princess want to anger me again? You remember your birthday. You remember what I did." She stops and stares at the other girl scaredly.
"N-Not again." She mumbles.
"Now go back to you boyfriend. We have some business to take care of." She says charging at me.

Tyler's POV

I sneak into his mansion and go join the others.
"What did I miss?" I ask Ty. He looks at me amazed.
"Tyler! Where have you been all this time?!?!" He asks startled.
"With Jaime," I look down and see he has popcorn. "You really brought popcorn?"
"Want some?"
"No! That's completely disrespectful!"
"So, where's Jaime?" He asks looking around.
"She didn't tell you guys before she started?"
"Tell us what?"
"That's Jaime." I say point to the person fighting Adam.
"T-That's Jaime?!?!" He stutters dropping all his popcorn.
"Yeah. Can't believe that's what she actually looks like."
"Oh hey Tyler! Did you just tell him about Jaime?"
"Yeah. Can't believe you didn't. Thought you two were dating."
"It d-didn't really come up in conversations," She mumbles. "Well now she's back to her old self."
"Cold and heartless is her old self?" Ty asks.
"Yeah." Me and her say in unison. We stare at eachother amazed.
"How do you know that?" I ask her.
"Me and her we're friends when we were younger. Jaime... the name should of tipped me off. How do you know that?"
"I've been spending the last three years with her. I still can't believe she's a year older than us."
"She's my age?!?!" Ty asks amazed.
"If only Adam knew that sooner..." He mumbles. I watch the fight worriedly. One of them is going to die.
"What are you fighting me for?!?! I did nothing to you!" He yells.
"I can't tell you why. You just have to figure out." She says normally. All the sudden her eyes widen and so do mine. She was jabbed straight in the heart.
"That's what you get for randomly fighting me." He growls. She falls to the ground with the sword in her chest. I stared at her helplessly. He starts to turn the sword then pulls it out of her chest. She starts to cough up blood before smiling.
"I-I'm so h-happy. Y-You will live your l-life fully n-now." She faces straight still smiling as her eyes glaze over.
"W-What?" I says startled. He starts to look around annoyed. "Where's Jaime? She should be her by now." He mumbles walking away. I run up to Jaime and start to shake her.
"W-Wake up, Wake up! Y-You can't d-die on me!" I yell shaking her. Adam turns around and looks at me startled.
"T-Tyler! When did you-" I stand up, pick Jaime up, and glare at him.
"You are a cold heartless man." I growl. He glares a me.
"What did you-" He charges at me sword and out I put out my hand. As soon as the sword touches my hand it melts.
"You will not kill anymore innocent lives today." I run outside and bring her to the lava pool. Claire joins me seconds later along with Ty.
"Do you think that will work?" She asks.
"I don't know. We're known for are quick healing skills when lava is near. Since she can already heal by herself without lava, there is hope." All the sudden Adam stomps out glaring.
"What are you doing? You can't save her! She's evil!" Unexpectedly, Claire stands up and slaps him in the face.
"Claire..." I start.
"You are a cold heartless man. Even colder then her heart. She had the choice not to come yet she did. She knew she couldn't beat you yet she came anyways. As long as she, she..." She dropped to her knees and started to cry. Ty comes up and rubs her back.
"As long as she could see everyone one last time. It was ethier fight and see everyone again or just dissapear and never been seen again." I finish. I stand up and drop her in the lava then stand back. The lava starts to bubble and her lifeless body starts to float above the surface. A bright light swarms her. So bright we had to cover our eyes. When I look back the cut was starting to heal. All the sudden a voice starts to speak.
"Thank you for freeing my soul. I can now live in peace knowing the destiny has been finished. I'm sorry to say your friend won't be able to sustain this life. But if you want I can give her a new one."Before I could answer Claire jolts up.
"Yes! Let her live a normal life!"
"It will be your duty to look after her," All the sudden a sprit appears. The bright light sorounding Jaime disappears and a baby appears. "Take care, Jaime." The spirt kisses her on the head, then disappears.
"That's Jaime?" Adam asks amazed.
"Yes. The form you met her in was an illusion." I say. The baby drops in Claire's hand and Ty comes up behind her.
"Jaime will have a wonderful life." She says Happily. The baby opens its eyes and starts to giggle. Adam comes over and kisses her on the forehead.
"If I knew... it's my fault she's stuck like this!" He covers his face with his hands.
"Atleast she'll have a normal life. Maybe we all will for once." I smile.
"Adam. Will you be her godfather?" Claire asks. Adam stares at her amazed.
"I would be honoured." He picks up the baby and smiles. The rest off my friends come out and look at the baby. Then Marissa and Payton come up. Marissa waves her wand
"May she be blessed with kindness." She says. Then Payton comes up
"May she look the same as she started as." Our quest was finally done. I wonder what will be next.

Yes! I made an ending! I feel like that's a great way to end it. I'm just happy I finished a book! One day when I learn how, I hope to enter this into the wattys. Until that day, I hope this book becomes a great book. Now, I don't know if I should do this. Should I make a second book to the seires? Tell me in the comments! I'm so happy that I finished my first book! I hope you like it! See you later! Bye!

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